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电动助力转向系统的回正与主动阻尼控制策略研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孟涛  陈慧  余卓平  李莉 《汽车工程》2006,28(12):1125-1128,1061
针对配备电动助力转向系统的车辆低速时回正性差,而中高速时又容易出现回正超调的现象,提出了一种新型的回正与主动阻尼控制策略。该控制策略以功能原理为理论基础,可以随车速和转向盘转角的不同而调整回正力矩或阻尼力矩的大小。实车试验的结果证明,该控制策略能够改善车辆低速时的回正性,抑制车辆中高速时的回正超调现象,并且在施加了回正与主动阻尼控制后,驾驶员的操纵手感没有受到不良的影响。  相似文献   
RQ11动力总成悬置系统设计分析与试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在建立RQ11G动力总成悬置系统的6自由度刚体振动微分方程基础上,分析比较了RQ11G动力总成系统悬置改进前后的固有频率、能量解耦度。通过在试车场进行的整车道路试验,比较分析了RQ11G动力总成系统悬置改进前后的隔振性能、存在的问题,验证了理论分析的结果。结果表明,通过合理设计车辆动力总成悬置系统固有频率和提高能量解耦度可有效降低车辆的振动与噪声,提高乘坐舒适性。探索了建立动力总成悬置系统一整套完整的设计、开发、试验保证体系。  相似文献   
以青藏铁路静态轨检车实测轨道不平顺数据为统计样本,基于样本平稳性检验,采用快速傅里叶变换方法进行样本空间的谱估计,并由MATLAB编程得到轨道不平顺谱密度。通过对比分析,发现青藏铁路无缝线路试验段建成1年多并通车近4个月以后,轨道高低、方向和轨距不平顺特征未发生明显改变,轨道状态基本稳定;试验段轨道状态良好,与我国一级干线轨道具有相似的平顺性特征;无缝线路轨道高低和方向2~4 m短波不平顺优于有缝线路轨道。  相似文献   
针对集通铁路的长大隧道,论述分布式基站和数字光纤直放站的两种冗余方案,通过分析比较两种方案的单网交织以及同站址双网冗余覆盖方式,推荐采用分布式基站单网交织冗余方案.  相似文献   
[目的]为了实现舰船蒸汽动力系统的数字化、网络化和智能化,提出一种总体数字孪生模型应用体系.[方法]从物理对象、过程要素、生命周期及虚拟空间这4个维度,提出基于数字孪生的舰船蒸汽动力系统总体"四维思想模型",并创建总体全生命周期的"五阶体系模型",涵盖概念论证、系统设计、总装建造、试验试航及运维保障这5个典型的阶段.通...  相似文献   
湛江东海岛近岸潮流场数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李国杰  胡建平 《水道港口》2007,28(5):325-330
将Smagorinsky亚网格模型引入ADCIRC潮流模型求解涡粘性系数,使模型在模拟近岸潮流方面更加合理。为进一步揭示中海油气开发利用公司广东沥青项目码头工程海域的潮流变化,利用改进的ADCIRC模型对湛江东海岛海域潮流场进行了合理地模拟和分析。结果表明该工程港池和进港支航道的开挖对湛江主航道影响很小。工程建设只改变了工程区海域的局部流态,并且新开挖航道的水动力条件有助于船舶顺流进港。  相似文献   
提出一种利用低阶测试模态对桥梁构件抗弯刚度进行有限权量平差的最小二乘解识别方法。通过对主跨110m的广州大桥主桥3跨变截面连续箱梁实桥梁体抗弯刚度进行数值模拟识别及结合桥梁现场动静载试验进行识别结果,表明此方法利用现有的测试技术对大跨径连续梁桥进行抗弯刚度识别误差是常规最小二乘解识别误差的1/8~1/10,识别精度得到了极大的改善。  相似文献   
The eigenvector of a module with six adjacent module's state was constructed according to self-reconfigurable robot M-Cubes and the configuration of system was expressed with the eigenvectors of all modules.According to the configuration and motion characteristics of the modules,a 3-dimension motion rule set was provided.The rule sets of each module was run according to eigenvector of the module after the motion direction of system decided and motion rules were selected.At last,the rapid and effective motion and metamorphosis were realized in system.The rule sets are operated on three systems and the distributed motion of system is fully realized.The result of simulation shows that the 3-dimension motion rule sets has perfect applicability and extensibility.The motion steps and communication load of the modules increase with the module number in linear.  相似文献   
This paper presented a scheme of relayed cellular mobile telecommunication network, which only employs fixed digital relays and not more than two-hop relay routes. Power saving potential of the network is deeply studied under the assumption of not occupying additional frequency bands (i. e. relays share the same frequency bands as used by the base stations). Theoretical analysis and simulation results have both shown that, with the same radio coverage requirement, the necessary effective transmission powers in such a relayed network have greatly decreased compared to conventional cellular network.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the function of doubly-fed asynchronous machine(DASM)with emphasis placed on its ability to the stabilization of the power system including wind generators.P(active power)and Q(reactive power)compensation from DASM can be regulated independently through secondary-excitation controlling.Simulation results by power system computer aided design(PSCAD)show that DASM can restore the wind-generator system to a normal operating condition rapidly even following severe transmission-line failures.Comparison studies have also been performed between wind turbine pitch control and proposed method.  相似文献   
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