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Dynamics of ships running aground   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A comprehensive dynamic model is presented for analysis of the transient loads and responses of the hull girder of ships running aground on relatively plane sand, gravel, or rock sea bottoms. Depending on the seabed soil characteristics and the geometry of the ship bow, the bow will plow into the seabed to some extent. The soil forces are determined by a mathematical model based on a theory for frictional soils in rupture and dynamic equilibrium of the fluid phase in the saturated soil. The hydrodynamic pressure forces acting on the decelerated ship hull are determined by taking into account the effect of shallow water. Hydrodynamic memory effects on the transient hull motions are modeled by application of an impulse response technique. The ship hull is modeled as an elastic beam to determine the structural response in the form of flexural and longitudinal stress waves caused by the transient ground reaction and hydrodynamic forces. A number of numerical analysis results are presented for a VLCC running aground. The results include bow trajectory in the seabed, time variation of the grounding force, and the maximum values of the sectional shear forces and bending moments in the hull girder.  相似文献   
A simple formulation for predicting the ultimate strength of ships   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The aim of this study is to derive a simple analytical formula for predicting the ultimate collapse strength of a single- and double-hull ship under a vertical bending moment, and also to characterize the accuracy and applicability for earlier approximate formulations. It is known that a ship hull will reach the overall collapse state if both collapse of the compression flange and yielding of the tension flange occur. Side shells in the vicinity of the compression and the tension flanges will often fail also, but the material around the final neutral axis will remain in the elastic state. Based on this observation, a credible distribution of longitudinal stresses around the hull section at the overall collapse state is assumed, and an explicit analytical equation for calculating the hull ultimate strength is obtained. A comparison between the derived formula and existing expressions is made for largescale box girder models, a one-third-scale frigate hull model, and full-scale ship hulls.List of symbols A B total sectional area of outer bottom - A B total sectional area of inner bottom - A D total sectional area of deck - A S half-sectional area of all sides (including longitudinal bulkheads and inner sides) - a s sectional area of a longitudinal stiffener with effective plating - b breadth of plate between longitudinal stiffeners - D hull depth - D B height of double bottom - E Young's modulus - g neutral axis position above the base line in the sagging condition or below the deck in the hogging condition - H depth of hull section in linear elastic state - I s moment of inertia of a longitudinal stiffener with effective plating - l length of a longitudinal stiffener between transverse beams - M E elastic bending moment - M p fully plastic bending moment of hull section - M u ultimate bending moment capacity of hull section - M uh ,M us ultimate bending moment in hogging or sagging conditions - r radius of gyration of a longitudinal stiffener with effective plating [=(I s /a s )1/2] - t plate thickness - Z elastic section modulus at the compression flange - Z B ,Z D elastic section modulus at bottom or deck - slenderness ratio of plate between stiffeners [= (b/t)(y/E)1/2] - slenderness ratio of a longitudinal stiffener with effective plating [=(l/r)(y/E)1/2] - y yield strength of the material - yB , yB , yD yield strength of outer bottom, inner bottom - yS deck, or side - u ultimate buckling strength of the compression flange - uB , uB , uD ultimate buckling strength of outer bottom - uS inner bottom, deck, or side  相似文献   
大型舰船坐坞强度衡准与计算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
墩木的合理布置对保证大型水面舰船在船坞建造和进出坞过程中的安全至关重要,而国内现有舰船规范不适用于船长大于160m的舰船的坐坞强度校核。为此首先分析了现有的坐坞强度计算规范和校核衡准,然后提出了新的适用于大型水面舰船的坐坞强度衡准与基于船体梁有限元模型的计算方法,最后对一船长接近200m的舰船在坐坞状态下的船体结构强度与墩木强度进行了分析,结果表明提出的强度衡准与计算方法是合理的。  相似文献   
詹广才  耿颖  朱峰  苗辉 《水运工程》2019,(9):108-112
针对港池内船舶装卸作业的安全与稳定问题,采用基于势流理论的面元法分析程序AQWA,分析得到船舶与码头结构耦合作用下的14 000 TEU集装箱船动力响应幅值算子。在此基础上,进一步采用码头泊位前的真实波浪条件,得到14 000 TEU集装箱船在设计系缆方式下的船舶运动量响应和缆绳受力响应。结果表明,14 000 TEU集装箱船横摇周期较大,与港池内存在的中长期波(12~18 s)不相匹配,不易引起船舶较大幅度的动力响应;计算分析结果与系泊物理模型试验所得到的结果相吻合,说明所采用的计算原理与分析模型较为可靠,具有较强的工程实际应用价值。  相似文献   
基于余度概念的受损船体总纵剩余强度预报   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于作者提出的结构余度概率衡准,并通过对船体构件损伤模型与船体总纵强度可靠性计算模型的讨论,本文建立了一个合理而筒便的受损船体总纵剩余强度预报方法。  相似文献   
采用MSC/NASTRAN对某型客车进行频率响应分析,提出结构改进的具体措施,成功解决在高速巡航时的车身共振问题,并对进一步研究提供一些思路。  相似文献   
路面养护决策时,为了将有限的资金分配到最需要养护的路段,发挥最大的经济效益,通常需要将道路使用者和投资者的效益用不同的指标表示。而各指标之间存在不可公度性,本文通过建立多目标模糊优选动态规划的多目标优化模型,求解具有多个量纲不一的定量评价目标,或者既有定量目标又有定性目标的有限养护资金优化分配问题。通过对实例计算分析,验证了模型的有效性。  相似文献   
基于冲击系数的不确定性,采用移动跑车试验方法得到桥梁最不利荷载位置处的动、静挠度值,结合新欣南大桥汽车冲击系数,对其进行相应的理论分析比较,得到以下结论:随着车速的增加,汽车冲击系数有先增大后减小的趋势,并在一定车速下取得最大值。而各国相关规范中冲击系数的计算值与实测值差距很大,实测冲击系数随着车速的变化会有一定的差别,各国规范并没有反映出其变化规律,因此需要依据大量的移动荷载试验展开研究。  相似文献   
基于ABS和DNv规范关于剩余强度规范要求,对船舶碰撞与搁浅的破损部位和范围的假定,考虑了发生碰撞与搁浅破损后,其船体梁剩余有效剖面的非对称性和可能发生不同程度倾斜的情况,采用结构共同规范(CSR)中的逐步破坏分析方法和船体梁非对称剖面计算模型,分别计算了散货船和油船破损船体在两种破损模式和不同倾斜情况下的剩余极限强度,并对不同破损范围的影响进行了分析和比较。研究结果为协调结构共同规范(HCSR)的制定提供了有价值的参考。  相似文献   
橡胶隔振器作为舰艇上的主要抗冲击设备,其抗冲击性能直接关系到设备的安全。详述了橡胶隔振器的主要性能参数及其表征意义与相互关系,描述了动态性能试验的测试原理和几种测试方法,给出了自振衰减方法的试验装置原理与试验方法。以橡胶隔振器为试验对象,利用改造前和改造后的试验装置进行动态性能试验,并对试验结果进行分析对比。指出影响动态性能试验结果的几种关键因素主要是拉杆刚度、扣环刚度和非刚性连接,并提出了对试验装置的改进措施。  相似文献   
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