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线路负荷水平的评价工作是优化运输组织方案的重要前提。首先,本文分析了采用单一均值性指标表征负荷水平不能体现线路内负荷分布偏差的问题。为此,从城市轨道交通线路客流与运输能力匹配的角度出发,以列车负荷为评价单元,建立包括负荷均值和标准差率二维指标的线路负荷水平评估模型。负荷均值指标考虑了各评价单元加权计算,以反映每个评价单元对线路负荷水平的贡献程度,标准差率指标表征负荷均衡性。模型分析得出,线路所有区间的运力同等规模变化不影响标准差率指标,相对提高大客流区间或大客流方向上的输送能力能够改善线路负荷的均衡性。算例分析表明:客流方向不均衡系数超过 1.4 时,应考虑运力优化措施以提高运输能力利用的均衡;组织列车大小交路方案和不成对行车模式,能够提高线路负荷的均衡程度。  相似文献   
为研究点汇聚系统的环境效益及减排机理,采用考虑气象条件修正后的航空器性能、燃油 流量及污染物计算模型,设计了理想条件下非高峰时刻与实际运行的高峰时刻两种场景,对比分 析了航空器在点汇聚系统与标准进场程序中污染物(即HC、CO、NOX、SOX和PM)的排放情况,并 从飞行时间、燃油消耗与排放指数3个方面分析了点汇聚系统的减排机理、识别了减排关键因素。 研究发现:在非高峰时刻,点汇聚系统与标准进场程序的污染物排放总量分别为5.79 kg与7.17 kg, 点汇聚系统较标准进场程序共减少约19.25%污染物排放,对NOX、SOX和PM减排效果显著;在高 峰时刻,点汇聚系统与标准进场程序的污染物排放总量分别为290.01 kg与406.69 kg,点汇聚系 统较标准进场程序共减少28.69%污染物排放,其中NOX减排比例最高可达48.32%。结果表明: 无论是非高峰时刻还是高峰时刻,点汇聚系统都具有良好的环境效益,可有效减少污染物的排放 总量,且对NOX减排效果最佳;较短的飞行时间、较低的燃油流量是点汇聚系统体现减排优势的 关键驱动因素。  相似文献   
The Container Loading Problem (CLP) literature has traditionally evaluated the dynamic stability of cargo by applying two metrics to box arrangements: the mean number of boxes supporting the items excluding those placed directly on the floor (M1) and the percentage of boxes with insufficient lateral support (M2). However, these metrics, that aim to be proxies for cargo stability during transportation, fail to translate real-world cargo conditions of dynamic stability.In this paper two new performance indicators are proposed to evaluate the dynamic stability of cargo arrangements: the number of fallen boxes (NFB) and the number of boxes within the Damage Boundary Curve fragility test (NB_DBC). Using 1500 solutions for well-known problem instances found in the literature, these new performance indicators are evaluated using a physics simulation tool (StableCargo), replacing the real-world transportation by a truck with a simulation of the dynamic behaviour of container loading arrangements.Two new dynamic stability metrics that can be integrated within any container loading algorithm are also proposed. The metrics are analytical models of the proposed stability performance indicators, computed by multiple linear regression. Pearson’s r correlation coefficient was used as an evaluation parameter for the performance of the models. The extensive computational results show that the proposed metrics are better proxies for dynamic stability in the CLP than the previous widely used metrics.  相似文献   
Highways and freeways are the main infrastructure channel used to transport cargo in Brazil. This cargo often includes dangerous chemical products which can, in the event of an accident, negatively impact the environment. The development and implementation of tools for the rapid diagnosis of environmental vulnerability in the transportation of dangerous goods has been studied. However, for highways and freeways there is a lack of studies based on environmental attributes, and not just based on statistical data which demands a specific period for collection and analysis and only after that the implementation of preventive measures. Thus, evaluation grounded on multiple criteria embedded in Geographic Information System (GIS) has significant potential for the practical implementation of risk management of road transportation of dangerous goods. This study has determined the environmental vulnerability of route BR 050, specifically the segment between the cities of Uberlândia and Uberaba in the state of Minas Gerais, where multi criteria analysis has been efficient in determining the most vulnerable areas. The main attributes analyzed were the drainage density, soil type and geology, determining that in case of an accident with dangerous substances the regional environment would be immediately affected, and so endorsing the use of this tool in many segments involved in environmental management of highway enterprises.  相似文献   
以Didik方法的雨流循环计数应力范围概率密度函数为依据,考虑长寿命区的S-N曲线,利用不完全Γ函数建立了一种宽带随机载荷谱下结构疲劳寿命计算的解析解法,为用频域法计算结构在宽带随机载荷谱下疲劳寿命提供了一种快捷方法。  相似文献   
介绍了宽频型迷宫式约束阻尼钢轨的降噪原理,通过现场测试阻尼装置安装前后列车通过高架桥曲线段时车厢内、司机室、高架桥噪声数据,经过A计权声压级处理得出不同测点的降噪效果,以确定高架线路段阻尼钢轨的控制频带范围。测试结果表明:对于车厢内和司机室噪声,800 Hz频率处降噪效果最好,500~3 150 Hz频带内有效降噪5.0~7.7 dB(A);对于高架桥环境辐射噪声,2 000 Hz频率处降噪效果最好,7.5 m处平均降噪8.4 dB(A),30 m处平均降噪5.2 dB(A)。  相似文献   
近年来,在环境法理论和实践中出现的对“环境公益诉讼”、环境NGO的研究热、实践热,2005年前后中国发生的数起重大的环境侵害纠纷争议案件、2005年底《国务院关于落实科学发展观加强环境保护的决定》的颁布,2006年“十一五”规划的实施和第六次全国环境会议的召开,所有这些促成本文对现行的环境法制建设和环境保护立法进行新的思考。  相似文献   
郭蕾 《舰船电子工程》2012,32(11):71-74
文章提供一种基于语义的可定制数据切分和动态加载方法,它能够对源数据库建立基于语义的元数据描述,根据不同用户的数据需求,依据数据的语义相关性,转化并归纳为通用的策略模版,基于策略进行数据的切割和数据的级联抽取。之后,采用容错式动态加载方法。这在一定程度上实现了异构数据库之间的批量数据迁移。  相似文献   
"育德"轮是上海船舶研究设计院为集美大学设计的用于航海专业教学实习、科学研究兼顾货物运输的教学实习船。该船是目前世界吨位最大的教学实习船,配备了功能齐全的教学设施、先进的科研设备以及舒适的学习生活环境。该船还具有安全性高、绿色环保和经济性优异等特点。  相似文献   
在泥水盾构施工过程中不可避免地会产生大量的废弃泥浆,处理泥浆一是需要较高的资金投入,二是可能会对环境造成严重污染。利用废弃泥浆配制壁后注浆砂浆,利用盾构弃浆代替砂浆中的膨润土和水,研究弃浆对壁后注浆砂浆工程性能的影响。结果表明:1)相对体积质量为1.16、黏度为22 s的泥浆配制壁后注浆材料可得到较好的流动性和稠度,并且泌水率优于原配比;2)相对体积质量为1.27、黏度为24 s的泥浆会明显降低砂浆的流动度,对砂浆可泵送能力有一定的影响;3)适当调整水胶比和泥浆相对体积质量,配制壁后注浆材料各方面性能均能达到壁后注浆材料的要求;4)废弃泥浆配制砂浆是一种既经济又环保的弃浆处理回收再利用的工艺工法。  相似文献   
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