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Dynamics of suprabenthos and zooplankton were analyzed in two areas located in the NW (off Sóller harbour) and S (off Cabrera Archipelago) of Mallorca (Balearic Islands, western Mediterranean) at depths ranging between 135–780 m. Four stations situated respectively at 150 m (shelf-slope break), and at bathyal depths of 350, 650 and 750 m were sampled at bi-monthly intervals during six cruises performed between August 2003 and June 2004. Suprabenthos showed maximum biomass in both areas from late spring to summer (April to August), while minimum biomass was found in autumn (September–November). Though variable, temporal dynamics of zooplankton showed peaks of biomass in late winter and summer (February and June), while minimals occurred in autumn (August–September) and, at bathyal depths, in April. Suprabenthos (abundance; MDS analyses) showed a sample aggregation as a function of depth (3 groups corresponding to the shelf-slope break, upper slope — over 350 m; and the middle, deeper part of the slope — over 650–750 m), without any separation of hauls by season. By contrast, zooplankton samples were separated by season and not by depth. There was evidence of three seasonal groups corresponding to summer (June 2004–August 2003), autumn–winter (September and November 2003, February 2004), and spring (April 2004), being especially well established off Sóller. In general, suprabenthos was significantly correlated with the sediment variables (e.g. total organic matter content (% OM), potential REDOX), whereas zooplankton was almost exclusively dependent on Chl a at the surface, which suggests two different food sources for suprabenthos and zooplankton. The increase of suprabenthos abundance in April–June was paralleled by a sharp increase (ca. 2.8 times) in the %OM on sediment during the same period, coupled ca. 1–2 months of delay with the peak of surface Chl a recorded in February–March (from satellite imagery data). Suprabenthos biomass was also correlated with salinity close to the bottom, suggesting a link between suprabenthos abundance and changes in the oceanographic condition of water masses close to the bottom. It is suggested that a higher suprabenthos biomass recorded off Sóller in comparison to that off Cabrera in June could, in turn, be related to a seasonal inflow of Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW) in April–June in this area at mid bathyal depths (350–650 m). This trend would be based on: 1) it was evident only at mid-slope depths between 350–750 m, coinciding with the LIW distribution, and 2) it was not recorded among zooplankton (collected throughout the water column). The possible effect of the fluctuations of suprabenthos and zooplankton on higher trophic levels has been explored studying the diet and food consumption rates of the red shrimp Aristeus antennatus, as indicator species by its dominance in bathyal communities. A. antennatus increased its food consumption from February to April–June 2004 off Sóller, which in the case of large (CL > 40 mm) specimens was found in both areas. In addition, there was a shift of diet from winter to spring–early summer. In this last period, A. antennatus preyed upon euphausiids and mesopelagic decapods and fish, while benthos (e.g. polychaetes and bivalves) decreased in the diet. This indicates an increase in the food consumption and probably in the caloric content of the diet in pre-spawning females in April–June 2004, which is synchronized with the period when gonad development begins in A. antennatus females (May–June). Anyway, macrozooplankton, and not suprabenthos, is crucial as a high energetic food source in the coupling between food intake and reproduction in the red shrimp.  相似文献   
Spatial distribution patterns of epibenthic communities on the Galician continental shelf were studied using multivariate methods. Data came from 5 surveys carried out in 2002, 2003 and 2004. Beam trawls and otter trawls were used to study epibenthic communities along 8 transects perpendicular to the coastline. The role of depth, season, latitude and sediment characteristics was examined. Seven habitats were described according to bathymetry and sediment characteristics. There were weak linear relationships between environmental variables and species richness, biomass and species diversity. However, the canonical analysis showed that depth and sediment characteristics greatly influence smaller epibenthic communities sampled by beam trawl. Six assemblages were obtained for beam trawls: inner shelf mud, very fine sands, and fine sands, middle shelf sands, and outer shelf very fine sands, and fine sands. Five assemblages were identified for larger-sized and swimming epibenthos sampled with otter trawls. These assemblages were also determined according to depth and sediment type but sediment characteristics were less important. Otter trawl assemblages were the same as the beam trawl ones, except for on the outer shelf where no differences between sediment type were detected. For both gears, inner and outer shelf assemblages displayed a higher biotic variability than the middle shelf, as a consequence of a higher environmental heterogeneity. Typifying species were mainly eurytopic in the middle shelf, whereas eurytopic and stenotopic species characterised the inner and outer shelves.  相似文献   
During 22 field trips from 1990 to 2002 (mainly the western basin of the Large Aral) data on salinity, phytoplankton, zooplankton, zoobenthos and fish fauna have been collected. In 2002, the salinity of the western basin reached 75 ppt, while that in the eastern basin, 150 ppt. In 1999–2002, 159 species of planktonic algae have been recorded. This is approximately twice as low as recorded before. The diversity of Cyanophyta, Pyrrhophyta and Chlorophyta in particular has dropped in the past few years. As before, currently Bacillariophyta is the most diverse plankton. However, the composition of dominants has changed. Once previously dominant species, Actinocyclus ehrenbergii, vanished from the plankton of the Aral Sea and was replaced by such diatoms as Amphora coffeaformis, A. coffeaformis var. acutiuscula and Synedra tabulata var. parva.Since 1970s, a gradual decrease in the diversity of zooplankton has been taking place. Since 1997, the formerly dominant Calanipeda aquaedulcis vanished, which apparently was the reason for the emergence of Moina salina and Artemia parthenogenetica. Since 2000, artemia has been dominant in the plankton of the Aral Sea, constituting 99% of the zooplankton biomass.In the 1970–1980s, a rapid decrease in the biodiversity of the zoobenthos was observed. In the 1990s, most aboriginal and introduced species became extinct. Currently, the bivalve mollusk Syndosmya segmentum, the ostracod Cyprideis torosa and larvae of the dipteran Chironomus salinarius can still be recorded in the western basin. In the eastern basin no benthos is observed.By 1998, in the Large Aral, only five fish species survived: baltic herring Clupea harengus membras, flounder Platichthys flesus luscus, atherine Atherina boyeri caspia and bullheads Neogobius fluviatilis and Potamoschistus caucasicus. Since 2002, only flounder and atherina have been recorded in the western basin of the Large Aral. No fish have been recorded in the eastern part of the Aral Sea in 2002.With increasing salinity and transition of the Aral Sea from an oligohaline to a polyhaline water body, its biota is becoming drastically poorer. Almost all local species became extinct in the Aral; however, some still survive (including some endemics) in some lakes around the Aral Sea. In the near future, artemia will be the only animal in the Aral Sea.  相似文献   
乐亭县中心渔港位于滦河口西侧,二滦河口附近。工程区泥沙运动活跃,而且渔船泊稳要求较高,因此,总体方案对工程成败起着决定性作用。本文提出多种水域布置方案,通过数值模拟方法进行研究,得出合理的布置方案。  相似文献   
张亮  安东 《港工技术》2020,(2):13-16
以莫桑比克贝拉渔码头重建工程为例,探讨渔船装卸、水产品加工处理及冷藏、制冰及输冰等工艺设计内容,为类似渔码头设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   
介绍了浙江洞头辖区海上搜救现状和存在的困难,分析了制约渔船积极参与海上搜救的主要因素,对如何有效发挥渔船在海上搜救中的积极作用提出了几点建议。  相似文献   
风帆助航是船舶节能减排的重要途径。本文以1条鱿鱼钓船作为研究对象,根据该船的特点选择NACA0006型帆和圆弧型帆作为辅助风帆,然后利用Fluent软件建立所选风帆模型,对这2种风帆的空气动力性能进行数值模拟计算。根据软件的计算结果估算风帆助航时鱿鱼钓船的每年节油量以及所减少的二氧化碳排放量。通过对风帆助航鱿鱼钓船的稳性进行计算分析,可以确定只要合理地安装和操作风帆,风帆助航渔船是能满足稳性要求的。  相似文献   
新颖的渔轮主机电脑智能检测系统   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
本文介绍一种智能型渔轮主机电脑检测系统,该系统可以对渔轮主机的性能测试中的转速、油耗、油压、水温、油温、扭矩、排温等多种物理参数进行自动采集显示。一次可同时测试多个工况。为轮机管理人员提供了检测精度高、速度快且劳动强度低的智能化设备。  相似文献   
Over recent years, fisheries managers have been going through a paradigm shift to prioritize ecosystem-based management. With this comes an increasing need to better understand the impacts of fisheries management decisions on the social well-being and sustainability of fishing communities. This article summarizes research aimed at using secondary data to develop socioeconomic and fisheries involvement indices to measure objective fishing community well-being in Alaska. Data from more than 300 communities in Alaska were used to create a database of socioeconomic and fisheries involvement indices of objective well-being and adaptability for Alaska communities dependent on marine resources. Each index was developed using a principal components factor analysis to assess the relative position of each community compared to all other communities in Alaska. We find that creating performance measures, such as the indices presented here, provides a useful way to track the status of socioeconomic conditions and fisheries involvement by communities over time.  相似文献   
为突破作业环境、劳动力等因素对渔业发展的制约,解决当前水下捕捞能见度低、机器人识别分辨率低等问题,促进渔业向现代化转型升级,从学术角度梳理、分析国内外水下机器人视觉系统关键技术发展趋势,为相关研究提供参考。基于CiteSpace软件,分别选取中国知网(China National Knowledge Infrastructure,CNKI)的数据库和Web of Science的核心数据库的文献样本,从发文量、关键词共现图谱、关键词时间线图谱等方面完成可视化分析,并对水下捕捞机器人作业环境、视觉系统技术进行阐述。发文量和关键词时间线图谱表明,国内外水下机器人视觉系统关键技术的研发均经历初始阶段、探索阶段和成长阶段。关键词共现图谱表明,人机交互、识别算法设计等方面是水下机器人视觉系统相关研究的热点。未来,水下捕捞机器人视觉系统发展应聚焦智能化、自主化,重点解决目标检测优化、水生物数据库建立、数字化系统构建等多方面难点问题。  相似文献   
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