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扭曲舵水动力数值计算和自航约束模试验测量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了桨后舵水动力的CFD数值计算方法,对两种舵的压力分布和舵力进行了比较,结果显示扭曲舵可以明显减小0°舵角时舵上的横向力和舵轴扭矩。在拖曳水池中进行了自航约束模舵力测量试验,对扭曲舵和普通舵的舵力进行了测量,试验结果也表明,在0°舵角时,扭曲舵上的受力状态得到明显改善。将舵力的数值计算结果与试验结果进行比较,两者有较好的一致性,说明建立的数值计算方法可以对桨后舵舵力进行较好的模拟计算。  相似文献   
文章创新地提出了将流固耦合计算方法应用于对舵桨的水动力性能和强度校核的联立求解中。应用此方法,对舵桨在不同航速下的水动力性能进行了研究,比较了不同航速下舵桨产生的推力和扭矩,总结出桨叶推力、扭矩、敞水效率随进速变化的规律;同时又以流体计算的结果作为强度计算的载荷条件,对舵桨强度进行校核,从而保证了舵桨满足强度需求。流固耦合计算方法的使用为舵桨性能研究提供了一套全新的方法。  相似文献   
本文针对大型高速客货船舵系空泡剥蚀现象,提出了在舵系设计阶段就应考虑的关键点,以及舵的模型试验验证的相似律和试验方案;介绍了扭曲导缘和随缘舵的设计思路,也介绍了发生舵系空蚀后的补救措施;同时本文还回顾了舵的空化机理和抗空化舵叶剖面等方面的知识。  相似文献   
韩冰  刘勇  陈永冰 《船海工程》2007,36(5):99-102
介绍舰舵参数记录分析仪的系统设计原理、记录模块的组成和电路的实现方法。该记录分析仪用于对舰船航行过程中的罗经航向、计程仪航速和GPS舰位等数据进行实时采集和记录,并依据采集数据辨识舰船运动模型参数,以便于操舵控制系统的设计与维修调试。  相似文献   
The suitability of the Mariner type Super VecTwin rudder (hereinafter, the MSV rudder) for a large vessel is assessed in this article. Several experiments in a maneuvering pond were carried out and their results analyzed and summarized. Free-running tests such as turning, zigzag, and stopping tests were carried out with a 4-m free-running model of a very large crude carrier (VLCC) ship with the MSV rudder and the Mariner rudder. The results were compared to validate the maneuverability of a VLCC-sized a ship installed with the MSV rudder. A mathematical model of an MSV rudder is proposed for maneuvering simulation of a large vessel. To develop a maneuvering simulation for the model ship that was used in the free-running tests, hydrodynamic coefficients were estimated based on Kijima's regression formula. The coefficients of interaction between the hull and rudder (tR, aH, xH) were obtained from a self-propulsion test in a towing tank. The complicated flow around the rudders is simplified to model the flow speed around the rudders. This simplified flow speed is utilized to compare the time histories of the free-running tests with the simulations. The mathematical model of the MSV rudder was further improved using the results of this comparison.  相似文献   
王鹏  谢敏 《上海造船》2014,(4):38-42
船舶操纵性是船舶的重要指标,然而各船级社近期相继删除了其规范中对舵面积的强制要求。本文基于对操纵性理论的分析和总结,对常规运输船舵面积的确定进行了方法上的探讨,为方便数值分析对吃水、舵面积比等进行了统一定义,根据系列船资料拟合出修长度与舵面积比的关系曲线,并根据操纵性试验结果对87000t散货船进行了舵面积和舵形优化讨论,在此基础上梳理出舵面积的开发思路,即舵面积比应与船体修长度在较小时成负相关关系,但当修长度大过某一数值时,需要相对较大的舵面积比。在进行货船初步开发设计时,可根据修长度数值分析结果,选用合适的舵形和舵面积。  相似文献   
张莉培 《中国修船》2011,241(4):24-25
文章介绍了中海工业(上海长兴)有限公司在“海联昌兴”轮舵系修理过程中的修理工艺及校中方法的比较,为以后相似船舶的修理提供了良好的借鉴。  相似文献   
文章综合多艘某型驱逐舰液压舵机发生跑舵故障的事例,分析了舵机液压系统的工作原理,找出了跑舵原因,排除了故障.然后将该型舰跑舵原因汇总,并据此提出了维护保养建议.  相似文献   
孙艳秋 《船电技术》2012,32(6):29-31
以日本TAIYO生产的舵机起动器为例,对特殊继电器在舵机电控系统中的应用进行分析。详细介绍了三种特殊继电器:磁保持继电器、马达继电器、带门控积算型定时器的工作原理、应用电路及其在舵机电气控制系统中的控制功能,为相关人员从事舵机电控系统调试、运行检查和故障分析提供参考。  相似文献   
It is very difficult,for the component-type ship mathematical model,to estimate the interaction force coefficients among the hull,propeller and rudder. Some coefficients such as wake fraction and flow straightening coefficient were studied from the model tests in diffierent loading conditions and the normal force of rudder was tested in captive model tests to obtain the coefficients. From these results of the tests,the flow straightening coefficients increase with the increase of trims or drafts. Similarly,...  相似文献   
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