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张宗科  陈德娟 《船舶》2015,(5):12-23
介绍美国气垫登陆艇推进垫升系统在三十余年使用过程中遇到的问题及解决措施。随着艇装载量、耐波性、全寿命周期维护等总体性能和作战使用要求的提高以及主机功率不断增大,结合现代技术分析手段,推进垫升系统正不断改进优化。在广泛采用新技术及复合材料后,艇载重大量幅增加且耐波性有所提高。  相似文献   
描述了对某车型在高速换挡时发生的车内异响和踏板振动问题的研究及处理方法。结合异响与振动的发生机理及试验验证,对该问题进行了系统的研究,提出了可行的改善方案,最终通过优化传递路径的方式解决了该问题,以较低的成本达到了改善整车NVH品质的目的。  相似文献   
重庆枢纽北左、北右联络线隧道与既有蔡东联络线双碑隧道水平最小净距只有7 m,设计采用控制爆破施工,要求既有隧道爆破振速不大于5 cm/s,施工难度极大。为减少施工对既有隧道的影响,通过试爆获得振动衰减规律,验证开挖方式的可行性,利用试爆结果,完善了最终的爆破方案,并在正式施工中得到了成功应用,保证了重庆枢纽联络线隧道开挖工程的安全高效完成。  相似文献   
为研究自由面与最小抵抗线对爆破振动的影响,以青岛地铁2号线延安路站右线TBM始发导洞近接建筑物爆破施工为背景,通过对地表爆破振动速度的同步监测,回归拟合导洞上台阶不同爆破区域的场地系数K和衰减系数α,进而得出自由面与最小抵抗线对爆破振动的影响规律,并据此对原爆破参数进行优化,取得了显著的经济技术效果。结果表明: 1)爆破振动受自由面与最小抵抗线共同影响; 2)上台阶不同爆破区域的场地系数K和衰减系数α不同,其中掏槽区域的K值和α值最大。  相似文献   
尹文纲  王海亮  张祖远  张富强 《隧道建设》2018,38(10):1723-1728
为解决在单孔单段起爆时因普通导爆管雷管段数的限制需分次起爆的问题,针对隧道近距离侧穿危楼爆破开挖时提出一种新的起爆网路,即利用20段普通导爆管雷管进行多组之间的孔外延期,同时利用3段普通导爆管雷管在每组内部之间进行孔外延期。现场试验表明,该起爆网路可以使起爆次数从原来的5次降至2次。且现场振动监测数据显示,振速峰值与原来分次爆破的振速峰值基本处于同一水平,振速平均峰值较原起爆网路提高5%,并未发现有振动叠加的现象。  相似文献   
高频次的地铁运营引发的超量振动对于周边生活和工作造成了明显的负面影响,为了获取地铁诱发振动的传播规律,在无锡地区进行从车站到上盖物业的现场振动实测。在上马墩站搭建整套加速度信号振动测试系统,获取各测点3个方向时域加速度信号,分析结构在时域和频域的基本特征,对地铁运行造成上马墩站振动影响进行评价。研究发现: 1)垂向振动在通常情况下明显占优,横向、纵向振动相当; 2)上盖物业振动主要集中为25~50 Hz; 3)车站的Z振级接近规范规定白天限值,超出了夜间限值,有必要采取结构优化或减振措施对地铁运行引起的振动进行控制。  相似文献   
Derailments on bridges, although not frequent, when occurs due to a complex dynamic interaction of the train–track–bridge structural system, are very severe. Furthermore, the forced vibration induced by the post-derailment impacts can toss out the derailed wagons from the bridge deck with severe consequences to the traffic underneath and the safety of the occupants of the wagons. This paper presents a study of the train–track–bridge interaction during a heavy freight train crossing a concrete box girder bridge from a normal operation to a derailed state. A numerical model that considers the bridge vibration, train–track interaction and the train post-derailment behaviour is formulated based on a coupled finite-element – multi-body dynamics (FE-MBD) theory. The model is applied to predict the post-derailment behaviour of a freight train composed of one locomotive and several wagons, as well as the dynamic response of a straight single-span simply supported bridge containing ballast track subjected to derailment impacts. For this purpose, a typical derailment scenario of a heavy freight train passing over a severe track geometry defect is introduced. The dynamic derailment behaviour of the heavy freight train and the dynamic responses of the rail bridge are illustrated through numerical examples. The results exhibit the potential for tossing out of the derailed trains from the unstable increase in the yaw angle signature and a lower rate of increase of the bridge deck bending moment compared to the increase in the static axle load of the derailed wheelset.  相似文献   
A new method is proposed for the solution of the vertical vehicle–track interaction including a separation between wheel and rail. The vehicle is modelled as a multi-body system using rigid bodies, and the track is treated as a three-layer beam model in which the rail is considered as an Euler-Bernoulli beam and both the sleepers and the ballast are represented by lumped masses. A linear complementarity formulation is directly established using a combination of the wheel–rail normal contact condition and the generalised-α method. This linear complementarity problem is solved using the Lemke algorithm, and the wheel–rail contact force can be obtained. Then the dynamic responses of the vehicle and the track are solved without iteration based on the generalised-α method. The same equations of motion for the vehicle and track are adopted at the different wheel–rail contact situations. This method can remove some restrictions, that is, time-dependent mass, damping and stiffness matrices of the coupled system, multiple equations of motion for the different contact situations and the effect of the contact stiffness. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed method is effective for simulating the vehicle–track interaction including a separation between wheel and rail.  相似文献   
文章研究了在波流水动力荷载作用下海洋非金属管道管土接触的在位稳性。通过嵌入UWAVE子程序的ABAQUS施加考虑升力的水动力荷载,编写基于Zhang理论弹塑性模型自定义管土接触单元,对管道进行动态分析。结果发现管道的应力应变处于较低水平,在位状态失效不是由强度破坏造成的;不考虑升力将使管道陷深增大,侧向位移受到约束。最后做了参数分析,包括管道安装过程中的集中荷载效应、海床土壤类型及考虑海床不平整造成的悬跨段长度。  相似文献   
文章基于三维水弹性方法,分析了一型潜水器水下航行中的振动响应特性,通过求解干模态的广义坐标响应及对应的附连水质量,确定了干模态频率和湿谐振频率的对应关系。该文预报的水下响应曲线的峰值频率得到了水声试验测试结果的印证,说明了三维水弹性方法在求解水下结构振动响应问题上的有效性。文中最后对潜器尾部结构进行了改进,改进前后速度响应幅值曲线的比对表明,增加尾部纵桁结构的刚度对抑制潜器的尾部振动有明显的效果。  相似文献   
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