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三峡库区秭归县卡子湾大桥设计与施工   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卡子湾大桥为预应力混凝土斜拉式桁架连续刚构桥,跨径79.45 m 140 m 79.45 m,桥梁全长344.3 m,采用悬臂拼装法施工。介绍该桥的总体布置、结构设计、施工及施工监控要点。  相似文献   
本文在相交凸多面体隐藏线消除方法研究的基础上.运用体素构形的方法.进一步探讨了凹多面体的数据结构以及凹多面体在不同情况下隐藏线消除的可能性,从而建立了一个任意平面体的消隐系统.  相似文献   
周凌 《铁道车辆》2007,45(1):22-24
介绍了N72—AS型集装箱平车的用途、技术参数及车辆的性能特点、主要结构和试验情况。  相似文献   
马蹄山1号大桥主桥设计计算分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了马蹄山1号大桥的桥型构造特点与结构设计思想,完成了主桥纵向受力计算和桥墩的稳定性计算分析。结果表明,此桥的主梁截面抗裂验算、抗压验算、承载能力强度等均满足规范要求;成桥阶段活载稳定安全系数λ=19.6,该桥有较高的稳定性。  相似文献   
文章借助有限元极限分析法,对西南地区常见的修建建筑物的岩质坡体进行稳定性分析,揭示了不同的建筑自重和基础埋深对坡体安全系数的影响程度。  相似文献   
Choices of travel mode and trip chain as well as their interplays have long drawn the interests of researchers. However, few studies have examined the differences in the travel behaviors between holidays and weekdays. This paper compares the choice of travel mode and trip chain between holidays and weekdays tours using travel survey data from Beijing, China. Nested Logit (NL) models with alternative nesting structures are estimated to analyze the decision process of travelers. Results show that there are at least three differences between commuting-based tours on weekdays and non-commuting tours on holidays. First, the decision structures in weekday and holiday tours are opposite. In weekday tours people prefer to decide on trip chain pattern prior to choosing travel mode, whereas in holiday tours travel mode is chosen first. Second, holiday tours show stronger dependency on cars than weekday tours. Third, travelers on holidays are more sensitive to changes in tour time than to the changes in tour cost, while commuters on weekdays are more sensitive to tour cost. Findings are helpful for improving travel activity modeling and designing differential transportation system management strategies for weekdays and holidays.  相似文献   
分析了高频调谐器支架的结构及冲压工艺难点,设计了零件排样方案并对模具结构进行了分析,尤其是弯曲加铆接的结构设计安全可靠,质量稳定,对同类零件的模具设计具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
该文主要介绍海河综合开发工程3座新建桥梁(大沽桥、奉化桥、蚌埠桥)的结构形式特点,并分别描述这些桥梁的设计难点以及特殊构造处理措施。  相似文献   
307国道复线阳泉段巨型滑坡规模大,形成过程及破坏机理复杂。文章通过滑坡所赋存的工程地质环境以及滑动所形成的各种构造形迹,对该滑坡区岩层进行恢复重建,再现了该滑坡形成过程及破坏机理,并判断出其符合重力滑动构造破坏特征,从而为治理设计提供了依据。  相似文献   
通过PDM在丹东黄海汽车有限责任公司前期实施的实际经验,从而阐述了PDM在客车制造业中的应用。  相似文献   
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