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This paper reports on real data testing of a real-time freeway traffic state estimator, with a particular focus on its adaptive capabilities. The pursued general approach to the real-time adaptive estimation of complete traffic state in freeway stretches or networks is based on stochastic macroscopic traffic flow modeling and extended Kalman filtering. One major innovative feature of the traffic state estimator is the online joint estimation of important model parameters (free speed, critical density, and capacity) and traffic flow variables (flows, mean speeds, and densities), which leads to three significant advantages of the estimator: (1) avoidance of prior model calibration; (2) automatic adaptation to changing external conditions (e.g. weather and lighting conditions, traffic composition, control measures); (3) enabling of incident alarms. These three advantages are demonstrated via suitable real data testing. The achieved testing results are satisfactory and promising for subsequent applications.  相似文献   
在建立超低频接收信号模型的基础上,对超低频接收信号误码率性能进行了分析。将小波降噪算法应用于超低频噪声处理中,通过Monte Carlo计算机仿真试验,对基于小波降噪和传统数字滤波的方法对模拟的超低频接收信号进行噪声处理,并对降噪后的误码率性能进行分析,结果表明,应用小波降噪的方法对超低频接收信号进行非线性噪声处理,比传统数字滤波的方法能带来更高的信噪比增益。  相似文献   
基于怠速提升的DPF再生温度控制方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在DPF主动再生过程中,如果柴油机运行工况突降至怠速状态,会使DPF内部温度峰值和温度梯度迅速升高,易导致DPF出现烧熔现象,针对该问题,进行了基于怠速提升的DPF主动再生温度控制的试验研究。结果表明:再生过程降至怠速工况时,载体出口端中心附近的温度和温度梯度升高幅度最大;随着怠速的提升载体的温度峰值和温度梯度逐渐降低,怠速提升至1 100r/min时,最高温度峰值由820℃左右降至632℃左右,降低了约22.9%,最大温度梯度由30℃/cm左右降至10℃/cm左右,降低了约66.7%。  相似文献   
为提高城市智能交通综合管理能力, 提出了基于视频分析的运动车辆检测与跟踪方法。在城市交通干道路面环境中, 根据运动目标与道路背景统计特性的差异, 基于贝叶斯概率准则, 提出一个自适应背景更新算法, 检测分离运动车辆目标前景, 采用卡尔曼滤波器实现对视频序列中车辆目标的运动检测与实时跟踪, 并对在重庆某交通干道的交通流视频进行检测。试验结果表明: 该方法在常规视频分辨率下能实现实时处理视频, 平均检测准确率为94%, 具有较好的实时性与鲁棒性, 能够实现城市交通环境中各类运动车辆的检测与跟踪。  相似文献   
  目的  受制作工艺的限制,水听器在不同频点上的灵敏度存在起伏。由于采集设备只能通过设定某个固定的参考灵敏度进行声电转化,这将导致宽带测量信号与实际信号存在偏差,需要通过幅度修正来提高测量信号的准确性。为此,提出一种基于滤波器设计的幅度修正方法,将幅度修正转化为FIR滤波器的设计问题。  方法  首先,利用二阶锥规划设计出满足幅度修正特性的滤波器系数;然后,对测量信号进行时域滤波,从而实现幅度修正。  结果  处理结果表明,修正信号的相对误差随着滤波器长度的增加而减小。当滤波器长度为257时,修正信号的相对误差仅为0.3%。  结论  该方法克服了傅里叶变换分块处理需要时间积累的缺陷,仅通过时域滤波的方式即可获取连续准确的修正信号,具有实时性好、相对误差小、运算量低等优势。  相似文献   
渗透球壳流固耦合问题的位移及内力解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在弹性薄壳的线性(非线性)理论和流体力学基本方程的基础上,在小雷诺数的情况下应用相容欧拉-拉格朗日法建立了渗透球壳在流体中流固耦合的基本方程及关系式,并通过摄动法求解了渗透球壳在粘性流体中的流函数从而进一步解出其位移及内力解.通过具体算例,给出了壳的位移变形及内力图,并对有关参数进行讨论,绘出相关曲线.得出渗透系数k和流速越大的情况下,壳体位移也就越大,相应的内力也变大;球壳在三个角度处位移为零.文章能为过滤器问题提供指导.  相似文献   
  目的  针对某新型大尺度欠驱动高速自主式水下机器人(AUV)导航系统的研制,  方法  详细介绍AUV导航系统的硬件组成及软件构架,构建基于VxWorks实时嵌入式操作系统的AUV组合导航系统。考虑到高速AUV导航系统的非线性特征及容错性要求,将无迹卡尔曼滤波(UKF)技术用于联邦滤波器,设计基于UKF的联邦卡尔曼滤波器,并对导航系统的二维平面模型进行数值仿真。  结果  结果表明,联邦无迹卡尔曼滤波器相比传统的卡尔曼滤波方法能够获得更高的精度和更好的鲁棒性;半实物仿真联调试验、水池试验、湖上试验及艇载试验充分验证了导航系统的实时性和可靠性,  结论  证明该系统能够满足AUV航行任务的需要。  相似文献   
车用PEMFC发动机空气过滤器的设计研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为设计车用PEMFC发动机空气过滤器,分析了车用PEMFC发动机空气过滤器的多个设计要素,重点考察了滤芯3个设计参数之间的关系。试验结果表明,增大活性炭颗粒粒径、减小滤芯厚度有利于减小压力降,但降低了滤芯对SO2的吸附性能;降低空气通过滤芯的速度既有利于减小压力降,也有利于增加滤芯对SO2的吸附性能,但是,减小空气通过滤芯的速度要求滤芯的面积较大,由此会造成空气过滤器的体积较大。  相似文献   
In recent years, rapid advances in information technology have led to various data collection systems which are enriching the sources of empirical data for use in transport systems. Currently, traffic data are collected through various sensors including loop detectors, probe vehicles, cell-phones, Bluetooth, video cameras, remote sensing and public transport smart cards. It has been argued that combining the complementary information from multiple sources will generally result in better accuracy, increased robustness and reduced ambiguity. Despite the fact that there have been substantial advances in data assimilation techniques to reconstruct and predict the traffic state from multiple data sources, such methods are generally data-driven and do not fully utilize the power of traffic models. Furthermore, the existing methods are still limited to freeway networks and are not yet applicable in the urban context due to the enhanced complexity of the flow behavior. The main traffic phenomena on urban links are generally caused by the boundary conditions at intersections, un-signalized or signalized, at which the switching of the traffic lights and the turning maneuvers of the road users lead to shock-wave phenomena that propagate upstream of the intersections. This paper develops a new model-based methodology to build up a real-time traffic prediction model for arterial corridors using data from multiple sources, particularly from loop detectors and partial observations from Bluetooth and GPS devices.  相似文献   
This article proposes an efficient multiple model particle filter (EMMPF) to solve the problems of traffic state estimation and incident detection, which requires significantly less computation time compared to existing multiple model nonlinear filters. To incorporate the on ramps and off ramps on the highway, junction solvers for a traffic flow model with incident dynamics are developed. The effectiveness of the proposed EMMPF is assessed using a benchmark hybrid state estimation problem, and using synthetic traffic data generated by a micro-simulation software. Then, the traffic estimation framework is implemented using field data collected on Interstate 880 in California. The results show the EMMPF is capable of estimating the traffic state and detecting incidents and requires an order of magnitude less computation time compared to existing algorithms, especially when the hybrid system has a large number of rare models.  相似文献   
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