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Measurements of boundary layer moisture have been acquired from Rotronic MP-100 sensors deployed on two NDBC buoys in the northern Gulf of Mexico from June through November 1993. For one sensor, which was retrieved approximately 8 months after deployment, the post- and precalibrations agreed closely and fell well within WMO specifications for accuracy. The second sensor operated continuously from June 1993 to February 1997 (3.5 years). Buoy observations of relative humidity and supporting data were used to calculate specific humidity and the surface fluxes of latent and sensible heat. Specific humidities from the buoys were compared with observations of moisture obtained from nearby ship reports, and the correlations were generally high (0.7–0.9). Surface gravity wave spectra were also acquired. The time series of specific humidity and the other buoy parameters revealed three primary scales of variability, small (h), synoptic (days), and seasonal (months). The synoptic variability was clearly dominant and occurred primarily during September, October, and November. Most of the synoptic variability was due to frontal systems that dropped down into the Gulf of Mexico from the continental US followed by air masses which were cold and dry. Cross-correlation analyses of the buoy data indicated that: (1) the moisture field was highly coherent over distances of 800 km or more in the northern Gulf of Mexico; and (2) both specific humidity and air temperature served as tracers of the motion associated with propagating atmospheric disturbances. These correlation analyses also revealed that the prevailing weather systems generally entered the buoy domain from the South prior to September, but primarily from the North thereafter. Spectra of the various buoy parameters indicated strong diurnal and semidiurnal variability for barometric pressure and sea surface temperature (SST) and lesser variability for air temperature, wind speed and significant wave height. The surface fluxes of latent and sensible heat were dominated by the synoptic events which took place from September through November with the transfer of latent heat being primarily from the ocean to the atmosphere. Finally, an analysis of the surface wave observations from each buoy, which included calculations of wave age and estimates of surface roughness, indicate that major heat and moisture flux events coincide with periods of active wave growth, although the data were insufficient to identify any causal relationships.  相似文献   
针对石板坡长江大桥复线桥结构和施工特点生产的专用水泥通过对水泥矿物组成及水化热的控制,对降低混凝土温升,提高混凝土体积稳定性和耐久性起到了直接、有效的作用。采用专用水泥配制的高性能混凝土具有良好的综合技术性能。  相似文献   
确定焊接反变形的数值模拟及规律分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘玉君  李艳君 《船舶力学》2008,12(2):277-282
焊接接头附近局部的加热及冷却使被焊结构产生残余应力及角变形.目前在船厂精度控制中,通常采用构件焊接后对某些部位进行火工校正的方法来控制残余角变形.文章提供了另外一种有效控制结构残余角变形的方法:对结构焊前施加弹性的反向变形.利用热弹塑性有限元法来模拟结构的焊接过程,并对不同板厚、不同热源的结构分别进行数值模拟,最终确定焊接结构的弹性反变形规律:焊接前施加弹性反变形的结构在焊接后角变形趋于零.  相似文献   
People use cars so frequently that they always consider the air-conditioning, and thermal comfort of the driver and passenger when buying a new car. Therefore accurate simulation of the thermal performance of automobile air conditioners to improve human comfort has become increasingly important. In order to improve the thermal comfort of passengers, 3-D flow motion and thermal behavior within vehicles must be analyzed. In this paper, a numerical simulation was used to investigate thermal behavior in a vehicle. Because air temperature at an air vent is related to the cooling capacity of the air conditioner, the cooling capacity was calculated using ɛ-NTU (effective number of transfer unit) theoretical equations. Using the air temperature relationship between inlet and outlet vents as boundary conditions, a 3-D unsteady κ-ɛ turbulent model was used to give a transient analysis simulation of the temperature field and flow conditions in a vehicle’s passenger cabin. Cooling cycle analysis and conjugate heat transfer analysis at the inside surface of the cabin’s ceiling, floor and sides were also considered. The predicted temperature distributions in the vehicles passenger cabin were in good agreement with those obtained experimentally.  相似文献   
The potential for thermoelectric power generation (via waste heat recovery onboard automobiles) to displace alternators and/or provide additional charging to a vehicle battery pack has increased with recent advances in thermoelectric material processing. In gasoline fueled vehicles (GFVs), about 40% of fuel energy is wasted in exhaust heat, while a smaller amount of energy (30%) is ejected through the engine coolant. Therefore, exhaust-based thermoelectric generators (ETEG) have been a focus for GFV applications since the late 1980s. The conversion efficiency of modern thermoelectric materials has increased more than three-fold in the last two decades; however, disputes as to the thermal design of ETEG systems has kept their overall efficiency at limited and insufficient values. There are many challenges in the thermal design of ETEG systems, such as increasing the efficiency of the heat exchangers (hot box and cold plate), maintaining a sufficient temperature difference across the thermoelectric modules during different operating conditions, and reducing thermal losses through the system as a whole. This paper focuses on a review of the main aspects of thermal design of ETEG systems through various investigations performed over the past twenty years. This paper is organized as follows: first, the construction of a typical ETEG is described. The heat balance and efficiency of ETEG are then discussed. Then, the third section of this paper emphasizes the main objectives and challenges for designing efficient ETEG systems. Finally, a review of ETEG research activities over the last twenty years is presented to focus on methods used by the research community to address such challenges.  相似文献   
承台大体积混凝土水化热分析与施工控制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
结合援孟加拉国中孟友谊六桥主桥承台设计与施工,利用Midas/Civil有限元计算分析软件对承台大体积混凝土水化热进行仿真分析,掌握水化热变化规律及其应力影响,据此指导现场施工控制。结果表明:仿真分析很好地反映了水化热变化规律及其应力影响,混凝土质量优良,没有出现温度裂缝,可供类似大体积混凝土设计与施工借鉴。  相似文献   
针对施工单位在选择使用沥青混合料搅拌设备导热油炉中存在的问题,提出合理选择使用导热油炉。  相似文献   
利用设计的有机朗肯循环系统回收某重型车用柴油机的排气能量,通过台架试验,获得了变工况下柴油机排气余热能分布特性。分析了有机工质蒸发压力、过热度以及柴油机工况变化对有机朗肯循环系统性能的影响,以系统净输出功率和热效率为优化目标,确定了适用于有机朗肯循环系统的最佳蒸发压力。研究结果表明,当有机工质蒸发压力为1.8 MPa时,有机朗肯循环系统的净输出功率最大可以达到12.69kW,热效率可以达到11.19%;将有机工质加热至过热状态并不能明显提高有机朗肯循环系统的净输出功率。  相似文献   
武光江  刘辰  王畅  郝锐 《中国舰船研究》2019,26(S1):28-34, 40
  目的  核动力破冰船具有续航时间长、破冰能力强等优点,可以为我国极地科学考察事业提供保障。针对未来我国核动力破冰船的发展方向,开展船用反应堆非能动安全壳冷却系统(PCCS)换热器特性研究。  方法  利用Fluent软件对关键设备的换热器进行建模,研究不同方案下的流量分布情况。  结果  模拟结果显示:增大传热管束中心管间距可提高流量分配的均匀性;分配联箱与汇流联箱的截面积比取为0.7时,流量分配较均匀。  结论  所做研究可为我国新一代核动力破冰船反应堆的方案设计提供技术参考。  相似文献   
基于伽辽金变分原理, 利用有限元方法, 建立了轮轨摩擦耦合热弹性有限元分析模型, 分析了轮轨摩擦热与钢轨接触区热膨胀位移、摩擦温度、应变和应力的关系。模型中温度场和位移场由耦合方程同时求解, 但没有考虑惯性项和材料阻尼的影响。分析结果表明: 耦合求解的温度场和位移场与非耦合求解的温度场和位移场的计算结果一致, 钢轨表面各点滑动位移的方向与车轮滑动方向一致, 垂向位移方向先负后正; 钢轨表面各节点进入接触区后, 温度快速上升, 但高温持续时间短; 在滑动方向上, 钢轨接触点先受压应变后受拉应变作用, 垂向受拉应变作用, 滑动方向压应力明显高于垂向压应力, 钢轨接触斑前后节点滑动方向应变符号相反; 垂向高正应变区主要集中分布在接触斑后半轴上, 最大剪应变与剪应力区在接触表层以下。  相似文献   
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