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基于遗传算法的潜艇首端耐压平面舱壁构架分级优化研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
探讨了潜艇首端耐压平面舱壁的结构优化设计,针对舱壁结构复杂、设计变量多、取值离散规格化等难点,确定两级优化方案,即先后分别对舱壁内部主构架和肘板进行优化,采用遗传算法作为优化方法,并利用ANSYS程序对舱壁结构进行受力分析.对遗传算法进行了改进,并在此基础上用MATLAB语言编程实现遗传算法操作,同时编程与ANSYS结合起来,完成结构优化设计.经过迭代优化,得到一个优化方案,优化部分的结构重量较初始方案降低了18.39%.  相似文献   
文章介绍了中国海洋救助船及主力船型在设计中的优化组合,对海洋救助船船型,主尺度及设备选择有扼要描述,对该类船型的快速性有深入分析,可以作为今后同类船型的良好借鉴。  相似文献   
文章以舰船装备作战能力评估指标体系的层次分解结构和舰船装备系统效能评估的ADC模型为基础,对舰船装备维修费用与系统效能间的函数关系进行了研究,并以舰船装备总体系统效能最大化为目标,建立了维修费用优化模型。通过舰船反舰作战能力属性的维修费用与系统效能间的函数关系的确立及维修费用优化模型的计算,对模型进行了验证,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   
工期固定多目标资源优化的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
资源是指为完成工程任务所需的劳动力、材料、机械设备和资金等的统称。资源优化就是通过改变工作的实施时间,使资源按时间的分布能够符合优化目标。  相似文献   
文章针对城市交通信号控制中的动态路径优化问题,综合考虑相邻交叉口间距和路段交通饱和度两个参数的影响,提出了一种基于蚁群算法和群决策理论的动态路径优化算法模型,并通过仿真实验,对比分析了该算法模型的有效性。  相似文献   
为探究气体惰化机理,提高惰化过程效率,对卧式椭球状LNG液舱的气体惰化过程进行数值模拟与优化。采用从椭球状液舱端部直流射流、旋转射流和混合射流的进气方式,分析气体射流流场结构和惰化效果,探究不同进气方式对惰化过程影响的机理,并提炼其惰化优化方案。结果表明:在进气流量一定时,旋转射流的惰化效果优于直流射流和混合射流,这是由于旋转射流会产生更大的进气扩张角,可大幅减少惰化死角的存在,有利于在储罐内部形成推移式惰化;旋转射流相对直流射流可节省40.4%氮气量和惰化时间,相对混合射流可节省26.2%氮气量和惰化时间。旋转射流优化方案可减少氮气耗量并节省惰化时间,提高惰化过程效率,具有较高的经济性,对于实际LNG液舱的气体惰化过程具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   
以某散货船为例,在船舶主尺度、船型参数和货舱总长度不变的情况下,将货舱间横舱壁的偏移距离作为优化参数,以船舶静水弯矩和静水剪力为目标函数进行优化,寻求使船舶静水载荷达到最小的横舱壁组合,并针对货物随着舱壁位置不同而引起的浮态变化,编写实时调整压载水的程序。该程序可应用在散货船的初步设计中,对船舶分舱设计和配载布置都具有指导性的意义。  相似文献   
在开发一款机车柴油机过程中,利用AVL BOOST软件对柴油机工作过程进行了仿真计算,计算了不同米勒强度和不同喷油正时条件下柴油机的性能参数。根据计算结果,排除了弱米勒的方案。针对强米勒和中米勒,开展了试验研究,通过调整喷油定时、增压压力设定、共轨喷射压力,进行了多方案试验研究,试验结果表明,强米勒方案虽然可以有效降低Nox排放,但是带来PM排放升高和涡轮前排气温度升高的问题,中米勒虽然降低Nox排放的效果弱于强米勒,但是能获得比较满意的PM排放,且涡轮前排气温度远低于强米勒,综合各方面性能参数的比较结果,在满足排放要求的前提下,中米勒为优选方案。  相似文献   
宁波地铁5号线1期下穿高速公路路基时存在68°斜交长40 m的含塑料排水板的固结黏土地层,为研究盾构直接通过可行性、刀具选型、施工参数优化等问题,利用TBM掘进模态综合试验平台,进行了不同类型刀具、不同掘进参数的固结黏土地层排水板破除试验。研究表明: 对于含排水板的固结黏土地层,在合理选择刀具、盾构参数并优化掘进参数情况下,盾构法施工直接破除基本可行,试验为宁波地铁工程建设提供了依据,也可为类似工程设计及施工提供参考。  相似文献   
This paper looks at the first and second best jointly optimal toll and road capacity investment problems from both policy and technical oriented perspectives. On the technical side, the paper investigates the applicability of the constraint cutting algorithm for solving the second best problem under elastic demand which is formulated as a bilevel programming problem. The approach is shown to perform well despite several problems encountered by our previous work in Shepherd and Sumalee (Netw. Spat. Econ., 4(2): 161–179, 2004). The paper then applies the algorithm to a small sized network to investigate the policy implications of the first and second best cases. This policy analysis demonstrates that the joint first best structure is to invest in the most direct routes while reducing capacities elsewhere. Whilst unrealistic this acts as a useful benchmark. The results also show that certain second best policies can achieve a high proportion of the first best benefits while in general generating a revenue surplus. We also show that unless costs of capacity are known to be low then second best tolls will be affected and so should be analysed in conjunction with investments in the network.
Agachai SumaleeEmail:

Andrew Koh   Prior to joining the Institute for Transport Studies in December 2005, Andrew was employed for number of years as a consultant in highway assignment modelling. He is an economist with wide ranging research interests in transport economics as well as evolutionary computation heuristics such as genetic algorithms, particle swarm optimisation and differential evolution. Simon Shepherd   At the Institute for Transport Studies since 1989, he gained his doctorate in 1994 applying state-space methods to the problem of traffic responsive signal control in over-saturated conditions. His expertise lies in modelling and policy optimisation ranging from detailed simulation models through assignment to strategic land use transport models. Recently he has focussed on optimisation of road user charging schemes and is currently working on optimal cordon design and system dynamics approaches to strategic modelling. Agachai Sumalee   Agachai is currently an Assistant Professor at Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (). He obtained a Ph.D degree with the thesis entitled “Optimal Road Pricing Scheme Design” at Leeds University in 2004. His research areas cover transport network modeling and optimization, stochastic network modeling, network reliability analysis, and road pricing. Agachai is currently an associate editor of Networks and Spatial Economics.  相似文献   
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