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为了获得下承式系杆拱桥的汽车荷载冲击系数,在桥面间隔布置橡胶减速条带以形成周期性的不平顺输入,对下承式钢管混凝土系杆拱桥的动挠度进行现场实测.结合自编的车桥耦合(VBI)单元,建立车-桥耦合振动三维有限元分析模型,通过与实测结果对比验证VBI单元的正确性.在此基础上,引入另外3座标准拱桥以形成涵盖4种跨径的下承式系杆拱...  相似文献   
指出了快通混凝土强度的主要影响因素,分析了快通混凝土各龄期对强度的影响规律,快通混凝土技术能实现混凝土路面维修的早日完成,达到尽快恢复交通、正常运营的目的。  相似文献   
葛启仁 《路基工程》2011,(5):191-193
上曹大桥位于福建永宁高速公路A2标段,桥位处于灰岩区,岩石较为破碎,存在溶洞群。针对该桥的地质情况,介绍钻孔桩通过岩溶地区的常规处理方法及特殊情况下的处理方法。  相似文献   
The sleeper-passing impact has always been considered negligible in normal conditions, while the experimental data obtained from a High-speed train in a cold weather expressed significant sleeper-passing impacts on the axle box, bogie frame and car body. Therefore, in this study, a vertical coupled vehicle/track dynamic model was developed to investigate the sleeper-passing impacts and its effects on the dynamic performance of the high-speed train. In the model, the dynamic model of vehicle is established with 10 degrees of freedom. The track model is formulated with two rails supported on the discrete supports through the finite element method. The contact forces between the wheel and rail are estimated using the non-linear Hertz contact theory. The parametric studies are conducted to analyse effects of both the vehicle speeds and the discrete support stiffness on the sleeper-passing impacts. The results show that the sleeper-passing impacts become extremely significant with the increased support stiffness of track, especially when the frequencies of sleeper-passing impacts approach to the resonance frequencies of wheel/track system. The damping of primary suspension can effectively lower the magnitude of impacts in the resonance speed ranges, but has little effect on other speed ranges. Finally, a more comprehensively coupled vehicle/track dynamic model integrating with a flexible wheel set is developed to discuss the sleeper-passing-induced flexible vibration of wheel set.  相似文献   
公路规划环评中公众参与框架的设计与实施评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论文分析了环境影响评价中公众参与的现状和国内外发展的状况以及目前存在的问题,对公众参与在环境影响评价中应用的意义和作用进行了探讨,根据公路规划的特点和环境影响提出了提高公众参与有效性的原则和实施框架,建立了对公众参与过程进行评价的模糊综合评价方法和变权评价方法。研究结果对规范公路规划环评中的公众参与以及保证公众参与的有效实施具有现实意义。  相似文献   
基于冲击系数的不确定性,采用移动跑车试验方法得到桥梁最不利荷载位置处的动、静挠度值,结合新欣南大桥汽车冲击系数,对其进行相应的理论分析比较,得到以下结论:随着车速的增加,汽车冲击系数有先增大后减小的趋势,并在一定车速下取得最大值。而各国相关规范中冲击系数的计算值与实测值差距很大,实测冲击系数随着车速的变化会有一定的差别,各国规范并没有反映出其变化规律,因此需要依据大量的移动荷载试验展开研究。  相似文献   
应用PKD1两侧探针(3HVR和24-1),采用Southern印迹杂交方法,通过RFLP连锁分析,对7个成人型多囊肾病家系共41个成员进行了基因单体型分析。16个APKD患者的RFLP单体型被证明与PKD1基因相连锁,发现2个重组体,并检测出6个症状前个体。结果证明,APKD家系成员的PKD1基因与3HVR之间存在着紧密连锁关系,进一步肯定了3’MVR探针同样可用于我国成人型多囊肾病患者的症状前基因诊断和产前基因诊断。  相似文献   
通过具体的案例,分析了施工组织方案对节约工程成本和提高施工效益的影响。  相似文献   
To predict the attitude of satellite during the whole deployment process and evaluate the lockingimpact, a numerical flexible model of a certain satellite associated with four flexible honeycomb solar panelswas established. The flexible solar panel was modeled by the finite element analysis (FEA), and the motionequations were derived by Lagrangian formulation. The locking process was based on the method of Hertziancontact, which enables one to predict the locking impact on the satellite and the subsequent oscillation of solarpanels. The results reveal that locking operation has great impact on the attitude of the satelhte, and theangular acceleration of satellite reaches 22.03 °/s2 at the locking moment; the flexible solar panels model isfeasible to predict the accurate response of the satelhte during deployment and the oscillation of solar panels;the instantly impulsive force occurred during locking process is about 1.5 kN and the changing time is nearly0.32 s. It provides an effective approach to present the flexible solar panels' deployment process and evaluatethe locking impact.  相似文献   
城市高架桥下停车场设置及交通影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着机动车数量的快速增长,城市"停车难"的问题日益加剧。结合实际案例对城市高架桥下空间的合理利用进行分析研究,提出了桥下停车场实施建设的条件、交通影响分析方法与交通组织方案。  相似文献   
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