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针对现有安全帽检测研究中采用的两阶段检测法存在检测效率偏低,累积误差对精度影响较大的问题,提出一种对安全帽的单阶段检测法.将安全帽和工人头部视为一个整体,将检测目标分为2类,即佩戴安全帽的头部和未佩戴安全帽的头部,同时对2类目标进行检测,避免了冗余的计算步骤及累积误差的影响.同时,针对施工场景安全帽佩戴状态检测特点,对...  相似文献   
大直径盾构管片水平拼装试验存在效率低下甚至失败的情况,不能真实全面反映产品尺寸精度。分析其原因除大直径管片体积大、重量大的因素外,主要原因在于现有的试验设备工装简陋、试验方法粗放、规范要求低等。结合当前水平拼装的规范要求,分析现有试验方法存在的不足,对现有拼装设备工装进行改造,制定高标准的、更加严格的工艺措施,创造性地提出在每层管片拼装时增加标高检测的新思路。将新方法应用于南京长江第五大桥夹江隧道工程管片水平拼装试验,结果良好,证明了此试验方法的科学性与有效性。  相似文献   

Maritime shipping necessitates flexible and cost-effective port access worldwide through the global shipping network. This paper presents an efficient method to identify major port communities, and analyses the network connectivity of the global shipping network based on community structure. The global shipping network is represented by a signless Laplacian matrix which can be decomposed to generate its eigenvectors and corresponding eigenvalues. The largest gaps between the eigenvalues were then used to determine the optimal number of communities within the network. The eigenvalue decomposition method offers the advantage of detecting port communities without relying on a priori assumption about the number of communities and the size of each community. By applying this method to a dataset collected from seven world leading liner shipping companies, we found that the ports are clustered into three communities in the global container shipping network, which is consistent with the major container trade routes. The sparse linkages between port communities indicate where access is relatively poor.  相似文献   
针对不适应THDS轴温探测系统的长大货物车,分析论证了现车轴箱改进方案适应THDS轴温探测的不足,并提出了轴箱优化方案。经计算、试验和装车验证表明,新轴箱可行、有效、安全,满足THDS轴温探测要求,保证了长大货物车运输安全。  相似文献   
SK?2型双块式混凝土轨枕是高速铁路无砟轨道结构中的重要预制件,单一生产厂日均产量达到800~1400根,但目前的人工检测方式无法满足双块式轨枕的出厂检验要求。本文提出的双块式轨枕外形质量快速检测系统可满足TB/T 3397—2015《CRTS双块式无砟轨道混凝土轨枕》的出厂检验要求,与双块式轨枕生产线相匹配,大大提高了检测效率,实现了双块式轨枕全参数、自动化、智能化检测。检测数据自动上传至生产管理平台,可对双块式轨枕生产质量进行跟踪管理。  相似文献   
探地雷达在桥梁预应力管道定位检测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对预应力管道进行定位检测,是目前桥梁无损检测技术的一个重要问题,在阐述探地雷达无损检测技术原理和方法的基础上,通过室内模型试验,并结合工程实例说明了高精度探地雷达在桥梁预应力管道定位检测中的应用,及其无损、简易、效率高、精度高、抗干扰能力强的优点,为准确评价桥梁结构耐久性和安全使用功能提供科学依据。  相似文献   
This paper proposes a signal-based fault detection and isolation (FDI) system for heavy haul wagons considering the special requirements of low cost and robustness. The sensor network of the proposed system consists of just two accelerometers mounted on the front left and rear right of the carbody. Seven fault indicators (FIs) are proposed based on the cross-correlation analyses of the sensor-collected acceleration signals. Bolster spring fault conditions are focused on in this paper, including two different levels (small faults and moderate faults) and two locations (faults in the left and right bolster springs of the first bogie). A fully detailed dynamic model of a typical 40t axle load heavy haul wagon is developed to evaluate the deterioration of dynamic behaviour under proposed fault conditions and demonstrate the detectability of the proposed FDI method. Even though the fault conditions considered in this paper did not deteriorate the wagon dynamic behaviour dramatically, the proposed FIs show great sensitivity to the bolster spring faults. The most effective and efficient FIs are chosen for fault detection and classification. Analysis results indicate that it is possible to detect changes in bolster stiffness of ±25% and identify the fault location.  相似文献   
通过京珠高速公路隧道病害现场检测,对其主要病害进行了分类统计。考虑该隧道的勘察、设计、施工等因素影响,对该隧道主要病害产生原因进行了分析,在此基础上,对隧道病害等级进行了判定,并针对不同等级病害,提出了具体的处治措施。  相似文献   
通过分析各种故障电弧检测技术方案,确定基于弧光的电弧检测方法适合船舶中压变压器,该检测方法可靠性高、速度快,能够满足船用环境要求。  相似文献   
考虑算法的实时性,交通流个体识别往往采用轮廓特征来描述。由于自行车与行人的很多轮廓特征值相近,在复杂城市交通环境中,从慢行交通流中准确地识别出自行车是目前采用视频检测交通流的难点之一。通过现场视频检测获取足够的样本外轮廓数据,分析检测目标轮廓的高、宽、高宽比、面积等典型轮廓特征,发现目标轮廓高宽比特征能较好地识别出行人、自行车等慢行交通,并给出合适的取值范围。研究表明自行车高宽比能够较好地成为视频识别的依据,为自行车视频识别提供数据。  相似文献   
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