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在国内行业标准《防波堤设计与施工规范》中斜坡堤设计的基础上,参考国外标准The Rock Manual、SPM、BS 6349-7中相关内容,对其中的公式适用的边界条件进行了明确说明,并与《防波堤设计与施工规范》中相关内容进行比较,且有算例加以说明。  相似文献   
在目前航运业市场低迷、运力过剩的境况下,航运企业愈发重视对燃油成本的控制,对航速节油也有了更多的要求.为此,提出基于能效管理的船舶航速系统优化设计,计算船舶营运的经济航速.并结合航次的航线、航向、航速及每段航线的天气、水文等信息,对船舶营运航速的模型进行不断优化调整,指导船舶航行,为船舶及船岸操作提供决策支持,以达到优化节能的目的.  相似文献   
介绍金沙江中下游航道与港口现状及发展规划和水电开发利用规划,对金沙江航运经济腹地进行综合交通运输体系分析并对典型路径运输成本进行测算。在调研分析的基础上,对金沙江客货运量和主要港口吞吐量进行预测。结合水电梯级开发对航道条件的影响,分析金沙江航道开发潜能,提出长江干线航道上延至金沙江的合理区段。针对金沙江中下游4个水电枢纽的现场条件,分析适应翻坝运输的货种对象,提出过坝线路选择与运输组织的原则,开展"水-陆-水"翻坝运输方案与"陆-水"公路短途驳运方案的技术经济分析。以期为金沙江攀枝花—水富段航运资源开发论证提供参考。  相似文献   
做好极端天气通航条件研究,是保障三峡枢纽通航及运行安全的重要基础。通过观测大风气象条件下船舶通航原型,归纳了6级以上大风条件下近坝水域的航道适航性能,即不同航段风力场、风速、风向与避风区分布规律;通过数值模拟耐波性关键指标,即船舶遇风风压倾侧力矩与风压复原力矩对比值,归纳了不同类型船舶的适航性能及抗风能力差异性。计算结果表明:三峡船闸上引航道在其连接段水域出现6级以上大风时,船闸及引航道水域风力可能小于6级;因风向与引航道轴线夹角小,进出闸船舶受大风影响也较小;在近坝其他水域因大风禁航时,船闸及引航道封闭式、控制性通航是可行的。研究结论为三峡通航机构积极解决大风气象条件下应急通航难题提供了依据。  相似文献   
班轮运输船队规划模型与仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高班轮运输系统的优化配置水平,满足班轮运输组织定期、定时服务的要求,根据班轮多港口挂靠和货物直达运输航线形式的特点,以规划期内船队营运现金流量折现值最大为目标,建立了班轮船队规划混合整数非线性规划模型.针对该模型的特点,设计了拉格朗日松弛启发式混合算法.以某航运公司班轮船队为例进行分析.结果表明:本文提出的启发式算法实现了多航线、多型船、大规模班轮船队规划问题的优化求解,能得到规划期内的航线配船、发船频率及船队建设优化方案.本文建立的模型能综合考虑航线的货流预测、船舶装载率、船舶租入租出等多种影响班轮船队规划的因素,适用于同一航线上配置相同船型的典型班轮运输模式,为班轮船队规划决策提供了支持.  相似文献   
文章针对长江江苏段定线制航路的引入,解读定线制规定的正确运用,分析船队航法与操作习惯的改变,研究适应定线制航路通行的安全对策。  相似文献   
郑海明 《世界海运》2001,24(6):12-14
LNG海上贸易作为世界天然气贸易的一种重要方式,得到了快速的发展。分析了世界LNG海运市场运量和运力的情况,并对未来市场的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the cyclical nature of container shipping market represented by a containerized freight index and proposes a predictive cyclical model of the market. In contrast to the traditional spectral analysis (univariate), system dynamics reflect the drivers of the market in both supply and demand side, and therefore, it is a multi-variate system equilibrium approach consisting of various causal spillovers from sub-components of the market. This study is the first to analyze the cycle of container market using system dynamics. By utilizing system dynamics cyclicality approach, one-step ahead predictions are generated for monthly containerized freight index and compared to conventional benchmarks for post-sample validation. Our study can also help policymakers and shipping liners for better management and invest timing of container ship.  相似文献   
The Arctic route has huge potential for shipping between Europe and Northeast Asia with significant savings in transit time and distance. However, GHG emissions from shipping would harm the environment of Arctic area. Potential Market Based Measures of GHG emission reduction (such as carbon tax) are under consideration but they may affect the economic viability of Northern Sea Route (NSR) for containerships. This paper investigates the economic viability of NSR against Suez Canal Route (SCR) under 2 proposed carbon tax schemes (fixed vs. progressive). Three different fuel oil types (Heavy Fuel Oil, Light Fuel Oil, Liquified Natural Gas) are used as main bunker fuel for the calculation of economic feasibility. Our result reveals that when there is no carbon tax on NSR nor SCR, or both routes are under a carbon tax scheme, no matter fixed or progressive, NSR is more economically viable, regardless of fuel type choice. When only NSR is under a carbon tax scheme, the viability depends on specific carbon tax scheme and fuel choice, but for the majority of containership sizes, NSR has lower unit cost. The result also suggests that for a given route, a progressive scheme in preferable than a fixed one and LNG would be an appealing fuel with lower unit cost.  相似文献   
广州市对“三无”船舶的多年治理取得了一定的成效,但“三无”船舶的治理是一项长期的工作。“三无”船舶的存在,对广州市行政区水域范围内渔业资源、水上治安、水上交通安全环境造成了严重的影响。“三无”船舶的易聚集性和流动性,给社会稳定,群众生命财产安全带来严重的隐患,必须加强治理。本文在调查研究的基础上分析现行治理“三无”船舶的法律法规存在的问题以及整治“三无”船舶存在的问题,提出了综合治理的对策措施与建议。  相似文献   
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