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该文介绍了某企业洗坛废水的处理工程。洗坛废水有机污染物(CODcr)浓度较低,可生化性较好,水质水量波动大,SS较高。某企业本着"节能减排、综合利用"的原则,采用了以生物接触氧化法为主,以预处理+深度处理为辅的组合工艺处理洗坛废水,系统运行稳定、效率高、运行成本低。工程运行结果表明,CODcr和SS处理后出水水质达到设计要求,可直接排放和回用于洗坛用水。同时,就工程中存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了解决办法。  相似文献   
自适应算法在单轴激光惯导初始对准中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统的卡尔曼滤波在单轴旋转激光惯导动基座初始对准中当系统噪声和量测噪声未知时,会导致滤波精度下降甚至发散的问题,设计了简化Sage-Husa自适应滤波算法,建立了动基座条件下的单轴旋转激光捷联惯导的误差方程,利用设计的算法进行了仿真,结果表明在误差模型较大时,自适应滤波算法可以很好的提高滤波精度和稳定性。  相似文献   
An important development of the steering systems in general is active steering systems like active front steering and steer-by-wire systems. In this paper the current functional possibilities in application of active steering systems are explored. A new approach and additional functionalities are presented that can be implemented to the active steering systems without additional hardware such as new sensors and electronic control units. Commercial active steering systems are controlling the steering angle depending on the driving situation only. This paper introduce methods for enhancing active steering system functionalities depending not only on the driving situation but also vehicle parameters like vehicle mass, tyre and road condition. In this regard, adaptation of the steering ratio as a function of above mentioned vehicle parameters is presented with examples. With some selected vehicle parameter changes, the reduction of the undesired influences on vehicle dynamics of these parameter changes has been demonstrated theoretically with simulations and with real-time driving measurements.  相似文献   
Scaled roller rigs used for railway applications play a fundamental role in the development of new technologies and new devices, combining the hardware in the loop (HIL) benefits with the reduction of the economic investments. The main problem of the scaled roller rig with respect to the full scale ones is the improved complexity due to the scaling factors. For this reason, before building the test rig, the development of a software model of the HIL system can be useful to analyse the system behaviour in different operative conditions. One has to consider the multi-body behaviour of the scaled roller rig, the controller and the model of the virtual vehicle, whose dynamics has to be reproduced on the rig. The main purpose of this work is the development of a complete model that satisfies the previous requirements and in particular the performance analysis of the controller and of the dynamical behaviour of the scaled roller rig when some disturbances are simulated with low adhesion conditions. Since the scaled roller rig will be used to simulate degraded adhesion conditions, accurate and realistic wheel–roller contact model also has to be included in the model. The contact model consists of two parts: the contact point detection and the adhesion model. The first part is based on a numerical method described in some previous studies for the wheel–rail case and modified to simulate the three-dimensional contact between revolute surfaces (wheel–roller). The second part consists in the evaluation of the contact forces by means of the Hertz theory for the normal problem and the Kalker theory for the tangential problem. Some numerical tests were performed, in particular low adhesion conditions were simulated, and bogie hunting and dynamical imbalance of the wheelsets were introduced. The tests were devoted to verify the robustness of control system with respect to some of the more frequent disturbances that may influence the roller rig dynamics. In particular we verified that the wheelset imbalance could significantly influence system performance, and to reduce the effect of this disturbance a multistate filter was designed.  相似文献   
针对现代有轨电车运行环境和运营特点,采用GPS定位为主,航位推算为辅的车辆定位方案,确保现代有轨电车在运营线路上定位信息的连续性和完整性。采用卡尔曼滤波等数据处理方法,减少传感器采集数据的零偏漂移和随机漂移,降低航位推算的累积误差,提高定位信息的精确性。由理论分析和跑车试验可以看出,组合定位方案和数据处理方法可以有效实现现代有轨电车在全部运行线路上的跟踪和定位。  相似文献   
高晖  常青 《中国公路学报》2006,19(2):95-100
为提高车辆跟踪系统的精度,减小差分全球定位系统(DGPS)的定位误差,通过分析行驶在城市道路上的车辆运动过程及其相应的运动模型,提出采用当前统计模型作为车辆运动模型。通过地图辅助位置择近和速度择角算法来修正卡尔曼滤波,为运行在道路上的车辆确定地图匹配估计。实际运行结果表明;整个车辆跟踪系统的精度有明显的提高。  相似文献   
基于推广卡尔曼滤波的无源定位系统仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现代电子战、信息战环境中,由于利用目标辐射电磁信息的无源探测定位系统具有自身隐蔽和探测距离远等优点,因此它具有重要的应用价值,并已成为当今非线性跟踪与估计研究领域的热点问题、针对无源定位中状态空间模型非线性和程度较高所引起的滤波发散问题,分析总结了推广卡尔曼滤波(EKF)次优递推滤波过程,最后给出滤波方程及仿真结果.  相似文献   
为分析雷达主动导引头抗干扰性能,建立所需数学模型,对导引头导引精度进行仿真分析。在模拟导引头进行导引所需的距离、速度以及角度信息的干扰噪声情况下,仿真分析了导引头在噪声干扰下的弹道轨迹和导引精度;为进一步提高导引头抗干扰性能,提出基于卡尔曼滤波的修正比例导引率。仿真结果证明此导引率提高了导弹的飞行稳定度和命中率,提高了导引头的抗干扰性能,为导引头试验提供理论支持和相应的试验依据。  相似文献   
对双站测向无源定位跟踪方法进行了研究,分析了双站交叉定位的基本原理,采用扩展卡尔曼滤波对三维空间中的机动目标无源定位跟踪问题进行了仿真分析。仿真结果表明,在假设的仿真条件下以及测向精度为0.001rad时,对机动目标定位跟踪的相对测距误差保持在2%以下,滤波跟踪效果良好,表明该方法对无源定位跟踪是有效的,对工程应用有一定指导意义。  相似文献   
基于双阵纯方位的水下运动目标运动分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
单基阵纯方位水下目标运动分析需要基阵所在平台至少作一次机动,复杂多变的海战环境中,往往并不允许平台执行机动,故通常需利用多维信息对水下目标进行运动分析.本文基于双阵方位进行水下目标运动分析,目前相关公开文献中多是从仿真层面对该问题进行研究,本文在数值仿真的基础上,通过对海试数据的处理,从试验层面研究这一问题.文中采用最大似然估计法和扩展卡尔曼滤波方法进行双阵纯方位水下目标运动分析,通过数值仿真及海试数据的处理,验证算法的有效性.  相似文献   
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