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为了解决含双向不分道行驶的狭窄支路路段交通网络配流问题,提出基于路段宽度、单车道通行能力、双向流量比例等因素的支路路段通行能力近似公式;通过扩展支路路段费用的表达形式,建立了分析支路路段双向车流相互作用的交通网络均衡模型.鉴于支路路段费用函数不是关于方向流量的凸函数,采用最短路径上全有全无分配并结合相继平均法设计了模型的求解算法.结果表明:该近似公式与模拟结果基本吻合;含双向不分车道行驶支路路段的交通网络均衡模型与算法,有效地推广了常规配流方法,可用于解决实际工程问题.  相似文献   

Balancing economic activities with socio-environmental considerations has become a global standard for the construction of large scale infrastructure projects, including ports. In this discourse, stakeholder participation and environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) have been stressed as important tools that can help port managers to co-create values, avoid conflicts and promote inclusive growth. Drawing on qualitative research tools and stakeholder theory, this paper explores whether and to what extent local stakeholders’ inclusion has substantial influence on addressing their socio-cultural concerns and interest. This is illustrated with a case study of an ongoing port expansion project at Ghana’s largest port of Tema. The findings suggest that although the port authority conducted an ESIA and engaged local stakeholders as part of the planning process, this did not translate into preventing the loss of valuable cultural resources of the local communities. The port authority did not place ‘value’ on cultural resources of the local communities that cannot be expressed in monetary terms. Further, lack of good faith engagement with local stakeholders led to conflicts in some cases that triggered a court action and delays. The paper concludes that stakeholder participation if not applied well, can become a ‘post-political’ tool.  相似文献   
Improved local tangent space alignment (ILTSA) is a recent nonlinear dimensionality reduction method which can efficiently recover the geometrical structure of sparse or non-uniformly distributed data manifold. In this paper, based on combination of modified maximum margin criterion and ILTSA, a novel feature extraction method named orthogonal discriminant improved local tangent space alignment (ODILTSA) is proposed. ODILTSA can preserve local geometry structure and maximize the margin between different classes simultaneously. Based on ODILTSA, a novel face recognition method which combines augmented complex wavelet features and original image features is developed. Experimental results on Yale, AR and PIE face databases demonstrate the effectiveness of ODILTSA and the feature fusion method.  相似文献   
This study develops a car‐following model in which heavy vehicle behaviour is predicted separately from passenger car. Heavy vehicles have different characteristics and manoeuvrability compared with passenger cars. These differences could create problems in freeway operations and safety under congested traffic conditions (level of service E and F) particularly when there is high proportion of heavy vehicles. With increasing numbers of heavy vehicles in the traffic stream, model estimates of the traffic flow could be degrades because existing car‐following models do not differentiate between these vehicles and passenger cars. This study highlighted some of the differences in car‐following behaviour of heavy vehicle and passenger drivers and developed a model considering heavy vehicles. In this model, the local linear model tree approach was used to incorporate human perceptual imperfections into a car‐following model. Three different real world data sets from a stretch of freeway in USA were used in this study. Two of them were used for the training and testing of the model, and one of them was used for evaluation purpose. The performance of the model was compared with a number of existing car‐following models. The results showed that the model, which considers the heavy vehicle type, could predict car‐following behaviour of drivers better than the existing models. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
目前利用水下地理信息对惯导误差进行校正多以各类匹配算法为核心,对此论文提出一种基于二维高斯样条函数的水下重力被动定位新模式.文章首先介绍了一种利用二维高斯样条函数逼近的连续局部重力场模型,随后在该模型的基础上将实测重力表示为连续的解析形式,最后以实测重力作为包含目标位置信息的量测值,并结合扩展卡尔曼滤波算法对目标位置进行最优估计.这种方法无需使用常用的匹配算法,因而也就摆脱了匹配算法的诸多限制.以分辨率为2'×2'的某区域重力异常数据为背景场进行仿真,最终的仿真结果表明:经高斯样条函数逼近的局部重力场模型平均误差小于0.19mGal,水下平均经、纬定位误差分别小于0.59和0.74海里.  相似文献   
UUV相关技术的发展越来越多地受到广泛重视,其航路规划算法研究日益成为相关研究领域的重要课题。论文介绍了一种起源于流体力学的算法———流函数法,可有效应用于UUV的局部航路规划。针对UUV在实际应用中由于自身机动性、探测性能约束而产生的问题,提出了改进流函数法,能够更有效地规划航路。  相似文献   
Temporal key integrity protocol (TKIP) is a sub-protocol of IEEE 802.11i. TKIP remedies some security flaws in wired equivalent privacy (WEP) protocol. TKIP adds four new algorithms to WEP: a message integrity code (MIC) called Michael, an initialization vector (IV) sequencing discipline, a key mixing function and a re-keying mechanism. The key mixing function, also called temporal key hash, de-correlates the IVs from weak keys. Some cryptographic properties of the substitution box (S-box) used in the key mixing function are investigated in this paper, such as regularity, avalanche effect, differ uniform and linear structure. Moen et al pointed out that there existed a temporal key recovery attack in TKIP key mixing function. In this paper a method is proposed to defend against the attack, and the resulting effect on performance is discussed.  相似文献   
Recently, the barrier coverage was proposed and received much attention in wireless sensor network (WSN), and the degree of the barrier coverage, one of the critical parameters of WSN, must be re-studied due to the difference between the barrier coverage and blanket coverage. In this paper, we propose two algorithms, namely,local tree based no-way and back (LTNWB) algorithm and sensor minimum cut sets (SMCS) algorithm, for the opened and closed belt regions to determine the degree of the barrier coverage of WSN. Our main objective is to minimize the complexity of these algorithms. For the opened belt region, both algorithms work well, and for the closed belt region, they will still come into existence while some restricted conditions are taken into consideration.Finally, the simulation results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed algorithms.  相似文献   
研究了动态车辆配送优化调度问题的高效求解算法。在分析配送车辆调度中造成车辆动态性的原因的基础上,提出了一种考虑车辆故障和车辆多次巡回配送的动态车辆配送优化调度问题。在对该问题进行描述的基础上,制定了求解该问题的两阶段策略:第一阶段制定整体优化计划;第二阶段进行实时局部优化调度。设计和实现了求解该问题的两阶段算法:第一阶段采用禁忌搜索算法制定优化的配送计划;第二阶段采用局部搜索算法实时进行优化调度。既充分利用了禁忌搜索算法全局搜索能力强的优势,又充分利用局部搜索算法收敛速度快的优势。最后,通过实验计算验证了算法的良好的性能。  相似文献   
针对物流配送中的带有容量约束的车辆路径优化问题,提出了一个基于多邻域的迭代局部搜索算法HILS.首先用简单插入法构造可行解,然后从该初始解出发,在多邻域内进行局部优化.当陷入局部最优解后,根据解的接受准则,选择某个解,并对该解进行扰动,然后从扰动后的解出发重新进行局部优化.为提高搜索效率,局部优化过程只在限定邻域内进行.在国际通用的14个benchmark问题上进行仿真实验,结果验证了本文算法HILS的有效性和稳定性,与文献中的其他几种算法的比较结果表明,算法HILS的总体性能更优.  相似文献   
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