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探地雷达在桥梁预应力管道定位检测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对预应力管道进行定位检测,是目前桥梁无损检测技术的一个重要问题,在阐述探地雷达无损检测技术原理和方法的基础上,通过室内模型试验,并结合工程实例说明了高精度探地雷达在桥梁预应力管道定位检测中的应用,及其无损、简易、效率高、精度高、抗干扰能力强的优点,为准确评价桥梁结构耐久性和安全使用功能提供科学依据。  相似文献   
The management of vehicle travel times has been shown to be fundamental to traffic network analysis. To collect travel time measurement, some methods focus solely on isolated links or highway segments, and where two measurement points, at the beginning and at the end of a section, are deemed sufficient to evaluate users' travel time. However, in many cases, transport studies involve networks in which the problem is more complex. This article takes advantage of the plate scanning technique to propose an algorithm that minimizes the required number of registering devices and their location in order to identify vehicles candidates to compute the travel times of a given set of routes (or subroutes). The merits of the proposed method are explained using simple examples and are illustrated by its application to the real network of Ciudad Real.  相似文献   
针对大型泵站进水口设置多台并列布置的固定格栅,其工程投资大、设备利用率不高的弊端,建议使用移动式格栅除污机,并对其结构形式、主要构件设计计算及关键技术进行了阐述。移动式格栅除污机的成功应用为我国的水处理事业增添了一项新的专用设备。  相似文献   
通苏嘉甬高速铁路在嘉兴和宁波间需跨越杭州湾,杭州湾海域及两岸建设条件复杂、控制因素众多.开展跨杭州湾通道选择及桥位论证,对项目决策、建设和运营至关重要.在以往工程经验的基础上,从区域社会经济特征、区域交通现状及规划、气象水文地质等自然条件、港口航道和海事管控要求、秦山核电站及生态环境敏感区、防洪和涌潮影响规定等方面,详...  相似文献   
某大型悬索桥为主跨1650 m的两跨连续钢箱梁悬索桥,加劲梁采用扁平流线型分离式双箱。近2年在正交异性板钢箱梁顶板U肋嵌补段发现焊缝开裂状况,为研究及处治该病害,采用大型有限元程序ANAYS进行局部仿真计算,分析焊缝开裂后的应力分布规律、影响范围。结果表明:重车轮压的疲劳荷载、施工焊接质量等是嵌补段焊缝开裂的主要原因;钢箱梁顶板U肋嵌补段焊缝开裂会对邻近结构抗力产生影响,U肋嵌补段开裂使相邻U肋嵌补段焊缝应力增加11.8%,使U肋与顶板之间焊缝主拉应力增加57%,使邻近位置的横隔板弧形缺口主拉应力增加6%。根据分析结果建议尽早处治焊缝开裂问题,短期养护措施推荐在低应力区打止裂孔和设置临时支撑架,长期养护措施建议刨去已开裂焊缝后补焊、嵌补段整体切割后补焊和改用高强度螺栓连接方式。  相似文献   
将S注入法和无线传输节点相结合,利用传感器网络的自组网功能以及高容错性构建了无线节点通信网络.提出了采用传感器网络技术的铁路自闭贯通线故障定位系统.该系统由信号注入装置、无线节点、开关站无线处理单元和智能故障信息处理系统构成.通过无线节点检测注入信号.智能故障信息处理系统接收无线节点传来的检测结果,并判断故障位置.注入信号的电源为恒流源,频率范围为220~320Hz.设计了并列方式和交错方式两种检测节点的布置方案.这两种方式均能满足信息传输可靠性的要求,但并列方式的系统可靠性比交错方式提高了2倍.该系统定位精度可根据需要调整.  相似文献   
We propose a method to determine the optimal initial location and to generate torch paths for a ship welding robot with 6 degrees of freedom (DOF). The optimal initial location is determined using an objective function, which is set up by combining constraints on the torch posture, manipulability, and the range of each joint angle to avoid collisions. A genetic algorithm (GA) is used to optimize the objective function because it does not require additional derivatives. After the initial location is determined, torch paths are generated by interpolating the starting point, endpoints and torch postures using inverse kinematics. Our method can be applied to automate the welding job for each block during ship building, irrespective of the shape of the robots, by changing the objective function.  相似文献   
To determine the spatial distribution of rental stations and bikeways in a public bike system, this paper proposes a facility location and network design model. The model is developed as a multi-objective programing problem that considers four objectives (minimizing cyclist risk, maximizing cyclist comfort, minimizing adverse impacts on traffic and maximizing service coverage) and multiple constraints (monetary budget, network connectivity, station spacing, bikeway types, station number and value ranges of decision variables). The ε-constraint method solves the programing problem for the public bike system in Daan District, Taipei City, Taiwan. The nine non-dominated alternatives generated are all markedly better than existing locations of rental stations and bikeways. Scenario analysis results indicate that increasing the construction budget for bikeways significantly improves cyclist safety and comfort whilst increasing the adverse impact on traffic. Planners can use this model to develop public bike systems that spatially integrate rental stations and bikeway networks.  相似文献   
在梳理和总结国内外关于第四代港口的理论和实践研究的基础上,以港口区位和港口功能规划为出发点,对第四代港口的概念和特点进行了界定。认为第四代港口在物理上打破了区位限制,是一个以港口、临港工业区和临港新城为载体的集港口、产业和城市功能为一体的网络港口群;在功能方面,第四代港口提供围绕资源和生产要素的一体化的生产、物流、信息、商贸、金融等服务。对第四代港口概念和特点的深入研究有助于全面认识和理解未来港口的发展方向,对我国港口建设具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
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