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为研究点汇聚系统的环境效益及减排机理,采用考虑气象条件修正后的航空器性能、燃油 流量及污染物计算模型,设计了理想条件下非高峰时刻与实际运行的高峰时刻两种场景,对比分 析了航空器在点汇聚系统与标准进场程序中污染物(即HC、CO、NOX、SOX和PM)的排放情况,并 从飞行时间、燃油消耗与排放指数3个方面分析了点汇聚系统的减排机理、识别了减排关键因素。 研究发现:在非高峰时刻,点汇聚系统与标准进场程序的污染物排放总量分别为5.79 kg与7.17 kg, 点汇聚系统较标准进场程序共减少约19.25%污染物排放,对NOX、SOX和PM减排效果显著;在高 峰时刻,点汇聚系统与标准进场程序的污染物排放总量分别为290.01 kg与406.69 kg,点汇聚系 统较标准进场程序共减少28.69%污染物排放,其中NOX减排比例最高可达48.32%。结果表明: 无论是非高峰时刻还是高峰时刻,点汇聚系统都具有良好的环境效益,可有效减少污染物的排放 总量,且对NOX减排效果最佳;较短的飞行时间、较低的燃油流量是点汇聚系统体现减排优势的 关键驱动因素。  相似文献   
为探究新冠肺炎疫情下交通防控政策对长沙市人口流动的影响,本文根据长沙市在新冠 肺炎疫情期间颁布的交通防控政策和疫情实时防控情况划分防控阶段,基于百度迁徙大数据,利 用双重差分模型,识别长沙市不同阶段的交通防控政策以及量化防控效果,分析交通防控政策对 长沙市人口流动的影响。结果显示,长沙市在交通管制阶段,平均人口迁出强度、平均人口迁入 强度及城市内部出行强度分别下降了83.68%、69.24%及59.74%,有效地控制了人口流动,降低了 疫情扩散危险。在交通恢复阶段,长沙市人口流动强度逐渐反弹,城市内部出行强度基本恢复到 2019年同期水平。本文研究结果显示了交通管制对疫情扩散限制的有效性,为常态化疫情防控 下精准防控政策和复工复产政策制定提供参考。  相似文献   
从数据驱动视角出发,本文探讨收费公路资产支持证券的结构化定价方法。首先,构建反 映交通量风险特征的收费公路通行收入自回归积分滑动平均模型;其次,基于瀑布式偿付结构和 到期收益率Nelson-Siegel模型计算不同等级证券发债规模与息票利率;最后结合成渝高速和渝 蓉高速现实数据进行仿真分析。研究发现,高速公路成熟期的通行收入具有尖峰厚尾特征,成长 期的通行收入更兼具显著的波动聚集效应。数据驱动的定价模型能够刻画通行收入的风险特 征,合理估计优先级的证券融资比例,比只考虑利率风险的现金流折现法更具有优势;从发行方 式来看,合并发行的融资结构显著优于单独发行。管理启示是改变以单个高速公路项目为基础 的特许经营权融资,通过绩优绩差项目的合并发行优化融资结构。  相似文献   
"机械零部件识图"是汽车类专业的一门必修专业基础课,本文基于现有"机械零部件识图"在线开放课程资源,探讨线上与线下交互融合教学模式在少学时"机械零部件识图"课程中的应用。  相似文献   
以航海类专业为例,对现代学徒制人才培养模式的实施路径开展了研究。从现代学徒制职业标准体系的打造、教学团队的构建、教学资源的开发、人才培养模式的创新、人才培养体系的打造等方面论述了企业主导型现代学徒制的实施路径,并总结了实施效果,以期共享现代学徒制航海人才培养经验,提高人才培养质量。  相似文献   
Car following models have been studied with many diverse approaches for decades. Nowadays, technological advances have significantly improved our traffic data collection capabilities. Conventional car following models rely on mathematical formulas and are derived from traffic flow theory; a property that often makes them more restrictive. On the other hand, data-driven approaches are more flexible and allow the incorporation of additional information to the model; however, they may not provide as much insight into traffic flow theory as the traditional models. In this research, an innovative methodological framework based on a data-driven approach is proposed for the estimation of car-following models, suitable for incorporation into microscopic traffic simulation models. An existing technique, i.e. locally weighted regression (loess), is defined through an optimization problem and is employed in a novel way. The proposed methodology is demonstrated using data collected from a sequence of instrumented vehicles in Naples, Italy. Gipps’ model, one of the most extensively used car-following models, is calibrated against the same data and used as a reference benchmark. Optimization issues are raised in both cases. The obtained results suggest that data-driven car-following models could be a promising research direction.  相似文献   
The relationship between land use and the utility of automobile travel is examined by refining the utility concept, particularly by combining the microeconomic utility theory, which is concerned with the disutility of travel, and the perspective on the positive utility. A conceptual model is accordingly developed and then adjusted considering different purposes of travel. The purpose-specific models are tested through a Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes approach in Seoul, Korea, using datasets from a sample survey and geographic information systems. The major finding is that land use affects the utility mainly by changing synergy and affective utility rather than instrumental utility, which encompasses disutility variables. Among land use variables, the utility is found to be the most sensitive to the number of transit facilities for commuting and shopping travel and land use balance for leisure travel.  相似文献   
In this paper, the location of emergency service (ES) vehicles is studied on fully connected networks. Queuing theory is utilized to obtain the performance metrics of the system. An approximate queuing model the (AQM) is proposed. For the AQM, different service rate formulations are constructed. These formulations are tested with a simulation study for different approximation levels. A mathematical model is proposed to minimize the mean response time of ES systems based on AQM. In the model, multiple vehicles are allowed at a single location. The objective function of the model has no closed form expression. A genetic algorithm is constructed to solve the model. With the help of the genetic algorithm, the effect of assigning multiple vehicles on the mean response time is reported.  相似文献   
The aircraft turnaround processes is mainly controlled by the ground handling, airport or airline staff, except the aircraft boarding, which is driven by the passengers’ experience and willingness or ability to follow the proposed boarding procedures. The paper uses a prior developed, calibrated, stochastic aircraft boarding model, which is applied to different boarding strategies (chronological order of passenger arrival, hand luggage handling), group constellations and innovative infrastructural changes (Flying Carpet, Side-Slip Seat, Foldable Passenger Seat). In this context, passenger boarding is assumed to be a stochastic, agent-based, forward-directed, one-dimensional and discrete process. The stochastic model covers individual passenger behavior as well as operational constraints and deviations. A comprehensive assessment using one model allows for efficient comparison of current research approaches and innovative operational solutions for efficient passenger boarding.  相似文献   
The Air Traffic Management system is under a paradigm shift led by NextGen and SESAR. The new trajectory-based Concept of Operations is supported by performance-based trajectory predictors as major enablers. Currently, the performance of ground-based trajectory predictors is affected by diverse factors such as weather, lack of integration of operational information or aircraft performance uncertainty.Trajectory predictors could be enhanced by learning from historical data. Nowadays, data from the Air Traffic Management system may be exploited to understand to what extent Air Traffic Control actions impact on the vertical profile of flight trajectories.This paper analyses the impact of diverse operational factors on the vertical profile of flight trajectories. Firstly, Multilevel Linear Models are adopted to conduct a prior identification of these factors. Then, the information is exploited by trajectory predictors, where two types are used: point-mass trajectory predictors enhanced by learning the thrust law depending on those factors; and trajectory predictors based on Artificial Neural Networks.Air Traffic Control vertical operational procedures do not constitute a main factor impacting on the vertical profile of flight trajectories, once the top of descent is established. Additionally, airspace flows and the flight level at the trajectory top of descent are relevant features to be considered when learning from historical data, enhancing the overall performance of the trajectory predictors for the descent phase.  相似文献   
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