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李汉 《船电技术》2012,32(10):25-28
提出一种基于光电编码器的柴油机抗振动瞬时转速的测量方法,并研制以32位嵌入式处理器(LPC2114)为控制器的瞬时转速监测记录仪。该记录仪分为两级,下位机实时测量柴油机的瞬时转速并发送到上位机,上位机接收数据并进行储存、显示和运算等处理,可进一步得出平均指示压力、缸内燃烧压力等指标,为应用瞬时转速实时评估柴油机的工作状态和故障诊断打下基础。  相似文献   
驾驶台数字化、集成化是中小船舶自动化技术的发展趋势。在对中小船舶驾驶台系统集成架构分析的基础上,提出了航行灯、信号灯、雾笛、车钟集成化多功能数字控制单元(MDU,Multiple Display unit)的功能需求及组成架构,由此设计了MDU的硬件电路、配置及控制的下位机软件,并对配置协议及上位机进行详细设计,给出了实现其功能的示例。测试表明,MDU达到设计功能,具有一定应用价值。  相似文献   
舰船动力装置维修质量评估研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前舰船动力装置维修过程和修后质量缺乏衡量标准的现状,研究建立了动力装置维修质量评估指标体系,并运用多层次模糊综合评判模型对动力装置进行维修质量评估。  相似文献   
为准确分析二冲程船舶柴油机工作时曲轴的动态特性,结合Pro/E 3D软件和ANSYS软件对船舶柴油机曲轴、轴承、活塞、连杆等部件进行三维实体有限元建模,采用子结构法对其进行结构缩减,并将结果文件导入EXCITE软件中,建立整个船舶柴油机的轴系非线性多体动力学模型。采用该模型对曲轴进行一个循环的多体动力学计算。将计算结果恢复到曲轴实体有限元精细模型,进行正常工况下曲轴在一个循环内的动应力计算。结果表明,与单体曲轴强度分析方法相比,采用非线性多体动力学方法可获得更接近实际的曲轴载荷的边界条件,提高了船舶柴油机曲轴动态特性计算精度。  相似文献   
针对全柴联合动力装置单轴工作制和三机工作制相应的联控曲线以保证推进性能综合最优的需求,运用计算机仿真方法对某全柴联合动力装置的单轴工作制和三机工作制的联控曲线进行研究。首先,建立推进系统各部件的数学模型并将它们集成为整个推进系统的数学模型。基于这些数学模型和仿真计算,运用"船—机—桨"匹配原理提出特殊工作制联控曲线的一般设计原则,经实船使用,证明所设计的联控曲线能有效实现原设计目的。  相似文献   
Quantifying progress in management of marine protected areas (MPAs) is crucial to marine conservation and fisheries management in the Philippines. This study compiles data on the status, occurrence, and management gaps of MPAs through coordination with multiple organizations supporting and guiding MPAs in the Philippines. MPA management effectiveness was measured using a MPA Rating System. Since 2002 the modal MPA rating levels increased from level 1 (initiated) to level 4 (sustained) in 2008/9. This upward trend is attributed to factors that promoted both the establishment and improved management of MPAs. Analysis indicated that: (1) most MPAs struggle with budgetary constraints or lack of sustainable financing and (2) overall the MPAs are being maintained and progressing with notable improvement in management despite a range of difficulties encountered during the implementation process. For MPAs in the Visayan Region for which biophysical data were available, the MPA Rating System was used to assess the effectiveness of local government capacity building on MPA coral reef health. Our results suggest that MPAs with higher ratings are likely to have better reef health conditions.  相似文献   
This article recommends the parallel but separate modeling of nature-based and people-based marine protected areas (MPA) before the design and siting stages of establishing an MPA. Separate but simultaneous modeling of ideal nature and people MPAs permits each to be maximized for its own variables and subsequently compared to identify conflicts and agreements. The case that supports this recommendation is in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, where the study conducted 572 interviews with people from six traditional settlements in the central Exumas Islands and Cays. The research is focused on why members of these settlements differentially responded to three nearby national MPA proposals.  相似文献   
Much has been written about the usefulness of marine protected areas (MPAs) as a management tool. Their performance has been measured using biological and ecological indicators. However, objectives of management also include economic and social responsibilities. As such, stakeholder objectives in MPA management are frequently incompatible. This has been attributed to the variety of stakeholders with an interest in how MPAs are managed. This article considers the development of a performance indicator hierarchy for the Egadi Islands Marine Reserve, and a multi-criteria approach implemented to define compromise positions between stakeholders in decision-making. Data was obtained from a pairwise comparison survey using the analytic hierarchy process to investigate preferences of stakeholder groups for performance indicators in evaluating marine protected area management. The analysis showed that although there are five key stakeholder groups, none are homogenous in prioritizing performance indicators and that none are clear with respect to what the MPA means for them.  相似文献   
在使用SolidWorks软件完成船舶柴油机装配体设计的基础上,再利用其动画制作功能,可实现船舶柴油机的虚拟装配及运动仿真.仿真结果直观、生动、形象,可验证装配序列和装配路径的可行性、分析最佳装配次序、确定最优装配路径,从而缩短柴油机的装配周期和提高柴油机的装配质量.  相似文献   
汶川抗震救灾给了我们许多有益的启示文中结合海上搜救工作的实际特点,从搜救指挥体系的建立、专家队伍建设、加强海上搜救的国际间合作等方面,详细阐述了科学运用抗震救灾工作经验,对于提高我国海上搜救工作水平和能力的重要意义。  相似文献   
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