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IntroductionMany approaches have been proposed to dealwith the problem of model checking large statespaces,such as the composition methods,symbol-ic verification and abstraction techniques.A partialstate spaces model checking method was developedby Bruns[1] ,which explored just a part of statespaces,and those unexplored states and transitionswere often absent in incomplete or“partial”statespaces.In the automatic verification of concurrent fi-nite- state system,the branching time prepositiona…  相似文献   
高架桥钢筋混凝土墩身在施工过程中及竣工后,易发生弹塑性变形,影响桥梁使用功能及结构安全,因此对其变形进行正确的计算和详细的分析以及提出相应的控制措施具有重要的意义.  相似文献   
发展了考虑转向架的波磨激振计算模型。通过参数分析得到了列车速度、轮轨接触弹簧及道床弹性等对轮轨振动附加力的影响特点。波深较小时计算结果与实测数据吻合。  相似文献   
4 300辆汽车滚装船带浮筒下水动力学计算分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对可装4 300辆的汽车运输船(PCTC)带浮筒下水过程的动力学采用牛顿第二定律进行计算,对计算方法的选取以及影响计算结果的因素进行分析;计算模块分为下水过程中船舶的状态、运动参数、回转轨迹、全浮时横稳性计算;计算结果与实际下水结果较吻合,计算较准确。  相似文献   
郭鑫 《北方交通》2012,(10):21-23
介绍了"浑太胡同"的概念,并结合鞍山至台安高速公路工程实例,阐述了"浑太胡同"内公路路面高程的水文计算方法。  相似文献   
In a Thermal-Elastic-Plastic (TEP) FE analysis to investigate welding induced buckling of large thin plate welded structure such as ship panel, it will be extremely difficult to converge computation and obtain the results when the material and geometrical non-linear behaviors are both considered. In this study, an efficient FE computation which is an elastic FE analysis based on inherent deformation method, is proposed to predict welding induced buckling with employing large deformation theory, and an application in ship panel production is carried out. The proposed FE computation is implemented with two steps:(1) The typical weld joint (fillet weld) existing in considered ship panel structure is conducted with sequential welding using actual welding condition, and welding angular distortion after completely cooling down is measured. A TEP FE analysis with solid elements model is carried out to predict the welding angular distortion, which is validated by comparing with experimental results. Then, inherent deformations in this examined fillet welded joint are evaluated as a loading for the subsequent elastic FE analysis. Also, the simultaneous welding to assemble this fillet welded joint is numerically considered and its inherent deformations are evaluated.(2) To predict the welding induced buckling in the production of ship panel structure, a shell element model of considered ship panel is then employed for elastic FE analysis, in which inherent deformation evaluated beforehand is applied and large deformation is considered. The computed results obviously show welding induced buckling in the considered ship panel structure after welding. With its instability and difficulty for straightening, welding induced buckling prefers to be avoided whenever it is possible.  相似文献   
为提高甩挂运输效率,并有效控制车辆购置成本,研究最佳挂车配置数量的计算方法.在阐述研究的背景和意义的基础上以两点一线零担干线甩挂运输为例,剖析运输组织过程,解析运输过程中的时间划分,研究单条甩挂运输线路牵引车数量计算方法,提出最佳挂车数量的约束条件,为模拟现实并简化模型,提出2点假设条件,在此基础上得出挂车配置数量计算方法.结合其他类型甩挂运输特点,对计算方法进行局部修改,解决了客户端甩挂、集装箱甩挂、整车甩挂、三点循环甩挂等各种甩挂运输模式下的最佳挂车数量配置计算方法.  相似文献   
目前,小跨径空心板桥梁中铰缝破坏现象较为严重,极大地影响了桥梁的承载能力和运营安全性。鉴于此,从计算理论出发,借助有限元软件ANSYS对空心板铰缝受力机理进行研究,对传统计算理论提出部分修正,并对计算方法提出了大胆的假定。  相似文献   
采用数值计算的方法,对地表倾斜条件下V级围岩双线铁路隧道浅埋暗挖施工诱发的地表沉降规律进行了研究。研究表明:地表倾斜时的沉降曲线不再具有对称性,地表沉降量最大点的位置随横坡的变陡由拱顶上方逐渐向上坡侧偏移;拱顶埋深相同的条件下,地表倾斜时的最大沉降量比地表水平时的大,并随横坡的变陡近似呈线性增加;地表倾斜时,上坡侧的地表沉降区宽度比地表水平时的大并随横坡的变陡逐渐增大,下坡侧的地表沉降区宽度比地表水平时的小并随横坡的变陡逐渐减少;地表倾斜引起的沉降区宽度变化,上坡侧比下坡侧的大。为隧道施工提供了理论指导。  相似文献   
李闯民 《公路》2004,(10):115-119
研究了我国的沥青混合料矿料间隙率(VMA)规定值和计算方法。研究发现:我国普遍使用的马歇尔设计方法。根据集料公称最大粒径规定的最小VMA值与美国马歇尔设计方法给定的最小VMA及美国Superpave设计方法规定的最小VMA值本质上是一致的。但计算方法却不同。因此,采用现行计算VMA的4种方法,计算了25种工地沥青混合料的VMA值。研究表明:我国的计算方法之一,用空隙率与总沥青用量的和计算的VMA明显偏大,有时难以排除不满足最小VMA要求的混合料。我国的粗集料用毛体积相对密度和细集料用表观相对密度计算VMA的方法和美国的方法所用公式形式一样,但用我国方法计箅的VMA比用美国方法计算的VMA均偏大。在实际使用时,建议按照细集料含量与细集料平均吸水率的乘积大小,修正我国计算公式。使之接近沥青混合料的真实VMA。  相似文献   
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