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Measurements of boundary layer moisture have been acquired from Rotronic MP-100 sensors deployed on two NDBC buoys in the northern Gulf of Mexico from June through November 1993. For one sensor, which was retrieved approximately 8 months after deployment, the post- and precalibrations agreed closely and fell well within WMO specifications for accuracy. The second sensor operated continuously from June 1993 to February 1997 (3.5 years). Buoy observations of relative humidity and supporting data were used to calculate specific humidity and the surface fluxes of latent and sensible heat. Specific humidities from the buoys were compared with observations of moisture obtained from nearby ship reports, and the correlations were generally high (0.7–0.9). Surface gravity wave spectra were also acquired. The time series of specific humidity and the other buoy parameters revealed three primary scales of variability, small (h), synoptic (days), and seasonal (months). The synoptic variability was clearly dominant and occurred primarily during September, October, and November. Most of the synoptic variability was due to frontal systems that dropped down into the Gulf of Mexico from the continental US followed by air masses which were cold and dry. Cross-correlation analyses of the buoy data indicated that: (1) the moisture field was highly coherent over distances of 800 km or more in the northern Gulf of Mexico; and (2) both specific humidity and air temperature served as tracers of the motion associated with propagating atmospheric disturbances. These correlation analyses also revealed that the prevailing weather systems generally entered the buoy domain from the South prior to September, but primarily from the North thereafter. Spectra of the various buoy parameters indicated strong diurnal and semidiurnal variability for barometric pressure and sea surface temperature (SST) and lesser variability for air temperature, wind speed and significant wave height. The surface fluxes of latent and sensible heat were dominated by the synoptic events which took place from September through November with the transfer of latent heat being primarily from the ocean to the atmosphere. Finally, an analysis of the surface wave observations from each buoy, which included calculations of wave age and estimates of surface roughness, indicate that major heat and moisture flux events coincide with periods of active wave growth, although the data were insufficient to identify any causal relationships.  相似文献   
桥面铺装防水粘结层材料类型的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章针对沥青混凝土桥面铺装结构的防水粘结层性能受到桥梁类型、荷载条件和工作环境等因素影响而难于选择的问题,对各类桥面铺装防水粘结层的使用条件和结构性能进行了研究,分析了各种结构性胶黏剂的物理性质和化学性质及工艺条件,据此制定了桥面铺装防水粘结材料的选择依据,并提出了一种性能较好的粘结剂典型配方。  相似文献   
  目的  研究准零刚度隔振器各系统参数对隔振性能的影响,可为其应用于隔振系统提供攻关方向。  方法  以线性隔振、准零刚度隔振组成的双层隔振系统和两自由度等效线性隔振系统为对象,分别建立动力学模型;采用平均法推导谐波力激励条件下2个系统的功率流传递率,证明前者比后者有更好的隔振性能,并提出增强双层隔振系统隔振效果的方法。  结果  研究表明,双层隔振系统第2阶共振频率对应的功率流传递率最大值小于1,意味着其在第2阶共振频率附近范围内仍具有隔振效果,从而克服了两自由度线性隔振系统的缺点。  结论  双层隔振系统可通过适当减小阻尼比、质量比和刚度比来提高其隔振性能,且比等效线性隔振系统的低频隔振性能更好。  相似文献   
柯李菊  刘成洋  方智 《中国舰船研究》2020,36(5):167-175, 182
  目的  针对单一腔型声学覆盖层低频隔声性能和耐压性能较差的特点,使用COMSOL有限元软件计算组合空腔结构声学覆盖层的声学性能和在静水压力下的变形量。  方法  将COMSOL软件仿真结果与前人的实验值进行对比,以验证采用COMSOL软件计算声学覆盖层隔声量和吸声系数的有效性,并研究组合空腔几何尺寸和小孔结构对声学覆盖层的隔声、吸声和耐压性能的影响。  结果  结果表明:声学覆盖层的空腔体积越大,低频段的隔声性能越好,中、高频段的吸声性能变差, 相邻空腔之间的距离增大会降低低频段的隔声量;空腔对耐压性能的影响在于其体积占比越大,耐压性能越差; 在组合空腔四周布置一定数量的圆柱小孔会提高声学覆盖层低频段的隔声和吸声性能,并使峰值频率向低频移动。  结论  因此,组合空腔中几何尺寸的选取需考虑低频隔声性能与耐压性能之间的平衡,在组合空腔四周布置圆柱小孔也能改善声学覆盖层的低频声学性能。  相似文献   
在进行天然地基上浅基础的设计时,必须验算地基承载力.如果存在软弱下卧层,还必须进行软弱下卧层承载力验算.  相似文献   
讨论了湍流边界层激励下声呐腔自噪声统计能量分析。采用圆柱一圆板组合结构模拟艏部声呐罩,重点讨论了湍流边界层输入功率计算,及利用均值导纳法求解多耦合结构之间的直接耦合损耗因子及问接耦合损耗因子,给出了详细的理论推导,最后给出了具体的算例。分析结果可作为湍流边界层激励下声呐腔自噪声工程估算的参考。  相似文献   
讨论了引起混凝土预应力T梁纵向开裂的原因,分析了张紧的预应力钢束对梁体上拱变形的反向作用和受压混凝土由泊松效应引起的横向拉应变作用,并结合理论分析和数值方法提出了考虑上述作用下T梁预应力管道的最小保护层厚度的计算公式。  相似文献   
硬壳层的存在改变了地基的受力状况,使地基土变为双层的受力模式。通过深入的理论研究,提出硬壳层软土地基界面附加应力的分布规律、硬壳层对地基附加应力的扩散,有助于确定科学合理的地基处理方案,从而节省投资和缩短工期。  相似文献   
含盐量及含水量对氯盐盐渍土抗剪强度参数的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盐渍土作为一类特殊的工程地质体,其抗剪强度受环境因素的影响是复杂的。通过室内试验,分析不同含盐量和含水量条件下氯盐盐渍土抗剪强度的变化规律,研究含盐量、含水量对盐渍土抗剪强度的影响机理。研究表明:在含水量达到一定量时,随着CaCl2含量的增加,氯盐盐渍土的抗剪强度参数值是先减小后增大,达到最小值时的土体临界含盐量为10.36%;在含盐量一定的情况下含水量从8%增到10%时,抗剪强度参数值减小幅度比较大,而从10%增到15.56%时,抗剪强度参数值减小幅度明显变小;土中易溶盐相态的变化,从土颗粒间溶液的离子浓度和土体骨架作用两方面影响盐渍土的抗剪强度;当含盐量一定时,随着含水量的增大,土粒间离子的浓度逐渐减小,使得扩散层厚度增大,粘结力减小。  相似文献   
雷笑  叶见曙  张峰 《公路》2007,(1):83-89
为了了解目前我国预应力混凝土连续箱梁的钢筋保护层厚度的实际情况,对结构的计算检验提供参考,以对预应力混凝土连续箱梁的调查为工程背景,采用现场调查方法对箱梁钢筋保护层厚度问题进行了研究。调查研究得到了混凝土箱梁桥钢筋保护层超标数量在箱梁横截面上的概率分布,并得出了不同施工方法对箱梁钢筋保护层厚度的影响。  相似文献   
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