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货车无改编通过技术站的车小时节省t节是计算技术站列车编组计划的要素,其准确性直接影响到计算结果.现行计算方法使t节的取值偏小,实践上也无法操作.本文认为在计算中不应减去t集,通过分析货车在技术站进行无调、有调中转作业的车辆停留时间,并考虑到车辆改编作业成本,修正了t节的计算公式.  相似文献   
传统村镇旅游发展存在着旅游过程生活化与村镇设施功能实用性、景区面积有限性与旅游者人数增长、传统村镇景区面积局限性与旅游者人数增长等之间的矛盾。结合西递古村落实际,认为传统村镇旅游地在发展过程中应坚持“修旧如旧”的原则,对少部分村落内居民进行迁居,同时坚持景区分区、建筑分类、游览分线、服务建区等规划与开发构想,考虑资源本体特征和游客需求等要素,合理开发。  相似文献   
基于模糊模式识别的城市道路安全状况综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对影响城市道路安全状况的因素众多且具有模糊性的特点,采用模糊模式识别与模糊综合评价相结合的评价模型来评价城市道路安全状况.建立了城市道路安全状况综合评价指标体系,应用层次分析法确定了指标权重,应用集值统计法对指标特征值进行了量化.通过对大连市黄河路的评价实例证明,该模型实用性较强,可用于完善道路安全设计及辅助道路安全管理.  相似文献   
按照2005年7月交通部在南京召开的沥青路面技术研讨会精神,结合浙江北部地区特有的自然地理条件,对沥青混凝土路面结构的7个层面进行详细的技术经济论证,从12种可能的路面结构设计方案中推荐适合申嘉湖高速公路嘉兴段特点的最佳沥青路面结构设计方案。  相似文献   
This paper presented a new-type CNC curve grinding machine, in order to conquer the disadvantages of conventional NC curve grinding machine and improve surface quality, dimensional accuracy and machining efficiency. The new-type grinder adopts some high and new technologies: ① the normal tracing device could make grinding wheel coincide with the normal direction of the machining points in work piece, and improve surface quality and dimensional accuracy; ② the digital image on-line recognition system could monitor machining process and compensate wheel wear in real time; ③ linear motor drive mechanism could realize the exact adjustment of the grinding head digitally and increase the machining efficiency. The math models of normal tracing and circular tolerance zone were presented. The experimental results show that the new-type CNC curve grinding machine equipped with the three devices mentioned above is easy to realize the precision grinding of any complex curve, and improve surface quality, dimensional accuracy and machining efficiency.  相似文献   
结合成都铁路枢纽所处的重要战略地位,依据当前军事斗争铁路保障准备要求,提出了战时枢纽编组站线路、桥梁、隧道、车站、迂回线等遭到敌人精确制导武器打击破坏时,抢修抢建、迅速恢复通车的设计原则,以指导铁路枢纽保障方案设计,提高工程保障方案实施的针对性和可操作性。  相似文献   
针对目前农村客运站建设与管理中存在的客运站点建设跟不上发展、客运市场经营主体混乱等问题,提出合理安排农村客运站点布局的原则以及"站所合一"、"三定四统一"等管理模式,以扭转农村客运市场的混乱局面。  相似文献   
通过比较分析国家示范性高职院校建设方案前后两次公示的不同版本,揭示建设方案所发生的七个重大改变,希望给予后续申报学校以启迪和警醒作用。  相似文献   
With the increasing demands of security in ournet worked society,the technology for personalidentification works as the main solution to safe-guard people s properties.Biometrics is an alterna-tive to solve the problemand has the advantage thatthey cannot be stolen or forgotten like pass words.Because personal identification numbers or identifi-cation tokens(such as s mart cards)cannot provide ahighlevel of security which can be copied,inspec-ted and/or stolen.They only showthe knowledgeof som…  相似文献   
A new passive wheel type of biped ice-skating robot(BISR)which was able to imitate human skating motion was developed. Firstly, the characteristics of two types of human skating gait were introduced; secondly, after simplifying the kinematical model, the BISR's motion principle was presented; then the construction and control system of BISR were proposed; at last, the skating experiment of the BISR in a symmetric gait mode was conducted and some conclusions were drawn.  相似文献   
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