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在路面结构设计过程中通过引入层次分析法(AHP),计算岀各评价指标的权重系数来定量比选设计方案,从而使得最终方案选择更加可靠,有关经验可供相关专业人员参考。 相似文献
The group-cycling behaviours of over 16,000 members of the London Cycle Hire Scheme (LCHS), a large public bikeshare system, are identified and analysed. Group journeys are defined as trips made by two or more cyclists together in space and time. Detailed insights into group-cycling behaviour are generated using specifically designed visualization software. We find that in many respects group-cycle journeys fit an expected pattern of discretionary activity: group journeys are more likely at weekends, late evenings and lunchtimes; they generally take place within more pleasant parts of the city; and between individuals apparently known to each other. A separate set of group activity is found, however, that coincides with commuting peaks and that appears to be imposed onto LCHS users by the scheme’s design. Studying the characteristics of individuals making group journeys, we identify a group of less experienced LCHS cyclists that appear to make more spatially extensive journeys than they would do normally while cycling with others; and that female cyclists are more likely to make late evening journeys when cycling in groups. For 20% of group cyclists, the first journey ever made through the LCHS was a group journey; this is particularly surprising since just 9% of all group cyclists’ journeys are group journeys. Moreover, we find that women are very significantly (p < 0.001) overrepresented amongst these ‘first time group cyclists’. Studying the bikeshare cyclists, or bike share ‘friends’, that individuals make ‘first time group journeys’ with, we find a significantly high incidence (p < 0.001) of group journeys being made with friends of the opposite gender, and for a very large proportion (55%) of members these first ever journeys are made with a friend that shares the same postcode. A substantial insight, then, is that group cycling appears to be a means through which early LCHS usage is initiated. 相似文献
A novel numerical approach for the approximation of several, widely applied, macroscopic traffic flow models is presented. A relaxation-type approximation of second-order non-equilibrium models, written in conservation or balance law form, is considered. Using the relaxation approximation, the nonlinear equations are transformed to a semi-linear diagonilizable problem with linear characteristic variables and stiff source terms. To discretize the resulting relaxation system, low- and high-resolution reconstructions in space and implicit–explicit Runge–Kutta time integration schemes are considered. The family of spatial discretizations includes a second-order MUSCL scheme and a fifth-order WENO scheme, and a detailed formulation of the scheme is presented. Emphasis is given on the WENO scheme and its performance for solving the different traffic models. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, extensive numerical tests are performed for the different models. The computations reported here demonstrate the simplicity and versatility of relaxation schemes as solvers for macroscopic traffic flow models. 相似文献
戎亚萍 《交通运输系统工程与信息》2001,19(4):187-192
针对多编组均衡发车导致的大小编组列车利用率不均的问题,本文构建了轨道交通多编组列车开行方案双层规划模型.上层模型以大小编组发车频率为决策变量,乘客出行费用和企业运营成本最小为目标;下层模型以列车编组和发车间隔为决策变量,大小编组列车间的满载率均衡程度最大为目标,并设计嵌套遗传算法求解.算例分析表明:当列车编组和发车频率一定时,大小编组列车均衡发车时平均满载率相差 50%,非均衡发车时两者仅相差 0.8%,这说明非均衡发车模式可以有效提高列车满载率均衡性;大小编组列车均衡发车时,列车编组辆数不宜相差过大,非均衡发车时可以通过调整发车间隔的方法提高列车满载率的时空均衡性. 相似文献
描述了沉入式整体大圆筒结构的工作介质与变形受力状态的自身特征 ,在此基础上 ,分析了抗倾计算中的三种受力状态。 相似文献
“达维”台风是建国以来登陆长江以北地区最强的台风。应用Jelesnianski台风参数模型、MIKE-SW波浪模型和MIKE-FM潮流模型,研究该台风在江苏海域登陆过程中台风浪、风暴潮的分布特征。计算结果表明,台风参数模型和台风浪模型验证较好,能够为风暴潮模拟提供准确的动力条件。台风过境期间,连云港海域最大风速超过40 ms,产生明显的海面强烈上升现象,台风中心附近水域最大风暴增水为1.7~1.8 m,高潮时刻风暴增水为0.6~0.7 m。该模拟系统能够准确模拟台风过境期间连云港海域风暴潮变化过程,对防灾减灾的数值预报具有重要价值。 相似文献
平潭海峡公铁大桥长乐岸共计38孔49.2m跨铁路简支箱梁,采用单箱单室等高直腹板预应力混凝土结构,单孔自重1 560 t.桥址海域环境复杂、大风频繁、作业环境恶劣、安全风险高,经综合比选,混凝土箱梁采用上行式海上造桥机现浇施工.采用MIDAS Civil软件建立造桥机模型,计算显示极端工况下造桥机抗风稳定性不满足要求,... 相似文献