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基于交互粒子系统之一的选举模型理论,构造了一个股票价格方程(模型)来实现股市价格和收益的模拟.文中讨论了选举模型理论中3个重要参数,强度、初始密度和网格维数,对股票收益统计特性及幂律分布的影响.为验证价格模型的有效性,对比上证综指、香港恒生指数及模拟收益,通过自相关系数分析、经典R/S分析法和修正R/S分析法来研究以上3个时间序列的长期依赖性.同时计算并检验了著名的Hurst指数,求取了以上3个金融序列的记忆周期.  相似文献   
This paper presents pioneering research on gender differences in travel behaviour in southeastern Europe. The study analyses the socio-economic and main travel characteristics (particularly parking) of men and women. Additionally, it examines the influence of parking demand management measures on their behaviour, in terms of the willingness of men and women to reduce car use and to adopt more sustainable behaviour. The results reveal significant differences between genders in most of the characteristics examined. Moreover, it is shown that women are less car dependent and more sensitive to parking pricing and, therefore, more willing to replace a car journey with public transport. These findings suggest that gender should be an essential parameter when user behaviour is examined and modelled. Furthermore, the results indicate that gender differences must be considered when transport policy is created to affect the behaviour of men and women equally. The achievement of social equality is one of the primary objectives of sustainable development.  相似文献   
工程量清单在我国铁路建设项目中的应用   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
简要介绍在铁路建设项目中推广工程量清单的意义;阐述工程量清单计价与定额计价之间的关系;分析在施工单价承包、施工总价承包及工程总承包三种方式下工程量清单的作用;对工程的承包模式、评标办法、施工企业管理水平等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   
水平旋喷桩作为一种新型岩土加固技术,在浅埋、软弱、松散、富水地层中具有很好的支护、防水等优势,通过在施工中的成功应用,已得到地下工程界的广泛认同.但水平旋喷桩作为一种较新的施工工艺,目前尚无成熟的配套定额.结合其在深港隧道中施工方案,从施工组织的角度分析工料机消耗,对水平旋喷桩进行单价分析.  相似文献   
目前在并购中,并购双方以各自核心竞争力优势为基础进行战略并购,以便达到优势互补,实现企业的持久竞争优势。因此,在目标企业评估中,目标企业核心竞争力的评估应受到重视,其内容主要包括技术创新能力和组织管理能力等方面。目前,我国对目标企业核心竞争力评估还不够重视,处于初级阶段。针对这种情况,对我国目标企业核心竞争力评估应从完善资本市场,使并购双方拥有更多自主权;通过产权制度改革将国有企业培育成合格的市场主体等方面入手采取相应对策。  相似文献   
Despite the current interest in using fuel taxes as an instrument for climate policy, there has been little study of current automotive fuel tax regimes. We expand on two earlier cross-sectional studies on why fuel taxes differ across countries by using OECD panel data and employing heterogeneous panel cointegration and long-run panel Granger-causality techniques. We confirm some of those earlier studies’ conclusions. Further, we find that governments that rely on consumption-based taxes for revenues will have higher gasoline tax rates (than governments that rely on income and wealth/property-based taxes). But more significantly, we determine that higher gasoline demand among consumers “causes” democratic governments to set lower gasoline taxes—a finding with important implications for today’s climate/energy policy debate.  相似文献   
This paper provides fuel price elasticity estimates for single-unit truck activity, where single-unit trucks are defined as vehicles on a single frame with either (1) at least two axles and six tires; or (2) a gross vehicle weight greater than 10,000 lb. Using data from 1980 to 2012, this paper applies first-difference and error correction models and finds that single-unit truck activity is sensitive to certain macroeconomic and infrastructure factors (gross domestic product, lane miles expansion, and housing construction), but is not sensitive to diesel fuel prices. These results suggest that fuel price elasticities of single unit truck activity are inelastic. These results may be used by policymakers in considering policies that have a direct impact on fuel prices, or policies whose effects may be equivalent to fuel price adjustments.  相似文献   
随着城市轨道交通的快速发展,其票制与票价问题备受瞩目。本文介绍了城市轨道交通基本票制、票价制定原则及其优惠政策,在分析各城市轨道交通票价的基础上,对影响城市轨道交通票价的因素进行分析,提出未来城市轨道交通票制与票价的发展建议。  相似文献   
公路工程比较复杂,每个工程的工程内容、工程量大小,以及施工条件、施工方法变化都很大,影响因素多,要确定合理的工期、合理的标段和合理的标价的难度很大,但仍然有一定规律性。本文结合一些实际情况,试图对合理工期、合理标段及合理标价进行一些探讨。  相似文献   
北京地铁计程票价方案探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
票价是决定地铁客运量发展的重要因素,地铁票价的制定受到多种因素的制约,论文着重从票价制定的理论、地铁的运营成本、乘客的承受能力等角度研究和探讨北京地铁计程制票价方案.  相似文献   
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