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纯电动汽车作为新能源汽车行业发展的主要方向,在发展其核心技术中,动力系统的匹配对于发展纯电动汽车具有重要的意义,合理的动力系统匹配影响着汽车的动力性和续航里程等因素。根据纯电动汽车的整车参数和性能指标,计算选择动力系统的基本参数,并利用ADVISOR仿真软件进行仿真分析,为改进技术提供依据,验证了设计的有效性。  相似文献   
本文在梳理绿色公路建设历程的基础上,结合绿色公路提出的时代背景、发展要求及目前评价指标体系存在的问题,借鉴目标管理法(MBO)突出结果导向,面向全寿命周期的三个阶段,从"资源节约"、"生态环保"、"低碳减排"、"智慧高效"等方面构建了包括4个一级指标、25个二级指标的绿色公路评价指标体系。  相似文献   
随着自动驾驶技术的发展,驾驶人将会参与更多的与驾驶无关的活动,从而呈现出新的姿态,这些新姿态是优化传统被动安全系统的重要切入点。而且在未来相当长的时间内,自动驾驶车辆的行驶依然依赖于人和系统的密切配合。对驾驶人姿态的观察,则可以为判断驾驶人是否有能力及时接管车辆提供帮助,从而确保安全、合理的人机交互过程。通过对大量相关文献的系统性梳理,综述了汽车驾驶人姿态监测技术的智能化发展趋势,从传感器种类以及相应的姿态监测算法出发,分析了目前不同监测系统的优缺点。研究发现,尽管传感器技术和姿态识别算法取得了明显进步,然而廉价稳定且能够在实际驾驶条件下对驾驶人姿态准确感知的监测系统依然缺乏。总体而言,目前的监测系统大多只是集中于对驾驶人局部身体部位的感知,缺乏实际驾驶条件下的性能分析,并且对驾驶人状态的实时感知和预测能力仍有待完善。最后,针对目前监测系统所面临的问题,对未来可能的研究方向进行展望,并提出主动式立体视觉系统和压力传感器阵列相融合的驾驶人姿态监测方式。研究成果将为驾驶人姿态监测系统的研究提供参考和借鉴,从而有助于道路交通安全水平的进一步提升,同时也可为人机交互界面的设计带来启发。  相似文献   
为了实现智能电动车在中汽中心智能网联示范基地内的动态避障,首先将直角坐标系与曲线坐标系进行转换,构建以参考路径的弧长s为横坐标,横向偏移距离q为纵坐标的曲线坐标系;其次,在曲线坐标系中利用三次多项式生成满足初始位姿与子目标点位姿的候选路径,同时对标准化常量的似然函数进行定义,在此基础上利用贝叶斯定理对每条候选路径的危险等级进行概率估计;在动态避障过程中,借鉴速度障碍法对碰撞威胁进行实时检测,并建立最短避障时间和安全距离的数学模型来实现高效的动态避障,最后对行人占用车道行走与横穿马路2种典型场景进行动态避障试验。研究结果表明:在曲线坐标系中,通过横向偏移距离能够便捷地建立起一系列候选路径,克服在直角坐标系中寻找移动子目标点这个难题;在寻找安全路径方面,由于智能电动车工作环境的不确定性,利用贝叶斯定理对候选路径危险等级进行概率计算的方法可靠性更高,速度障碍法与避障数学模型的结合满足碰撞危险检测的实时性和动态避障的高效性要求。试验结果表明:采用曲线坐标系中的动态避障算法对行人占用车道和横穿马路2种场景进行了有效的避障,在路径选择上符合实际驾驶习惯,达到了智能网联示范基地动态避障的要求。  相似文献   
当前我国桥墩预制拼装工法应用越来越多,通过分析桥墩预制拼装工法中各种常用竖向预应力锚固体系的优缺点,提出了一种新型的、具有自锁功能的竖向预应力锚固体系。主要从该预应力锚固体系的研究背景、结构设计、试验研究、施工工艺研究和工程应用等方面进行阐述。研究和应用表明该新型预应力锚固体系锚固性能可靠、施工工艺简单、质量易保证、成本较低,能很好满足预制构件竖向拼装的需要,值得在工程中推广应用。  相似文献   
高速公路雾区监控系统功能设计初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
高速公路雾区的交通安全是一个世界性的问题,每年由雾引发的交通事故导致的经济损失是十分巨大的。因此,提高高速公路在雾天低能见度条件下的交通安全水平,保证运输的畅通、安全具有极其重要的经济和社会效益,其中一个重要的方面就是高速公路的监控系统。针对雾对高速公路交通安全的影响机理,分析驾驶员的服务需求,对雾区高速公路监控系统的功能设计进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   
针对高速公路污水量和水质的特点,设计采用地埋式一体化污水处理系统。通过实际应用和跟踪监测,该系统的应用可实现高速公路服务区污水的达标排放。  相似文献   
目前我国公路建设市场广泛使用履约保证金制度,文章分析了履约保证金与投标保证金的差异及实行履约保证金制度的正面影响和负面效应,总结了加强保证金管理的相关措施,提出健全履约保证金制度的相关建议,对规范招投标市场行为和净化招投标市场环境以及预防和惩罚腐败都有着重要而深远的意义。  相似文献   
Augmented Reality “AR” is a promising paradigm that can offer users with real-time, high-quality visualization of a wide variety of information. In AR, virtual objects are added to the real-world view in real time. The AR technology can offer a very realistic environment for enhancing drivers’ performance on the road and testing drivers’ ability to react to different road design and traffic operations scenarios. This can be achieved by adding virtual objects (people, vehicles, hazards, and other objects) to the normal view while driving an actual vehicle in a real environment. This paper explores a new Augmented Reality Vehicle “ARV” system and attempts to apply this new concept to a selected traffic engineering application namely the left-turn maneuver at two-way stop-controlled “TWSC” intersection. This TWSC intersection experiment, in addition to testing the feasibility of the application, tries to quantify the size of gaps accepted by different driver’s characteristics (age and gender). The ARV system can be installed in any vehicle where the driver can see the surrounding environment through a Head Mounted Display “HMD” and virtual objects are generated through a computer and added to the scene. These different environments are generated using a well defined set of scenarios. The results from this study supported the feasibility and validity of the proposed ARV system and they showed promise for this system to be used in the field-testing for the safety and operation aspects of transportation research. Results of the left-turn maneuver study revealed that participants accepted gaps in the range of 4.0-9.0 s. This finding implies that all gaps below 4 s are rejected and all gaps above 9 s are likely to be accepted. The mean value of the left-turn time was 4.67 s which is a little bit higher than reported values in the literature (4.0-4.3 s). Older drivers were found to select larger gaps to make left turns than younger drivers. The conservative driving attitude of older drivers indicates the potential presence of reduced driving ability of elderly. Drivers’ characteristics (age and gender) did not significantly affect the left-turn time. Based on the survey questions that were handed to participants, most participants indicated good level of comfort with none or small level of risk while driving the vehicle with the ARV system. None of the participants felt any kind of motion sickness and the participants’ answers indicated a good visibility and realism of the scene with overall good system fidelity.  相似文献   

Analysis of elevator traffic in high rise buildings is critical to the performance evaluation of elevator group control systems (EGCS). Elevator dispatching methods or parking algorithms in an EGCS can be designed or modified according to analyses of traffic flow. However, interpretation of traffic flow based solely on numerical data may not be explicit and transparent for EGCS experts as well as for other non-expert building administration. In this study, we present a model for visualization and analysis of elevator traffic. First, we present an alternative approach for traffic analysis which we call route visualization. In the proposed approach, we initially decompose elevator traffic into its component parts and investigate each component independently. Then, using superposition of components we obtain a reconstructed model of overall traffic. This modeling approach provides component-based traffic analysis and representation of routes with intensities through data visualization. In the second part we introduce a multi-dimensional analysis of time parameters in ECGS. This approach provides a comparative analysis of several control algorithms such as dispatch or park algorithms for different combinations of traffic components.  相似文献   
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