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佘世英 《城市交通》2007,5(4):66-69,26
通过对比分析的方法,将伦敦曾经面临过的与国内大中城市正面临的城市交通问题进行对比,研究了英国交通发展的历史,伦敦公交发展现状,着重研究了伦敦公交优先政策实施的主要措施.提出,公交优先是多种公共交通模式并存的优先发展,实现公交优先,需要整合各种交通基础设施,并将城市用地、交通需求管理和可持续性的公共交通三者结合起来共同考虑.最后,对提升现有常规公交的服务水平提出了5点具体建议.  相似文献   
该文阐述了太原市道路网、公共交通及停车场的现状,并对存在问题提出了改善的建议及措施,以缓解城市交通压力。  相似文献   
公路出入口管理策略研究综述   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
张宁  陈恺  黄卫 《公路》2006,(6):28-33
以保障行车安全和提高交通运行效率为目的,美国系统地提出了出入口管理策略(A ccessM anagem en t)的理论。本文介绍了该理论产生发展的历史背景,解释了出入口管理策略的概念、实施原则、实施的效用等基本原理,阐述了策略实施的基本要素以及主要技术的划分体系,为我国合理借鉴提供了参考。  相似文献   
城市公共交通发展动力涵盖政府的主导作用、公交运营企业的主动力、公众的支持力以及营销传播的助动力等"四方力量",四方力量的协同推动城市公共交通系统快速发展。首先对城市公共交通发展的动力机制进行分析,研究快速发展面临的困境以及进行公共交通系统动力协调的必要性;然后提出强化政府主导作用的"4P"发展策略、激发公交运营企业主动力的品牌服务策略、拓展公众支持力的乘客关系管理策略、发挥营销传播助动力的促销策略等公共交通协同发展策略;由此增强公共交通竞争力,提高公交出行方式分担率,推动城市可持续发展。  相似文献   
To determine the spatial distribution of rental stations and bikeways in a public bike system, this paper proposes a facility location and network design model. The model is developed as a multi-objective programing problem that considers four objectives (minimizing cyclist risk, maximizing cyclist comfort, minimizing adverse impacts on traffic and maximizing service coverage) and multiple constraints (monetary budget, network connectivity, station spacing, bikeway types, station number and value ranges of decision variables). The ε-constraint method solves the programing problem for the public bike system in Daan District, Taipei City, Taiwan. The nine non-dominated alternatives generated are all markedly better than existing locations of rental stations and bikeways. Scenario analysis results indicate that increasing the construction budget for bikeways significantly improves cyclist safety and comfort whilst increasing the adverse impact on traffic. Planners can use this model to develop public bike systems that spatially integrate rental stations and bikeway networks.  相似文献   
The capital-intensive nature of the port industry and the long payback period of port investments traditionally determine high financial needs for operating the business. Due to the growing financial requirements for developing greenfield mega-projects and feeding international terminal operators’ overseas expansion, equity markets are expected to extend their role in promoting the industry. In this perspective, the underpricing phenomenon, which represents a direct cost for the issuer during initial public offering (IPO) and discourages companies from going public, is neglected by port literature. The paper explores the antecedents of IPO underpricing in ports. Building upon extant finance and port literature, firm characteristics, transaction features, and country-specific variables are tested as determinants of IPOs’ initial returns. For the aim of this study, 58 port-related IPOs taking place on international stock exchanges are examined, and ordinary least squares regression analysis is performed. The study offers unprecedented understandings of the phenomenon and supports port managers in facing financial challenges. Before launching the IPO, financial executives are invited to carefully identify time-window opportunities, and to monitor underwriters’ reputation when selecting financial partners. Findings bring insights for policymakers, as the public listing of port companies emerges a viable option for implementing port reform.  相似文献   
Life events, such as the birth of a child, disrupt habitual travel behaviour and provide a valuable opportunity to influence the adoption of sustainable transport practices. However, in order for sustainable travel practices to be adopted, an understanding is required of the factors that influence travel mode choice among families with young children. Research in this field is particularly timely given many in the millennial generation, a comparably large cohort, are approaching this life stage. This comprehensive literature review develops a framework of factors influencing travel mode choice among families with young children. The findings reveal a multitude of factors influence decisions about mode choice, and, in particular, encourage travel by car, when travelling with young children. The paper concludes with an agenda for future research about travel among families with young children, a largely overlooked group of transport users.  相似文献   
分析了英国伦敦希斯罗机场的公共交通集疏运网络中的轨道交通线路、城市公交线路以及长途汽车网络,提出了大型枢纽机场建立公共交通集疏运网络的过程中可能会遭遇的问题以及处理的手段。以此为借鉴,对我国大型枢纽机场集疏运网络的规划与建设提出了建议。  相似文献   
陈非  陈小鸿 《城市交通》2007,5(6):58-64
世博参观游客交通的合理组织是办好世博会的关键问题之一。在总结上海世博会交通条件的基础上,提出以公共交通为核心的世博会客流集散策略,并采用由整体到局部系统化分析的方法,进行了世博公共交通系统的总体设计。基于世博游客集散的三条对策,以提高公共交通系统吸引力为目标,建立了世博公共交通系统的总体框架;接着就世博公共交通系统两个主要子系统“交通转换系统”和“EXPOBUS系统”,进行了系统的功能分析、服务流程分解和服务对象分类;最后梳理了系统设施需求,提出了各子系统的系统设计与规划方案。通过研究,期望能建立高效的、具有吸引力的公共交通系统,保障上海世博会的成功举办。  相似文献   
公交信号优先控制策略研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马万经  杨晓光 《城市交通》2010,8(6):70-78,16
公交信号优先是提高公交系统运行速度和可靠性的重要手段。回顾公交信号优先控制40多年的研究成果,以总结该领域的总体研究脉络。对被动优先、主动优先、实时优先以及与不同设施相结合的信号优先控制策略进行了综述分析。研究表明,公交信号优先控制策略的发展历程是:控制的实时性逐步提高,优化要素的考虑逐渐全面,控制对象日益扩大,控制策略逐步系统化、适用性逐步增强。最后指出,公交信号优先控制多目标平衡、控制策略的协调与网络优先控制,以及控制与调度策略的协调优化是后续研究的重点,而公交车辆行程时间预测以及如何应对预测偏差带来的影响仍然是信号优先控制中的关键问题。  相似文献   
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