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考虑整理车厢的成本, 建立带回程取货的车辆路径数学模型, 采用禁忌搜索算法对模型进行求解, 并对某大型物流企业在北京市1 d内的配送和收集业务进行了优化, 优化计算在5 s内完成。计算结果表明: 在总路径增长7.8%的情况下, 车辆配送费用比节约算法降低了24.5%, 实现均衡值提高了9.3%。可见, 该算法降低了调度人员工作量, 节约了物流企业运输成本。  相似文献   
为了提高热带气旋信息的完整性与准确性, 分析了目前确定热带气旋中心周围危险区域的方法, 提出了基于多源预报的热带气旋中心周围危险区域的确定方法。根据中、日、美三国对热带气旋中心位置的预报结果, 求出预报的离散度, 由预报位置与平均误差的关系, 得出热带气旋90%落入概率的概率圆范围, 然后将大风浪半径套在此概率圆的外面, 可得到充分考虑多家热带气旋预报结果的热带气旋中心周围大风浪危险区域。可见, 此方法提高了热带气旋预报圆的落入概率, 有力保障了船舶绕避热带气旋的安全性。  相似文献   
动态交通下车辆路径选择模型及算法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为优化动态交通下物流配送成本及服务水平, 依据交通流量将运输时间分为不同时段的不同分布, 建立了具有时间窗约束与物流成本最小的车辆路径混合整数非线性模型, 设计了自然数插值编码的遗传算法对模型进行求解, 对不同交通状况下配送方案选择进行了仿真比较。仿真结果显示遗传算法是收敛的, 依据交通状况选择相应的配送方案, 不仅物流成本降低了2%, 而且服务水平也提高了5%。  相似文献   
Transport demand for containers has been increasing for decades, which places pressure on road transport. As a result, rail transport is stimulated to provide better intermodal freight transport services. This paper investigates mathematical models for the planning of container movements in a port area, integrating the inter-terminal transport of containers (ITT, within the port area) with the rail freight formation and transport process (towards the hinterland). An integer linear programming model is used to formulate the container transport across operations at container terminals, the network interconnecting them, railway yards and the railway networks towards the hinterland. A tabu search algorithm is proposed to solve the problem. The practical applicability of the algorithm is tested in a realistic infrastructure case and different demand scenarios. Our results show the degree by which internal (ITT) and external (hinterland) transport processes interact, and the potential for improvement of overall operations when the integrated optimization proposed is used. Instead, if the planning of containers in the ITT system is optimized as a stand-alone problem, the railway terminals may suffer from longer delay times or additional train cancellations. When planning the transport of 4060 TEU containers within one day, the benefits of the ITT planning without considering railway operations account for 17% ITT cost reduction but 93% railway operational cost growth, while the benefits of integrating ITT and railway account for a reduction of 20% in ITT cost and 44% in railway operational costs.  相似文献   
The idea of deploying unmanned aerial vehicles, also known as drones, for final-mile delivery in logistics operations has vitalized this new research stream. One conceivable scenario of using a drone in conjunction with a traditional delivery truck to distribute parcels is discussed in earlier literature and termed the parallel drone scheduling traveling salesman problem (PDSTSP). This study extends the problem by considering two different types of drone tasks: drop and pickup. After a drone completes a drop, the drone can either fly back to depot to deliver the next parcels or fly directly to another customer for pickup. Integrated scheduling of multiple depots hosting a fleet of trucks and a fleet of drones is further studied to achieve an operational excellence. A vehicle that travels near the boundary of the coverage area might be more effective to serve customers that belong to the neighboring depot. This problem is uniquely modeled as an unrelated parallel machine scheduling with sequence dependent setup, precedence-relationship, and reentrant, which gives us a framework to effectively consider those operational challenges. A constraint programming approach is proposed and tested with problem instances of m-truck, m-drone, m-depot, and hundred-customer distributed across an 8-mile square region.  相似文献   
We solve the problem of tactical supply vessel planning arising in the upstream offshore petroleum logistics. Supply vessels deliver all the necessary materials and equipment to offshore installations from an onshore supply base according to a delivery schedule. The planning of supply vessels should be done so that their number is minimized and at the same time provide a reliable flow of supplies from the base. The execution of a weekly sailing plan is affected by weather conditions, especially in winter time. Harsh weather conditions increase the number of vessels required to perform the operations as well as the service times at the installations, and thus disrupt the schedule, leading to additional costs and reduced service level. We present a methodology for robust supply vessel planning enabling a trade-off analysis to be made between the schedules’ service level and vessels’ cost. The methodology involves the generation of multiple vessel schedules with different level of robustness using an adaptive large neighbourhood search metaheuristic and a subsequent discrete event simulation procedure for the assessment of the service level. To control the level of robustness we developed a concept of slacks and incorporated it into the metaheuristic algorithm.  相似文献   
An emerging task in catering services for high-speed railways (CSHR) is to design a distribution system for the delivery of high-quality perishable food products to trains in need. This paper proposes a novel model for integrating location decision making with daily rail catering operations, which are affected by various aspects of rail planning, to meet time-sensitive passenger demands. A three-echelon location routing problem with time windows and time budget constraints (3E-LRPTWTBC) is thus proposed toward formulating this integrated distribution system design problem. This model attempts to determine the capacities/locations of distribution centers and to optimize the number of meals delivered to stations. The model also attempts to generate a schedule for refrigerated cars traveling from distribution centers to rail stations for train loading whereby meals can be catered to trains within tight time windows and sold before a specified time deadline. By relaxing the time-window constraints, a relaxation model that can be solved using an off-the-shelf mixed integer programming (MIP) solver is obtained to provide a lower bound on the 3E-LRPTWTBC. A hybrid cross entropy algorithm (HCEA) is proposed to solve the 3E-LRPTWTBC. A small-scale case study is implemented, which reveals a 9.3% gap between the solution obtained using the HCEA and that obtained using the relaxation model (RM). A comparative analysis of the HCEA and an exhaustive enumeration algorithm indicates that the HCEA shows good performance in terms of computation time. Finally, a case study considering 156 trains on the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed corridor and a large-scale case study considering 1130 trains on the Chinese railway network are addressed in a comprehensive study to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed models and algorithm.  相似文献   
The traditional distribution planning problem in a supply chain has often been studied mainly with a focus on economic benefits. The growing concern about the effects of anthropogenic pollutions has forced researchers and supply chain practitioners to address the socio-environmental concerns. This research study focuses on incorporating the environmental impact on route design problem. In this work, the aim is to integrate both the objectives, namely economic cost and emission cost reduction for a capacitated multi-depot green vehicle routing problem. The proposed models are a significant contribution to the field of research in green vehicle routing problem at the operational level. The formulated integer linear programming model is solved for a set of small scale instances using LINGO solver. A computationally efficient Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) based meta-heuristic is developed for solving both small scale and large scale problem instances in reasonable amount of time. For solving large scale instances, the performance of the proposed ACO based meta-heuristic is improved by integrating it with a variable neighbourhood search.  相似文献   
城市轨道交通单程票卡调配是票务组织中的重要组成部分.针对路网票务中心与线路票务中心间票卡调配问题,将其转化为载重能力约束条件下的车辆路径优化问题(Vehicle Routing Problem,VRP),构建以配送成本最小化为目标,以配送车辆路径为决策变量的优化模型,并采用遗传算法求解.以北京市轨道交通网络为对象进行实证分析,结果显示:所构建方法相比单次配送过程,成本平均降低约49.6%;相比既有装卸混合条件下的配送过程,成本降低约18.7%,验证了模型的准确性与有效性.所构建方法能够有效解决轨道交通路网层票卡调配问题,为票务组织提供理论和方法支持.  相似文献   
蚂蚁算法是一种相对较新的启发式方法,通过模拟蚂蚁的觅食行为,提出了求解Qos组播路由问题的改进蚂蚁算法。仿真实验表明,该算法能以较高速度收敛,有效地解决QoS组播路由问题。  相似文献   
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