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海上搜救中搜寻区域确定方法研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
提出了洋面模式下根据最后已知的位置报告及风流信息,确定搜寻目标漂移后的搜寻区域的具体方法。用计算机程序实现了包括总水流矢量的计算、风压差的计算及位置总或然误差的计算。  相似文献   
Ships of opportunity have been used to investigate ocean–atmosphere CO2 fluxes in the English Channel and Southern Bight of the North Sea. Continuous underway measurements of the fugacity of seawater carbon dioxide (fCO2sw), chlorophyll, temperature and salinity have been performed along 26 transects during the spring and autumn periods. The spatial fCO2sw distribution along the Channel and Southern Bight is modulated by the photosynthetic activity, temperature changes and water mixing between inputs from the North Atlantic Ocean and riverine discharges. The seasonal variability of fCO2sw is assessed and discussed in terms of the biology and temperature effects, these having similar impacts. The variation of fCO2sw shows similar interannual patterns, with lower values in spring. The annual average of air–sea CO2 fluxes places the English Channel as neutral area of CO2 uptake. The spring and autumn data allow differentiating between distal and proximal continental areas. The Southern Bight shows a tendency towards net CO2 uptake on the distal continental shelf, whereas the Scheldt and Thames Plumes show a CO2 source behaviour on the proximal continental shelves.  相似文献   
不同的施工环境和工况,需要不同的配套设备,本文就是针对特殊的施工工作环境,通过合理选型、配套、优化设计的一种中小型绞吸式挖泥船。  相似文献   
介绍DSP芯片TMS320VC5402和24位A/D转换器ADS1251的性能、特点,设计由它们构成的海洋重力仪数据采集处理系统,给出DSP进行数据采集与处理以及与上位机通信的软硬件设计方法。同时,用Delphi实现视窗界面的处理结果的存储和曲线图形的显示、打印。  相似文献   
从敞口集装箱船的险情-安全措施分析出发,介绍了核定此类船舶载重线的要素,以及根据有限航区的特点,在国际海事组织《敞口集装箱暂行指南》对无限航区敞口集装箱船载重线核定要求的基础上,导出对有限航区敞口集装箱船的相应要求,提出了关于有限航区敞口集装箱船设计应考虑的若干问题。  相似文献   
西北太平洋,尤其是中国及其附近海域是船舶航行比较密集的区域,也是台风活动非常频繁的海域。成功避让台风不仅意味着保证船舶安全,还需要避免不合理绕航、滞航等带来的时间和经济损失。台风的活动是有一定的规律的,不断积累和交流在该区域内的避台经验对于驾驶员来说十分重要。介绍了几条具体航线上的避台措施,供船舶驾驶员参考。  相似文献   
基于ABAQUS软件将各站所受外力转化成节点力施加到船体结构上,分析结果表明,在舰船剖面上,距离中和轴越远,应力就越大,因此就越危险,这也是被校核的位置,且与参考值比较可知有限元法在这些位置的计算结果的误差很小。只要施加合理的边界条件,所采用的计算方法可以满足工程要求。  相似文献   
Climatic changes in the Northern Hemisphere have led to remarkable environmental changes in the Arctic Ocean, which is surrounded by permafrost. These changes include significant shrinking of sea-ice cover in summer, increased time between sea-ice break-up and freeze-up, and Arctic surface water freshening and warming associated with melting sea-ice, thawing permafrost, and increased runoff. These changes are commonly attributed to the greenhouse effect resulting from increased atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration and other non-CO2 radiatively active gases (methane, nitrous oxide). The greenhouse effect should be most pronounced in the Arctic where the largest air CO2 concentrations and winter–summer variations in the world for a clean background environment were detected. However, the air–land–shelf interaction in the Arctic has a substantial impact on the composition of the overlying atmosphere; as the permafrost thaws, a significant amount of old terrestrial carbon becomes available for biogeochemical cycling and oxidation to CO2. The Arctic Ocean's role in determining regional CO2 balance has been ignored, because of its small size (only  4% of the world ocean area) and because its continuous sea-ice cover is considered to impede gaseous exchange with the atmosphere so efficiently that no global climate models include CO2 exchange over sea-ice. In this paper we show that: (1) the Arctic shelf seas (the Laptev and East-Siberian seas) may become a strong source of atmospheric CO2 because of oxidation of bio-available eroded terrestrial carbon and river transport; (2) the Chukchi Sea shelf exhibits the strong uptake of atmospheric CO2; (3) the sea-ice melt ponds and open brine channels form an important spring/summer air CO2 sink that also must be included in any Arctic regional CO2 budget. Both the direction and amount of CO2 transfer between air and sea during open water season may be different from transfer during freezing and thawing, or during winter when CO2 accumulates beneath Arctic sea-ice; (4) direct measurements beneath the sea ice gave two initial results. First, a drastic pCO2 decrease from 410 μatm to 288 μatm, which was recorded in February–March beneath the fast ice near Barrow using the SAMI-CO2 sensor, may reflect increased photosynthetic activity beneath sea-ice just after polar sunrise. Second, new measurements made in summer 2005 beneath the sea ice in the Central Basin show relatively high values of pCO2 ranging between 425 μatm and 475 μatm, values, which are larger than the mean atmospheric value in the Arctic in summertime. The sources of those high values are supposed to be: high rates of bacterial respiration, import of the Upper Halocline Water (UHW) from the Chukchi Sea (CS) where values of pCO2 range between 400 and 600 μatm, a contribution from the Lena river plume, or any combination of these sources.  相似文献   
由于天津港的回淤性特质,使得一些码头(尤其是老码头)钢结构的牺牲阳极被不同程度的掩埋,导致牺牲阳极阴极保护系统使用寿命和效果降低,从而影响整个码头结构的安全和使用寿命。针对上述问题,提出了一种采用Al-Zn-In-Si系牺牲阳极复合外包填包料的海泥区阴极保护新方法,并将其应用于实际工程中。工程实践表明,该牺牲阳极阴极保护系统的保护效果良好,对解决天津港中被海泥严重掩埋的钢结构的阴极保护具有积极意义。  相似文献   
船舶附加水体质量系数Cm的取值对计算系泊船舶在横浪作用下的撞击能量具有十分重要的影响,目前国内外相关文献对该参数取值差异较大,且国内水运行业规范的参数取值偏小,给结构安全带来一定隐患。经过对取值规定的比较,并参照计算公式、结合工程实例分析计算结果,得知国内现行规范Cm的取值明显小于国内外相关规范和研究报告的取值。建议20万吨级以上船舶增大Cm取值为1.7~2.0。  相似文献   
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