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Environmental contours are often applied in probabilistic structural reliability analysis to identify extreme environmental conditions that may give rise to extreme loads and responses. They facilitate approximate long term analysis of critical structural responses in situations where computationally heavy and time-consuming response calculations makes full long-term analysis infeasible. The environmental contour method identifies extreme environmental conditions that are expected to give rise to extreme structural response of marine structures. The extreme responses can then be estimated by performing response calculations for environmental conditions along the contours.Response-based analysis is an alternative, where extreme value analysis is performed on the actual response rather than on the environmental conditions. For complex structures, this is often not practical due to computationally heavy response calculations. However, by establishing statistical emulators of the response, using machine learning techniques, one may obtain long time-series of the structural response and use this to estimate extreme responses.In this paper, various contour methods will be compared to response-based estimation of extreme vertical bending moment for a tanker. A response emulator based on Gaussian processes regression with adaptive sampling has been established based on response calculations from a hydrodynamic model. Long time-series of sea-state parameters such as significant wave height and wave period are used to construct N-year environmental contours and the extreme N-year response is estimated from numerical calculations for identified sea states. At the same time, the response emulator is applied on the time series to provide long time-series of structural response, in this case vertical bending moment of a tanker. Extreme value analysis is then performed directly on the responses to estimate the N-year extreme response. The results from either method will then be compared, and it is possible to evaluate the accuracy of the environmental contour method in estimating the response. Moreover, different contour methods will be compared.  相似文献   
Marine transportation is a vital component of the world’s economy and transportation network. The number of people using passenger ships around the globe is increasing worldwide. Similar to other transportation systems, passenger safety is critical in maritime shipment. As emergency evacuation processes for ships are highly different from and more complicated than those for buildings and other vehicles, many researchers have published a vast range of documents related to this peculiar research area. However, there is a tangible lack of sufficient literature review studies that investigate marine emergency evacuation (MEE). That being the case, the potential of marine transportation and the effect of emergency evacuation operation on life safety have inspired the proposal of this study. This paper offers a review of the available literature on MEE modelling, analysis and planning during the period from 1973 to 2017 using a systematic approach. After reviewing relevant academic journals, peer-reviewed conference papers, and technical reports of agencies, relevant literature is analysed. In addition, the literature review is extended by means of proposing a framework methodology which considers different possible conditions and situations during MEE. Finally, insights for ship managers and policymakers are discussed and potential future research directions are identified.  相似文献   
船舶阻力性能对船型参数的确定、船体结构的设计有重要影响。本文以Wigley船模为研究对象,采用CFD方法建立了行船阻力分析系统,以实际海况数据为依据,确定较准确的参数和边界条件,分析了不同航速(傅汝德数)下的低速行船阻力,并与理论公式对比分析。仿真测试结果表明:在实际海况数据下,CFD数值模拟阻力与理论ITTC公式计算的阻力误差在2%以内且发展趋势一致。本文的研究为采用CFD研究行船阻力奠定基础。  相似文献   
为解决在船舶外场涂装阶段除锈和拉毛施工效率低、质量不稳定、环境污染严重等问题,设计一款用于船舶甲板的智能抛丸机器人。简介该型机器人系统组成,阐述其抛丸分系统、除尘分系统和越障辅助机构的硬件设计及其软件设计,并设计手动遥控和自主导引操作方式。实船测试结果表明,该型机器人可满足船舶甲板除锈清理的工作要求。  相似文献   
徐超 《船舶工程》2020,42(5):113-117
研究分析涂装设计工艺流程、涂装生产管理流程及涂装机器人工艺参数,整理分析涂装工艺数据、生产管理信息和涂装机器人的工艺特征,对这些数据进行整理归纳,理清他们之间的逻辑关系,形成数据接口,通过数据库系统完成涂装规范化设计和生产管理以及涂装机器人的对接。  相似文献   
"育德"轮是上海船舶研究设计院为集美大学设计的用于航海专业教学实习、科学研究兼顾货物运输的教学实习船。该船是目前世界吨位最大的教学实习船,配备了功能齐全的教学设施、先进的科研设备以及舒适的学习生活环境。该船还具有安全性高、绿色环保和经济性优异等特点。  相似文献   
船舶运动模型作为自动舵性能检测平台的基础与核心,对于自动舵的研发、调试及船舶运动控制算法的设计都有非常重要的意义。现有的航迹航向自动舵检测平台普遍使用简化的一阶线性KT方程。由于忽略船舶回转运动中的纵向速度变化以及首摇角与横向速度之间的耦合,在实际使用中具有一定的局限性。本文引用国际电工委员会制定的航迹自动舵标准( IEC62065)中提出的船舶运动模型,并对其进行仿真,将仿真结果与一阶线性KT方程的仿真结果进行对比分析,讨论一阶线性KT方程的适用范围。同时介绍改进的一阶非线性KT方程的形式并进行仿真试验,结果表明其与 IEC62065中非线性模型相似度较好,且减少了计算量。  相似文献   
传统的计算埋设犁土壤挖掘阻力的方法一般采用经验公式计算。经验公式依赖丰富的试验数据,且只能适应特定形状和尺寸的埋设犁。由于埋设犁的形状和尺寸各不相同,基于经验公式计算土壤挖掘阻力的方法准确性不高。根据土力学基本原理,在力学分析的基础上,运用数学方法进行公式推导,得到用于计算不同形状尺寸埋设犁挖掘阻力的理论方法,解决依赖经验公式计算土壤挖掘阻力的局限性。  相似文献   
本文针对LNG应急逃离情况以及国内LNG应急锚地使用现状,总结分析国内、外LNG应急锚地布置情况;结合江苏滨海LNG码头通航条件,提出LNG应急通道及应急锚地三种布置方案,通过操船模拟试验论证比选并得出结论,供类似工程参考。  相似文献   
在船舶电缆敷设过程中,很难借助有效的工装提高劳动效率,低空间的高强度作业存在严重的安全风险。以船舶电缆自动化敷设系统为分析对象,介绍系统组成和系统接口,采用比例积分微分(Proportion Integration Differentiation,PID)算法计算系统行程,通过PROFINET总线完成数据传输,以人机界面(Human Machine Interface,HMI)实现系统性能要求。在风电安装平台上的实际运用表明,该系统可解决造船行业劳动力成本高和安全风险大的问题。  相似文献   
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