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为研究6 km长公路隧道全射流纵向排烟的可行性与有效性,依托羊鹿山隧道开展全射流纵向排烟现场实体火灾试验。试验在不利于排烟的下坡隧道(左洞)内进行,考虑5、10 、20 MW3个不同等级的火灾规模,并对不同工况下隧道内沿程风速、排烟时间等进行研究。通过对不同火灾工况下油盘火现场试验,得出如下结论: 1)现场火灾试验期间,羊鹿山隧道左洞内自然风速为1.0~1.6 m/s,与排烟方向相反,为排烟阻力; 2)隧道内开启6组以上风机时,下坡隧道内沿程风速大于3.0 m/s; 3)根据5、10、20 MW油盘火排烟试验结果,采用全射流纵向排烟方式能将隧道内烟气全部排出洞外,且从点火开始到烟气全部排出洞外的时间约为30 min。  相似文献   
张子新  谷冠思  黄昕  张家奇  张弛 《隧道建设》2019,39(9):1402-1411
为解决传统密封垫易于与混凝土管片胶结处发生渗漏水的问题,对新型嵌入式密封垫的防水性能进行研究。与传统的现场粘贴防水橡胶密封垫的工艺不同,嵌入式密封垫是将密封垫与混凝土管片整浇预制。采用模型试验和有限元数值模拟方法,对隧道接头中嵌入式密封垫的防水能力进行分析和论述。研究结果表明: 文中所涉截面形式的嵌入式密封垫在控制工况,即张开量7 mm、错缝量10 mm的情况下,满足上海深层排水调蓄隧道0.6 MPa的耐水压力要求,且弥补了传统密封垫易从密封垫与混凝土接触面渗漏水的缺陷。此外,通过在密封条两侧设置凹槽,可有效减小密封垫脚部与混凝土间接触应力,减少局部应力集中,保证混凝土管片的完整性,提高接头防水能力。  相似文献   
为探究地下交通转换平台内通风系统的合理布局,采用比尺模型试验和CFD模拟相结合的方法,研究射流风机和通风组织对地下交通转换平台内气流运动的影响。结果表明: 1)当联络通道内风机射流朝向敞开段时,为使风机升压系数Kj最大,630 mm、900 mm、1 120 mm射流风机的布设位置应距离敞开段分别大于40、50、65 m; 2)大口径射流风机具有更大的Kj,但占用的断面空间更大,且射流诱导段更长,应根据联络通道长度和高度合理选择射流风机口径; 3)地下交通转换平台的通风组织不宜采用同侧开启方式,采用对角抽吸方式时,联络通道内的污染物混入比最低、通风效率最高。  相似文献   
In recent years, large shield tunnels with internal double-decked lanes have been developing rapidly in the field of highway tunnels, and prefabricated elements are increasingly adopted in internal structure. Based on the columns-base joint in Zhuguanglu tunnel, which is under construction, 2 full-scale specimens are designed for the quasi-static test, one specimen is connected with grout sleeve splicing and the other is cast in place. The test results show that: the bearing capacity of specimen with grout sleeve splicing is equal to that of cast-in-situ specimen, but its ductility and energy dissipation capacity are worse than that of the cast-in-situ specimen. And for the specimen with grout sleeve splicing, there exists crack concentration on the area above the sleeve. The crack width is too larger in this area. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
Considering the influence of many factors (soil loss, frontal additional thrust, the friction force of the shield shell and the additional grouting force), a method for improving the uniform soil body movement model is pro-posed, and a mechanical calculation model is established to study the calculation method for soil body deformation caused by double-line parallel shield driving. Based on the Mindlin solutions of elastic mechanics, the theoretical solutions for soil body deformations caused by the last three factors are calculated; considering the uniform soil body movement model, the theoretical solutions for soil body deformations caused by soil loss are calculated, then the to-tal theoretical solutions for soil body deformations under multiple factors are obtained by means of superposition. The vertical surface settlement, vertical horizontal displacement, and vertical displacements of the soil body at different depths of Hangzhou Metro Line 1 are calculated to analyze the variation laws. Meanwhile the influential factors for horizontal displacement variation are studied. The research shows that with a change of depth, the settlement of the soil body changes within the scope of 10 to 13 m in the horizontal direction near where the maximum settlement occurs;the direction of the horizontal displacement of the soil body changes with a change of the positional relationship be-tween the calculation points and the tunnel; and with an increase of interval J for the two tunnels, the horizontal dis-placement of the soil body of a deep double-line tunnel decreases while the displacement near the surface changes slightly. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
宋金金  徐凤麒  李樱  李超 《船舶工程》2018,(12):10-12,23
介绍了2种用于压载水处理系统的自清洗过滤器的工作原理和技术特点,并结合过滤器陆基试验的测试结果,对这2种自清洗过滤器在3种水质下的过滤效果和反冲洗效果进行分析和总结,结果可为压载水处理系统用的自清洗过滤器设计和选型提供一定参考。  相似文献   
虞红海 《水运工程》2018,(2):203-205
针对强夯施工产生的强烈地面振动会对周围人和环境产生不利影响、采用连续屏障隔振成本较高的问题,进行强夯振动试验和砂石桩隔振试验研究。对比研究不同砂石桩材料、桩距的试验方法,得到不同材料、桩距砂石桩的隔振效果差异,得出"砂石桩屏障对强夯具有较好的隔振效果,且隔振效果随砂石桩间距变小而增强"的结论。  相似文献   
格形地下连续墙是一种新型直立式护岸结构,整体刚度大,辅之以护岸前沿的软土地基加固,能减少墙体水平位移,确保工程结构和周边环境安全。以某电厂取水口护岸工程为例,介绍格形地下连续墙结构在护岸工程中的应用,利用有限元分析软件Plaxis3D,采用土体硬化模型(HS模型)建立三维模型,给出加固参数设计方法,研究护岸前沿土体加固的面积置换率、加固宽度和加固深度对格形地下连续墙变形的影响。因软土地基上结构受软土强度参数的影响较大,故对软土强度指标和水泥土强度指标进行敏感性分析。  相似文献   
为满足洋山深水港生产营运需要,有关部门希望保留颗珠山—蒋公柱潮流汊道,这与总体规划布置不一致。为此需进行深水港西港区岸线功能规划调整研究。考虑到汊道的颗珠山一侧潮流具有岬角绕流型特点,而蒋公柱一侧有岬角环抱型特点;在此认识基础上针对多种岸线方案进行试验。试验结果表明,采用岸线优化方案后,可以保持甚至改善汊道内和已建港区潮流条件。从水流角度看,采取合理的岸线布置和适当的工程措施后,保留和开发利用颗珠山—蒋公柱潮流汊道是可行的。  相似文献   
绞吸船开挖输送黏性土时,如果不控制好吹填流速和浓度,就容易发生疏浚土堵管现象。为此,在总结传统防堵塞和疏通管道方法的基础上,采用试验对比等方法,设计一种特型防堵塞排泥钢管以及使用该种设备进行预防堵塞和疏通堵管的作业方法。  相似文献   
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