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根据高速铁路轨道几何不平顺毛刺异常值突然变化的特性, 设计了改进模糊消刺方法, 将差分突然增大或变小的点定义为毛刺异常值的起点, 将与起点相近的差分反向突然变化的点定义为毛刺异常值的终点, 选取包含毛刺异常值的最小区间的两个端点为插值点, 用其近似线性插值代替原来的毛刺异常值。按照单位分解原理构造隶属度函数, 并通过增加预判断, 避免数据点正常时计算向前差分、规则激发度量函数和模糊基函数。计算结果表明: 改进方法的计算精度与原模糊滤波方法相同, 但当计算长度大于500 km时, 计算时间小于原来的1/300, 它更适合在线实现; 利用改进方法对包含毛刺异常值的模拟轨道几何不平顺信号进行消刺处理, 滤波后的信号与解析信号的误差小于10-3; 利用改进方法不但能准确识别毛刺异常值的位置并自动修复, 而且能完整保留道岔处大轨距和大轨向等有用信息。  相似文献   
  目的  为满足全驱动型自主式水下机器人(AUV)水下搜救、回收及海底地貌成像等实际任务需求,研究全驱动型AUV三维路径跟踪控制应用的方法。  方法  阐述自主研发的\  相似文献   
电力推进船舶电网的谐波问题日益突出和严重,简述了抑制谐波的思路和主要途径,探讨了船舶电网谐波抑制方案及相关技术,主要从高功率因数变流器、无源滤波器、有源电力滤波器3个方面进行讨论,其中包括多相整流技术、脉宽调制(PWM)整流技术和功率因数校正(PFC)技术,并给出了它们在船舶电力推进系统中的应用案例.  相似文献   
采用了FIR(Finite Impulse Response)数字滤波器来代替陷波滤波器与二阶滤波器的组合,并借助Matlab信号处理工具箱辅助分析和设计滤波器.介绍了重复控制器中FIR低通滤波器的具体设计过程,实验结果表明了该方案的有效性.  相似文献   
研究探讨了传统贝叶斯模型的原理和优缺点,指出朴素贝叶斯算法没有考虑到合法邮件和垃圾邮件被误判带来的不同损失,因而有一定的局限性,而后以朴素贝叶斯为基础,结合最小风险的贝叶斯邮件过滤算法,提出改进的基于垃圾单词的单一表文件垃圾邮件过滤算法,提高了系统的执行效率,减少合法邮件的误判对用户造成的损害,并构建了邮件过滤模型.  相似文献   
IntroductionPhonetic and segmentvocoders are popular tech-niques used in speech coding at rates on the or-der of 1 0 0 bit/s.These coders are based onrecognition/synthesis technique.They use somekind of speech recognition technique to decom-pose speech signals to sequence of speech units,such as phonetic units or speech segment units,and then transmit indexes and durations of therecognized units.The decoders receive this in-formation,and synthesize speech by concatenat-ing typical instances of…  相似文献   
梁红  田琬逸  李志舜 《船舶工程》2000,(4):43-44,49
针对LFM信号,提出了一种改进的LMS算法,通过修正权系数,使之能跟 上信号的调频速率,从而实现低信噪比(-15dB)条件下的信号检测。文中叙述了算法的基本原理及仿真结果,指出了对于LFM信号,修正权系数的LMS算法比LMS算法具有更好的提取弱信号的能力,并且算法运算量小。  相似文献   
A novel low-complexity iterative receiver for multiuser space frequency block coding (SFBC) system was proposed in this paper. Unlike the conventional linear minimum mean square error (MMSE) detector, which requires matrix inversion at each iteration, the soft-in soft-out (SISO) detector is simply a parallel interference cancellation (PIC)-matched filter (MF) operation. The probability density function (PDF) of PIC-MF detector output is approximated as Gaussian, whose variance is calculated with a priori information fed back from the channel decoder. With this approximation, the log likelihood ratios (LLRs) of transmitted bits are under-estimated. Then the LLRs are multiplied by a constant factor to achieve a performance gain. The constant factor is optimized according to extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) chart of the SISO detector. Simulation results show that the proposed iterative receiver can significantly improve the system performance and converge to the matched filter bound (MFB) with low computational complexity at high signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs).  相似文献   
A hierarchical mobile robot simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) method that allows us to obtain accurate maps was presented. The local map level is composed of a set of local metric feature maps that are guaranteed to be statistically independent. The global level is a topological graph whose arcs are labeled with the relative location between local maps. An estimation of these relative locations is maintained with local map alignment algorithm, and more accurate estimation is calculated through a global minimization procedure using the loop closure constraint. The local map is built with Rao-Blackwellised particle filter (RBPF), where the particle filter is used to extending the path posterior by sampling new poses. The landmark position estimation and update is implemented through extended Kalman filter (EKF). Monocular vision mounted on the robot tracks the 3D natural point landmarks, which are structured with matching scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) feature pairs. The matching for multi-dimension SIFT features is implemented with a KD-tree in the time cost of O(lbN). Experiment results on Pioneer mobile robot in a real indoor environment show the superior performance of our proposed method.  相似文献   
针对城市道路车流量检测中车辆误分类问题,提出一种基于类锚虚拟线圈的多流向车流量检测算法.首先,采集车辆图像样本并随机裁剪以构建小客车、公交车和摩托车的均衡数据集,通过DBSCAN(Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise)算法聚类获得3类车型...  相似文献   
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