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杨庆峰  张恺 《舰船电子工程》2011,31(11):147-149
为分析低频钹式换能器的发射电压响应、辐射声功率、发射效率等性能参数,通过ANSYS有限元软件建立了发射换能器的轴对称模型,设计了不同结构参数的共振频率为2kHz左右发射型钹式换能器,从结构阻尼入手,通过仿真分析计算,得到换能器的带宽、品质因数等,比较了不同结构参数的换能器的各项性能,绘制了不同结构参数的发射电压响应曲线,为分析设计钹式换能器提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
结构形式对船体振动的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以船体主机下肋板为例,研究船体振动时船底肋板在频率10~150Hz范围振动剧烈的减振方法。通过改变结构的刚度和阻尼,探讨降低肋板剧烈振动的方法。其中改变结构的刚度,包括改变板厚和安装加强筋等,改变阻尼是通过敷设阻尼层来实现。利用ANSYS有限元软件进行模拟计算,对比分析结构的刚度和阻尼发生变化时肋板的振动变化,得出改变结构的刚度和阻尼都可以对局部振动起到降低振动的效果。从实际应用的经济性考虑,安装加强筋方法最优。  相似文献   
波浪作用下海洋立管试验研究及ANSYS数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海洋立管在石油工业生产中有着非常广泛的应用,同时也是薄弱易损的构件之一。立管管内有高温高压的流体流过,管外承受海洋环境荷载尤其是波浪荷载的作用,受力比较复杂。由于中国大部分的海上油田水深都比较浅,所以重点研究浅水中的海洋立管。运用相似理论将实际立管模型缩放为试验模型,在管内流体流动及管外波浪荷载作用下,测量立管动力响应,并与Ansys有限元数值模拟结果进行了比较。  相似文献   
武和全  侯海彬  胡林 《汽车工程》2020,42(4):468-476
本文旨在研究车辆碰撞中乘员骨盆损伤机理和年龄对碰撞响应的影响。首先开发并验证了老年人骨盆的有限元模型。其次,对比研究了3个具有不同年龄特征的骨盆模型(老年骨盆模型、中年骨盆模型GHBMC和儿童骨盆模型CHARM-10)在材料特性、生理特征、力学响应和损伤方面的差异。结果表明:具有相似生理几何尺寸的老年骨盆模型和中年骨盆模型与儿童骨盆模型相比有较大的差异。侧面碰撞实验的结果表明,3种年龄骨盆模型中,老年骨盆模型的碰撞峰值力和受力最大时位移量都最大,而碰撞中最大位移却最小。对碰撞响应数据进行拟合的结果表明,3种年龄骨盆模型的碰撞峰值力皆随冲击能量呈指数增长,而碰撞中最大位移量则随冲击能量呈线性增长。应力云图分析结果表明,骨盆在侧向冲击下最易受伤或骨折的部位是耻骨支、骶髂关节和髋臼。  相似文献   
在国家重大突发疫情面前,城市公共交通具有保障出行与阻断疫情的双重责任。面对新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎(简称新冠肺炎,COVID-19)疫情,城市公共交通既要保证有效运输,又要降低疫情扩散的风险。地铁和常规公交是城市公共交通系统不可缺少的一部分,在城市公共交通中占据重要地位。针对宁波市城市公共交通系统中存在的防疫问题,提出了基于问题驱动的城市公共交通非常规防疫策略。研究结果表明:新冠肺炎疫情形势下,城市公共交通系统防疫需要启动应急响应机制,遵循分区分类防控的基本原则,在保障人们刚性出行需求的同时,必须阻断疫情传播,减少通过公共交通运输造成的交叉感染,实现疫情可防可控。除体温检测、佩戴口罩与洗手消毒等防疫措施之外,还应结合地方实际和风险评估等级采取非常规的组合防疫策略,即:①面向城市常规公交,建议采取网格化运营策略、需求响应式运营策略以及应急公交接驳策略;②面向城市轨道交通,建议采取3级组合防疫策略,即暂停运营策略、车厢隔离防疫策略以及需求响应式防疫策略。以上常规公交与轨道交通的多种组合防疫策略需根据疫情的发展情况动态调整,及时启动相应级别的公共交通应急预案,被动防御与主动防控相结合,积极发挥城市公共交通在疫情时期的交通骨干作用和应急保障作用。  相似文献   
韩贇 《隧道建设》2020,40(7):1049-1056
水下盾构隧道管片钻穿会引起大量涌水突泥,对隧道建设及运营造成重大影响,且采取的隧道修复措施将影响隧道的长期运营安全。以某地铁隧道被意外钻穿的实例为工程背景,为确保水下隧道意外钻穿破坏时,可以做到临时封堵有效,永久修复满足百年使用要求,提出修复思路。在水面利用浮船进行海上袋装水泥封堵,然后筑岛截断隧道与海水的联系;临时封堵后监测管片变形、复核隧道中线,明确钻孔对隧道限界的影响; 通过计算对结构安全性进行评价,明确钻孔对管片结构受力影响较小。在确保隧道钻穿对隧道限界及结构的影响可控后,采取地面注浆、洞内注浆、倒锥形封堵、洞内设置内撑钢板相结合的方案,对隧道钻穿处进行治理,保证隧道的安全运营。在隧道周边施工时,应加强隧道保护意识,避免对既有隧道造成破坏。  相似文献   
张春武 《隧道建设》2020,40(Z2):93-99
为研究隧道爆破作用下邻近框架结构的振动响应机制,以某5层框架结构住宅楼为例,借助ANSYS/LS-DYNA建立基于隧道爆破-围岩-框架结构的三维耦合数值计算模型,分析隧道爆破施工中邻近框架结构的振动响应。研究结果表明: 数值模拟清晰地展示了隧道爆破作用下围岩和框架结构应力场、位移场的变化情况,给出了爆破振动波从围岩至框架结构的传播过程。通过对比实测测点与数值模拟中对应测点的振动速度时程曲线和频率分布,验证了数值模拟方法的可靠性。在隧道爆破作用下,邻近框架结构梁、柱以及外墙等构件的振动响应并不一致,随结构高度呈现出不同的变化规律。此外,应力集中现象主要发生在建筑物底层外墙、外墙与柱结合处、外墙与梁结合处以及外墙与楼板结合处等非承重部位,表明这些部位更易在隧道爆破过程中发生损伤开裂。  相似文献   
城市高架桥在地面道路净空和桥面控制标高受限时,隐盖梁门式墩小箱梁能有效降低结构高度,是一种较经济的结构形式。结合设计实例,阐述了隐盖梁门式墩的设计关键点及构造措施,在同类工程中具有借鉴意义。通过对Midas Civil梁单元模型和Midas FEA全桥实体单元模型进行对比分析,可得到以下结论:①在设计中可采用Midas Civil简化模型进行受力分析,且结果偏安全;②在荷载作用下小箱梁与隐盖梁交接处拉应力不大,可不设置预应力筋。  相似文献   
Environmental contours are often applied in probabilistic structural reliability analysis to identify extreme environmental conditions that may give rise to extreme loads and responses. They facilitate approximate long term analysis of critical structural responses in situations where computationally heavy and time-consuming response calculations makes full long-term analysis infeasible. The environmental contour method identifies extreme environmental conditions that are expected to give rise to extreme structural response of marine structures. The extreme responses can then be estimated by performing response calculations for environmental conditions along the contours.Response-based analysis is an alternative, where extreme value analysis is performed on the actual response rather than on the environmental conditions. For complex structures, this is often not practical due to computationally heavy response calculations. However, by establishing statistical emulators of the response, using machine learning techniques, one may obtain long time-series of the structural response and use this to estimate extreme responses.In this paper, various contour methods will be compared to response-based estimation of extreme vertical bending moment for a tanker. A response emulator based on Gaussian processes regression with adaptive sampling has been established based on response calculations from a hydrodynamic model. Long time-series of sea-state parameters such as significant wave height and wave period are used to construct N-year environmental contours and the extreme N-year response is estimated from numerical calculations for identified sea states. At the same time, the response emulator is applied on the time series to provide long time-series of structural response, in this case vertical bending moment of a tanker. Extreme value analysis is then performed directly on the responses to estimate the N-year extreme response. The results from either method will then be compared, and it is possible to evaluate the accuracy of the environmental contour method in estimating the response. Moreover, different contour methods will be compared.  相似文献   
This paper presents a simplified numerical model capable of analysing the interaction between the structural dynamic response of elastic-plastic struck plate wall of a fluid tank subjected to wedge impact and the resulting fluid motion. The Variational Finite Difference Method (VFDM) is applied to analyse the structural dynamics of the struck plate and 2-D linear potential flow theory is used to study the resulting fluid motion and its effects on the structural dynamics of the struck plate. Experiments of a wedge indenter impacting with both empty and 90% filled tanks are carried out to study the structural deformation of the struck plate. The accuracy of the developed numerical model is validated with published results and experimental results, and good agreement is achieved. Through the comparison of the impact behaviour of empty and partially filled water tank, it is found that the resulting water motion helps to reduce the structural deformation of the struck plate since part of the impact energy is dissipated by the resulting water motion. Parametric studies are performed to investigate the effect of impact velocity and water level on the structural dynamics of the struck plate of a partially filled water tank. A case study is also conducted to demonstrate the potential application of the proposed method in analysing ship-ice impact problems.  相似文献   
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