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The field of research that has recently come to the fore is the perimeter control, which aims to control traffic demand for a large urban area prior to controlling internal flow inside the area. Such control concept needs to be tested by simulations, hence, it is necessary to develop a model that can appropriately estimate the network-wide flow dynamics. In this paper, agent-based network transmission model (ANTM) is proposed for describing the aggregated flow dynamics over an urban area of multiple large-scale networks. The proposed model is the combination of the cell transmission model (CTM), macroscopic fundamental diagram (MFD), and agent concept. The CTM-based simulation is adopted for the simplicity considering the computation requirements for real-time feasibility. The MFD concept is applied for representing the network properties, and a new approach is taken particularly for estimating network outflow affected by both demand patterns and boundary capacity. The agent concept is applied for representing drivers’ travel behaviors. The model is compared with microscopic simulations and shows reasonable accuracy for large areas. In addition, various travel direction choice behaviors are applicable to this model. Various perimeter control policies are applicable as well, thus, the proposed model can be a useful tool for testing various control methods, in terms of reducing the congestion in urban areas.  相似文献   
In an earlier work, Sun and Bayen built a Large-Capacity Cell Transmission Model for air traffic flow management. They formulated an integer programming problem of minimizing the total travel time of flights in the National Airspace System of the United States subject to sector capacity constraints. The integer program was relaxed to a linear program for computational efficiency. In this paper the authors formulate the optimization problem in a standard linear programming form. We analyze the total unimodular property of the constraint matrix, and prove that the linear programming relaxation generates an optimal integral solution for the original integer program. It is guaranteed to be optimal and integral if solved by a simplex related method. In order to speed up the computation, we apply the Dantzig–Wolfe Decomposition algorithm, which is shown to preserve the total unimodularity of the constraint matrix. Finally, we evaluate the performances of Sun and Bayen’s relaxation solved by the interior point method and our decomposition algorithm with large-scale air traffic data.  相似文献   
针对国内绝大多数管线阴极保护数据人工定期采集录取劳动强度大、测量数值不精确、取得数据不利于进一步分析利用的现状,开发了输气管道阴极保护参数自动采集与传输系统。系统应用微功耗技术和GPS技术等近年来投入工业现场的新技术,通过微功耗数据采集器、同步断流器、手持式数据交换仪,实现了长输管道上阴极保护通电电位、断电电位的自动采集,提高了阴极保护参数采集的准确性、真实性和时效性。  相似文献   
介绍了药芯焊丝自保护下向焊技术.通过反复试验和在工程中的实际应用,分析不同工艺参数及操作手法对焊接质量的影响,制定了合理的焊接工艺匹配参数,并确定了恰当的焊接操作手法.同时,也简要介绍了焊前准备、组对、层间清渣、设备计量及工序控制等对焊接质量的影响.根据该技术在长输管道工程中的应用,指明药芯焊丝自保护焊技术的发展与完善将是我国大口径长输管道焊接技术的发展方向.  相似文献   
在总结国内铁路信号系统设计的基础上,结合国外部分项目的实施情况,提出光缆替代部分电缆,搭建基于光缆传输的信号系统结构,并讨论目前国内信号系统结构拓展的可能性。  相似文献   
针对一种浮式植物消浪装置的消浪效果展开试验研究,在植物高度大于波高的前提下,分析其在规则波作用下消浪效果的影响因素,通过大量水槽试验给出了植物消浪装置透射系数及反射系数与植物密度、植物带相对宽度、波陡之间的关系。研究结果表明,该浮式植物消浪装置具有良好的消浪效果,在植物带高度大于波高的前提下,植物带密度和相对宽度是影响消浪效果的最重要因素。  相似文献   
基于统计能量理论,以某SUV车型为研究对象,建立了整车SEA模型,通过面连接的方式加载前围和地板的隔声测试数据,并基于SPL测试和PBNR测试对整车模型进行对标调校,保证了模型优化分析的精确性。针对与目标车传递路径隔声量的差距,通过传递路径贡献量分析,明确了整车声学包的薄弱路径以及贡献量最大的关键子系统,从密度、覆盖率等方面对声学包材料进行优化,使整车的传递路径隔声量提升 2~6 dB,并达到了目标车水准。结果表明,采用SEA方法对整车声学包进行优化仿真能明显改善整车噪声水平,为后续声学包设计提供指导和方向。  相似文献   
高頔  白军营 《港工技术》2020,(1):113-116
声波透射法是基桩质量检测中的常用方法之一,特别在大直径灌注桩的完整性检测中具有独特优势。本文对声波透射法的基本原理及检测方法进行了简要阐述,就如何获取声学参数及判定基桩完整性进行了分析,并结合工程实例加以分析和说明,对声波透射法检测技术的应用具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
设计一种主从结构自动变速器电控单元(Transmission Control Unit,简称TCU)硬件系统。设计了变速箱接口单元,输入输出信号的处理电路和控制器局域网通信模块。比较了几种故障诊断的方案,并选择其中的主从结构方案,结合本自动变速器TCU的工作原理进行了设计。进行了台架试验,准确地实现换挡控制策略和故障诊断策略,并在多种环境下进行了测试,验证了该TCU硬件系统的可靠性。  相似文献   
段俊辉 《天津汽车》2011,(12):35-39
动力耦合系统是混合动力系统关键技术之一,文章提出的电驱动主动同步机械式自动变速器(EMT)通过电机和变速器集成技术.利用电机快速精准调速性能很好地解决了并联混合动力系统动力耦合难题。文章按照EMT系统特点,对比目前测功试验台的优缺点,提出了高效、节能及简单实用的EMT系统对拖试验台,本测试台架结合系统自身便是电驱动系统,所以采用了2套相同EMT系统对拖动试验方式,试验数据表明,电机的快速精准调速功能使得变速器的换挡时间可以缩短到0.4s,接近DCT的换挡时间,该测试台架突出了主动同步的优点。研究成果有助于解决传统AMT的动力中断时间长的难题。  相似文献   
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