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This study investigates the impacts of physical environments on bicyclists’ perceptions of comfort on separated and on-street bicycle facilities. Based on a field investigation conducted in Nanjing, China, we find that physical environmental factors significantly influencing bicyclists’ perception of comfort on the two types of facility. Cyclists’ comfort is mainly influenced by the road geometry and surrounding conditions on physically separated paths while they pay attention to the effective riding space and traffic situations on on-street bicycle lanes.  相似文献   
Municipalities play an important role in the planning and development of communities that support active transportation (AT), which refers to human-powered modes of travel, such as walking and cycling. Municipal-level stakeholders involved in land-use and transportation infrastructure planning consider multiple social, environmental and economic considerations to inform decision-making and investments in AT. Evidence around the fiscal benefits of AT investment for local governments has not been systematically identified. This scoping review sought to explore the existing evidence regarding investments in AT and opportunities for savings on municipal expenditures and revenue generation. In total, 7060 records were located and screened; of which 162 full-text articles were reviewed. Ultimately, 23 articles met our inclusion criteria and were included in this review. The available evidence focuses on potential economic benefits of AT in the areas of tax revenues, property values, consumer spending and employment, all of which are relevant sources of revenue generation in municipal operating budgets. An evidence gap was identified regarding AT infrastructure investments and benefits corresponding to municipal expenditures (e.g. maintenance cost savings). Notably, a large portion of literature was published after 2009, suggesting that municipal-level evidence on the fiscal benefits of AT investments may just be emerging.  相似文献   
Historic vehicles (HVs) are the heritage of road transport that have surprisingly received little attention in the academic literature. This study presents an overview of the literature on HVs, focusing on the three topics that dominate the policy debate on transport: environmental, safety and congestion impacts. We observed that polluting emissions of HVs are per kilometre much higher (often a factor 5 or more) than those of moderns vehicles. The annual average mileage per vehicle per year of HVs is much lower than other vehicles. The lower active and passive safety levels of HVs are compensated by the way these vehicles are driven, resulting in the risk factors per kilometre being roughly equal or lower than other vehicles. The contribution of HVs to congestion is negligible. However, the transport policy discourse is divided on the topic of HVs. More comprehensive and effective laws and regulation are needed to protect this aspect of the heritage of road transport whilst concurrently avoiding or limiting the problems caused by them.  相似文献   
伶仃洋是珠江河口东四口门入汇的喇叭状河口湾,径、潮交汇,动力复杂。利用伶仃洋河口潮流数学模型从潮位、流速、流态、动力格局方面探讨了深中通道工程建设对伶仃洋河口潮流动力环境的影响。研究结果表明:深中通道工程建设对伶仃洋潮流动力环境影响的范围和强度均以西人工岛附近为最大,锚碇水域次之,东人工岛及桥区附近相对较小;近岛、桥局部区域潮位及流场的变化比较明显,对伶仃洋滩槽总体格局影响不大。  相似文献   
基于矩阵实验室平台,将挖泥船输送系统的计算仿真程序进行封装处理,建立挖泥船输送系统计算分析软件系统(DTAS)。该系统首次汇集了多种泥泵管路特性曲线的计算方法,包括泥泵及管路数据文件的存储查询、泥泵管路特性曲线的计算以及多种计算模型的选择、施工现场数据反分析、接力泵船的计算等十几个计算模块,可以更加系统化、全面化地进行输送计算分析。DTAS系统界面操作简单,为施工及技术人员提供了便捷的计算工具,大大提高了工作效率,可广泛推广应用。  相似文献   
EEDI是衡量船舶能效水平的重要指标.由于试验条件限制,目前主要还是依靠模型试验结果对交船测试进行修正换算得到.上海船舶运输科学研究所自主研发了航行性能和海洋环境监测平台,可对营运船舶开展长期跟踪监测,实时收集船舶营运阶段的航行环境和性能参数,通过自动识别航行状态,划分海区、海况和船舶载况等因素对于船舶功率与航速的影响,可获得营运船舶实际EEDI指标,提高EEDI实船验证结果的准确性.监测平台在某万箱级集装箱船进行相关验证,并已展开长期监测.  相似文献   
为了实现恶劣条件下对扭矩的精确稳定测量,设计并实现了一种新型的基于光纤光栅的扭矩传感器。为克服扭矩测量系统易受外界影响的缺点,设计了光纤光栅全桥光路,实现了温度和弯矩的自动补偿。通过扭矩标准装置加载试验和水下环境加载试验分别测试了其测量精确度以及水下工作性能。结果表明,该光纤光栅扭矩传感器的最大非线性误差、重复性以及水下工作稳定性均达到0.1%以内,说明该传感器不但具有良好的测量精度,而且能够在船用环境等恶劣扭矩测量条件下较好地工作。研究结果为船用环境中扭矩测量的研究与应用提供了重要参考。  相似文献   
针对海洋环境下混凝土结构易遭受海水侵蚀导致结构破坏、而高性能混凝土等技术措施不能满足高耐久技术要求的现状,采用玻璃钢包覆防腐蚀技术以提高海工混凝土结构耐久性。对玻璃钢包覆防腐蚀材料的原材料和耐久性检测方法进行分析,提出原材料和耐久性检测方法,以利于玻璃钢防腐材料施工质量的控制。  相似文献   
王天 《铁道勘察》2021,(2):81-86
为研究柴达木盆地地区强腐蚀环境下混凝土结构的耐久性,配制与现场土壤腐蚀浓度相近的腐蚀性溶液,对掺加特定外加剂的不同强度等级混凝土试件进行冻融、盐浸循环试验,通过检测试件的电通量、强度损失率、质量损失率等参数研究其腐蚀规律及耐久性.试验结果表明,在强腐蚀环境下,低强度混凝土耐久性较差;掺加抗冻防腐剂后混凝土密实性可提高2...  相似文献   
廖军 《交通标准化》2007,(5):181-184
为了优化资源,降低物流成本,提高物流运输可靠度和速度,需要建立恰当的西南公路出海(辅助)通道的物流运作模式,以充分发挥出西南公路出海(辅助)通道基础建设的效益.  相似文献   
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