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对某船螺旋桨噪声进行了预报.高频噪声预报采用模型试验方法进行.在国家重点试验室大型循环水槽中完成了桨模高频噪声的测量,测试结果经量纲一的量方法换算至实船.采用面元法计算非定常力,通过力与声级的关系换算出低频离散谱噪声.求解出螺旋桨随机连续性力.然后换算出低频连续谱噪声.从预报结果总结出螺旋桨噪声随频率的变化规律以及速度对噪声的影响.  相似文献   
To study the wind vibration response of power transmission tower, the lead viscoelastic dampers (LVDs) were applied to a cup tower. With time history analysis method, the displacement, velocity, acceleration and force response of the tower was calculated and analyzed. The results show that the control effect of lead viscoelastic dampers is very good, and the damping ratio can reach 20% or more when they are applied to the tower head.  相似文献   
In-plane auto-parametric stochastic vibration of inclined cables subjected to Gaussian white noise in transverse bridge orientation is investigated. Based on Newton's laws of motion and Galerkin's modal truncation principle, the influences of geometry nonlinearity induced by sag and large displacement of cables and the initial equilibrium state are taken into account. Meanwhile, the three-dimensional non-linear differential equations of inclined cables for coupling vibration are deduced, equivalent stochastic linearization method is applied to derive the 14-dimensional first-order nonlinear differential equations of state vectors, and the Runge-Kutta integration method is utilized to obtain the root mean square (RMS) response. Results show that when the transverse random excitation imposed on the stayed cable exceeds a critical value, the in-plane transverse vibration of the cable are excited due to tim auto-parametric nonlinear coupling, and the critical value of random excitation increases with the damping ratio. In this motion, the cable response possesses non-stationary characteristics, even though the loading keeps stationary.  相似文献   
桥梁结构的随机振动有别于其他结构。由于车辆在桥上的位置是不断变化的,因此,即使作为输入的随机激励是平稳随机过程,车桥的动力响应也超出平稳随机过程的范围,即质量在梁上不断的运动,使系统运动方程组成为一个时变系数的二阶微分方程组,一般只能采用逐步积分的数值方法,也可以用频域法,假定其频率响应函数在瞬间不随时间变化,近似的处理这种时变性问题。  相似文献   
The Free-floating Flexible Dual-arm Space Robot is a highly nonlinear and coupled dynamics system. In this paper, the dynamic model is derived of a Free-floating Flexible Dual-arm Space Robot holding a rigid payload. Furthermore, according to the singular perturbation method, the system is separated into a slow subsystem representing rigid body motion of the robot and a fast subsystem representing the flexible link dynamics. For the slow subsystem, based on the second method of Lyapunov, using simple quantitative bounds on the model uncertainties, a robust tracking controller design is used during the trajectory tracking phase. The optimal control method is designed in the fast subsystem to guarantee the exponential stability. With the combination of the two above, the system can track the expected trajectory accurately, even though with uncertainty in model parameters, and its flexible vibration gets suppressed, too. Finally, some simulation tests have been conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed methods.  相似文献   
测量噪声相关情况下的航迹融合和测量融合   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了测量噪声相关情况下的航迹融合和测量融合问题,根据线性无偏最小方差估计理论,推导了噪声相关情况下的多传感器跟踪系统的航迹融合和测量融合算法.经Monte Carlo仿真表明,文中给出的考虑噪声相关的航迹融合和测量融合算法的跟踪精度均高于相应的不考虑噪声相关的传统算法,且附加的计算量很小.  相似文献   
实时水中目标辐射噪声仿真技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水中目标辐射噪声主要包括平滑连续谱和线谱2部分,对平滑连续谱建立的功率谱数学模型,可以按照需求确定模型参数,通过Levinson算法递推出AR模型参数.对线谱的主要来源进行了分析,推导了线谱的简要模型,并考虑了多普勒效应.给出了水中目标噪声的简要仿真模型,并提出一种在微机平台上利用DirectSound接口,使用普通声卡对辐射噪声进行播放的方法,利用信号量方法解决了实时无间断播放的问题,可用于声呐员训练和航行模拟系统的听觉仿真.  相似文献   
介绍了公路交通噪声的主要类型以及国内外减噪沥青混凝土路面技术,对京沪高速公路河北段减噪沥青路面试验段的路面结构及减噪效果进行了分析。  相似文献   
利用AR参数模型提取采集到的车辆行驶时产生的车外噪声信号的特征,利用假设检验进行特征选择,并设计了BP神经网络进行分类识别.对道路现场采集到的2种车型共计110个信号进行分析,实验结果表明,通过AR参数模型提取车辆车外噪声特征实现车型自动分类是可行的,其分类的正确率达80% 以上.  相似文献   
基于AMFNN的非线性噪声消除器   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出基于加乘性模糊神经网络(AMFNN)的非线性噪声消除器,讨论了AMFNN模型和学习算法及其通用逼近性.该消除器利用AMFNN逼近噪声,然后从测量信号中消去噪声即得到有用信号.该噪声消除器具有神经网络分布式并行信息处理能力、较好的容错性和鲁棒性以及除噪性能.  相似文献   
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