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China’s transport industry is energy intensive and high-polluting. While with the surging urbanization and the development of service industry, China’s economic relies more and more on the transport sector. Therefore, exploring the relationship between transport energy-related carbon emission (TECE) and economic development is crucial to the realization of China’s “Post Paris” mitigation target. The paper carries out a decoupling research between TECE and Gross domestic product (GDP) at both national level and province level based on Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI) decomposition analysis with the extended Kaya identity and Tapio decoupling model. The model quantifies eight factors’ effects on the relationship with focusing on external macro socio-economic related factors (i.e., spatial pattern, urbanization, per capita service industry output value, reciprocal of the service industry’s share of GDP, and demographic variable) successfully. The key conclusions are indicated as follows: (1) the national decoupling status was extensive coupling during 2004–2010 and then weak decoupling during 2010–2016. The progress can be attributed to the decline of energy intensity. (2) Per capita service output was always the prominent factor to promote carbon emissions growth in different time periods and provinces with inhibiting the advancement of decoupling process, followed by urbanization. (3) Scenario analysis shows that with the continuous growth of traffic demand and the promotion of urbanization, improving energy efficiency has become the key link to realize the decoupling between China’s TECE and its economy.  相似文献   
Freight transport industry plays a significant role in boosting economic growth, while also creating many negative externalities for social welfare and the environment. Using data from 1997 to 2017, this study employs the complete decomposition technique to identify the driving forces of freight transport and explores its internal relations with economic growth in China. The decomposition analysis focuses on four factors that are responsible for freight transport: economic activity, industrial structure, transport intensity, and haulage distance. Then, the decoupling index is adopted to examine the decoupling relationship between freight transport and economic growth in China. The results showed that weak decoupling between freight transport and economic growth was the main state during the study period. A strong decoupling effect was identified in 1997–1998, 2012–2013, and 2014–2015, whereas no decoupling effect was observed in 1998–1999, 2008–2009, and 2011–2012. The transport intensity was the most important contributor to the decoupling progress, the industrial structure effect played a role in promoting the decoupling progress over half of the years during the research period, and the haulage distance effect facilitated the decoupling progress in more than one-third of the years examined.  相似文献   
根据对目前雷电冲击试验过程中使用的模拟雷电脉冲波形的频谱分析,找出能量主要集中的频率范围,利用成熟的频域处理方法(滤波、隔离),在不影响工作信号通过的情况下,将高压脉冲波限制在标准规定的等级范围,使高压脉冲波对去耦网络后端辅助设备的影响变得很小,以有效保障实施整机系统模拟雷电冲击动态试验.  相似文献   
汽车发动机弹性支承隔振的解耦方法   总被引:32,自引:5,他引:32  
徐石安 《汽车工程》1995,17(4):198-204
优化发动机弹性支承参数,对发动机一悬置系统的解耦要求是通常必须满足的条件之一。本文根据传递函数分析振动的方法,探讨了发动机振动模型简化的理论基础,隔振和解耦的关系,以及更适用于计算机寻优的解耦新方法。  相似文献   
This paper analyses aggregate time-series data to estimate the direct rebound effect in UK road freight over the period 1970–2014. We investigate 25 different model specifications, conduct a comprehensive set of diagnostic tests to evaluate the robustness of these specifications and estimate the rebound effect using three different elasticities. Using the mean of the statistically significant estimates from these specifications, we estimate a direct rebound effect of 61% - which is larger than previous estimates in the literature and almost twice as large as the consensus estimate of direct rebound effects in road passenger transport. Using the mean of the estimates from our most robust models, we estimate a slightly lower direct rebound effect of 49%. Our estimates are fairly consistent between different model specifications and different metrics, although individual estimates range from 21% to 137%. We also find that an increasing proportion of UK road freight is being undertaken by foreign registered vehicles, and that increases in the vehicle weight limits have encouraged more freight activity. We highlight the significant limitations imposed by the use of aggregate time series data and recommend that further studies in this area employ data from vehicle use surveys.  相似文献   
Decoupling road freight transport from economic growth has been acknowledged by the European Union as a key means to improving sustainability. It is therefore important to identify both the coupling and decoupling drivers of road freight transport demand in order to determine possible factors that may contribute to reduce road transport in the future without curbing economic development. This research proposes an Input–Output (IO) structural decomposition analysis (SDA) to explain road freight transport in terms of a set of key factors that have strongly influenced road freight demand in recent decades in European countries—such as economic growth, economic structure and the evolution of road transport intensity (including improvements in both supply and transport systems). This methodological approach allows us to quantify and compare their contribution in different European countries to either increase or decrease road freight transport demand. The empirical basis for this analysis is a dataset of nine European countries which have IO tables and road transport data available from 2000 to 2007, comprising data on domestic production, imports and exports as well as tonne-kms for 11 types of commodity classes. The results show that, as a whole, aggregate road transport demand has grown—driven mainly by economic activity—but this growth has been strongly curbed in some countries by changes in road freight transport intensity and moderately by the dematerialization of the economy. International transport has been also proven to be a key factor driving road freight transport volumes. Moreover, the increased penetration of foreign operators in national haulage markets appears to have reinforced the final decoupling levels observed in some cases.  相似文献   
车辆振动加速度响应分析的速度—频域方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为直接从车辆振动加速度响应中提取车辆特性和车辆激励特性,引入车辆速度参量,构成系统响应—特性—激励关联方程组;由空间输入功率不变的物理特性得到并论证车辆激励特性随车辆速度变化的频域数值规律:激励频率与车辆速度成正比,随机激励加速度等效功率谱与车辆速度的3次方成正比,周期激励加速度等效功率谱与车辆速度的4次方成正比;车辆特性随车辆速度变化较小,即使发生蛇形,只要振动传递路径不发生变化,轮对以上部件间的振动传递关系也基本与车辆速度无关.据此,给出车辆加速度响应分析的速度—频域方法,通过对速度—频谱和速度—名义传递三维图中基本不随车辆速度变化、随车辆速度线性变化和高速低频区突变3类局部峰值的识别,实现对系统响应—特性—激励关联方程组的工程求解.运用结果表明:该方法有效实现了车辆特性与车辆激励的解耦及耦合分析.  相似文献   
动力总成悬置系统的性能是整车NVH性能控制的关键。文章以某轻型商用车悬置系统为研究对象,对其进行设计及优化。文章基于主惯性轴理论确定了悬置系统的初始安装角度,并基于能量解耦法建立Adams模型对胶块安装角度及刚度进行优化设计。通过整车试验表明怠速工况下悬置系统隔振效果良好,但后悬置在加速工况下在2930rpm处存在共振,然后通过CAE分析,提出了后悬置系统优化设计方案,并对改进后悬置系统重新进行测试验证。测试结果表明优化后共振消除,整个悬置系统性能达到设计要求。  相似文献   
动力总成悬置系统解耦设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
侯勇  赵涛 《汽车工程》2007,29(12):1094-1097
阐述了用于动力总成悬置系统解耦设计的转矩轴理论和能量解耦法,给出了这2种理论的计算方法,并利用这2种方法对某国产汽车的动力总成悬置系统进行了解耦设计,结果表明:将悬置布置在转矩轴上,通过合理设计悬置的刚度可以对动力总成悬置进行很好的解耦设计。  相似文献   
为了实现悬架俯仰刚度和侧倾刚度的独立调校,文章对一种双横臂解耦悬架进行了优化分析。运用CAXA和UG等软件确定悬架各硬点初始的坐标,并建立三维模型,利用Adams/car对解耦悬架进行运动学仿真,研究摇臂的几何结构对悬架传递比和解耦度的影响,并对摇臂的几何机构进行优化和校核,最后采用Adams/carinsight模块对解耦悬架的前轮定位参数进行优化。优化结果显示,前悬的俯仰刚度和侧倾刚度关联度小,且车轮参数变化理想,满足了设计要求,这对FSAE赛车的解耦悬架设计提供了理论基础,具有参考意义。  相似文献   
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