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通过对图像传感器输出的轨距左右偏移信号和左右高低偏移信号、加速度计输出信号和车体惯性平台输出的轨道倾角信号进行合成处理,得到准确的轨距和轨向测量结果。从理论上推导轨向的合成算法,对安装于轨距测量梁中心的轨向加速度计的响应进行重力和旋转运动修正后,与三角窗函数卷积运算,得到轨距测量梁中心横向位移的二阶差分,然后再通过二次积分和滤波得到左右轨向值。通过设计模拟低通滤波和相应的数字滤波器,实现了加速度滤波器的幅频响应与检测车速度无关,保证了系统的检测精度。对轨向加速度计测得的位移和摄像式轨距系统测得的位移进行比较,验证了系统测量原理和合成算法的正确性。经静态验证和现场试验,结果证明构架式轨距—轨向检测系统具有检测精度高、性能稳定和故障率低的优点。  相似文献   
为深入落实"交通强国"战略和实现"全域旅游"目标,推动旅游与交通深度融合发展,需做好旅游交通体系发展的顶层设计。通过分析旅游交通面临的问题,提出了旅游交通融合发展的理念。将福建省作为案例,针对福建旅游交通网络面临的问题,提出了"快旅慢游"旅游交通体系的建设目标、实施方案及保障措施。依托高铁、民航、邮轮和公路等综合立体交通网络,提出了"一带三环多放射"旅游交通"快旅"通道的发展思路;通过特色旅游产品开发、旅游服务质量提升等方面,规划了"慢游"微循环旅游交通的发展方案,构建了福建省多层次、综合立体的旅游交通体系发展新格局。以期通过福建省旅游交通融合发展案例研究,为其他省市旅游交通融合发展借鉴参考。  相似文献   
This article considers the issue of economic development as a component of coastal management initiatives in developed countries, focusing on the Forth Estuary Forum as a case study. The evolution of coastal management into integrated coastal management is briefly considered, as is the context of the Scottish coastal management system and a brief discussion of the variations between the different legal systems within the UK. The current hurdles to economic development and the views of developers and economic agencies being considered in the coastal management process itself are highlighted, illustrating the process of integration and the current voluntary regime in the UK, particularly in the Forth Estuary Forum. The article concludes that economic development issues must be taken seriously if coastal management is to be integrated and inclusive.  相似文献   
通过对城镇公交线网的布局模式以及各自的特点、适用范围的分析,提出了城镇公交线路衔接模式,并具体阐述了吴江城镇公交线网布局与衔接模式的形成过程。  相似文献   
关于集成化汽车故障诊断系统及其支持技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
集成化汽车故障诊断系统有两种不同的体系结构,可由状态检测、信息融合、故障诊断、网络信息获取以及网络通讯等模块构成。在系统分析各模块功能得基础上,论述了检测设备仪器通讯的标准化、故障诊断专家系统的通用化、故障诊断推理方法的多元化和故障诊断知识获取的网络化是实现集成化汽车故障诊断系统的关键性支持技术。  相似文献   
传统的教学模式重理论轻实践,课堂上主要以“填鸭式”授课模式讲授,很多专业课缺乏连续的创新性实践教学,以至于学生无法将所学知识得到运用。本论文将研究如何把“理论学习”“案例分析”“认证培训”“带薪预就业实习”的有机结合,运用在车辆工程专业创新人才培养中,为应用型高校理工科专业教学改革提供新思路。  相似文献   
列控联锁一体化系统设计方案探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合列控联锁一体化设计经验和发展现状,从系统处理能力、输入输出控制、轨道电路编码和统一接口等方面,对列控联锁一体化系统的设计方案提出建议供探讨。  相似文献   
Shock resistance capacity of the shipboard equipment especially for large ones, has been a strong concern of navies all over the world for a long time. The shipboard equipment have previously generally been studied separate from hull structure before. In this paper the coupling elastic effect between equipment and hull structure is taken into account. With the ABAQUS software, the integrated model of the equipment coupled with the hull structure is established to study the dynamic response of the shipboard equipment to the shock wave load as well as the bubble pulsation load. In order to verify the numerical method, the simulated results are compared to the experimental data, which are from a specific underwater explosion on an actual ship. On this basis, by changing the charge location, attack angle, equipment installation location and other parameters, the characteristics of dynamic response under different conditions can be obtained. In addition, the results of the integrated calculation and the non-integrated one are compared and the characteristic parameters which affect the equipment shock response are analyzed. Some curves and conclusions are obtained for engineering applications, which provides some insights into the shock resistance of shipboard equipment.  相似文献   
当前国内城际轨道交通的发展对以轨道交通为导向的城市综合开发提出更高的要求,针对性剖析香港铁路发展历程和成功经验,结合相关数据分析,研究城铁一体化综合开发模式对城际轨道交通可持续发展的作用和意义,对该模式下的财务、政策和技术层面的问题进行探讨,提出城铁一体化开发须在政策层面制定相应的权益流程,实施开发建设的集约化;在运营层面体现共赢原则,构建轨道交通运营+效益返还机制;针对城市各区域发展不同步的特点,在一体化建设中采用灵活的预留机制满足分期建设的需求,最终实现轨道交通的可持续发展。  相似文献   
阐述了针对LKJ2000型列车运行监控记录装置与JT1-CZ2000型机车信号车载系统设备动态检测的一种智能化检测系统。该系统采用计算机和信息共享技术,可以模拟在机车的环境温度里运行各种车载装置,并通过CAN总线有效地对LKJ2000型列车运行监控装置进行模拟量、开关量、频率量自动检测,以及对JT1-CZ2000型机车信号的应变时间、主机的译码正确性进行自动测试,达到了对备品质量状态检测的目的。  相似文献   
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