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Lamble  Dave  Rajalin  Sirpa  Summala  Heikki 《Transportation》2002,29(3):223-236
This paper reviews two road-user surveys on the use of mobile phones on the road in Finland where the mobile phone ownership rate is highest in the world (70% in August 2000). From 1998 to 1999 the proportion of drivers that chose to use a mobile phone while driving rose from 56% to 68%, while the proportion of phone using drivers who experienced dangerous situations due to phone use rose from 44% to 50%. The proportion of drivers who used their phones in some way to benefit safety on the road remained at about 55%. The youngest, novice drivers had the highest level of phone usage of all age categories. Over 48% of the interviewees believed that the government should ban the use of hand-held mobile phones while driving, and another 27% believed that all types of mobile phone use should be banned while driving. Those drivers who used their phones the most each day were more likely to want some form of restrictions, than those who had lower usage. This is a strong message to the elected lawmakers and raises the problem of exactly how regulatory bodies would go about controlling the future growth of new driver support and non-driving related communication devices in road vehicles. It was concluded that legislating for hands-free use only would be a reasonable course of action. Mandating that the current generation of equipment should be optimized for hands-free use should result in future generations of in-vehicle equipment also being optimized for hands-free use as a minimum criterion.  相似文献   
李铭伟 《铁道勘察》2021,(2):109-113
为研究钢混结合主梁混凝土桥面板的收缩徐变对大跨度高铁无砟轨道斜拉桥的影响,以昌吉赣客专赣江特大桥为工程背景,采用Midas Civil软件建立全桥精细化数值分析模型,考虑钢混结合梁混凝土桥面板不同的加载龄期,分析结合梁斜拉桥在收缩徐变效应下变形及受力的变化。结果表明:赣江特大桥结合梁在施工成桥初期至运营5年后,钢混结合梁混凝土桥面板收缩徐变引起面板及钢箱梁的应力变化情况均满足规范要求,桥面板及钢箱梁在施工成桥1年后收缩徐变完成50%以上,3年后完成80%左右;桥面板混凝土的加载龄期越长,混凝土收缩徐变对桥梁结构变形和受力的影响越小,并在混凝土加载龄期达到180 d后对桥梁结构的影响呈稳定趋势,将结合梁桥面板预制存放180 d后再进行吊装,可有效降低混凝土收缩徐变对此种结构正常使用期间力学行为的影响。  相似文献   
以水泥粉煤灰稳定碎石混合料的设计龄期和设计参数为研究对象,通过试验不同龄期的力学特性指标发现,120d龄期时混合料的强度发展已经基本完成,因此认定混合料的设计龄期宜为120d。在此基础上,通过变化集料级配和水泥剂量,研究确定出混合料7d龄期的抗压强度标准,120d龄期劈裂强度和抗压回弹模量的合理区间。  相似文献   
兰州至中川机场铁路工程沿线大多地段为饱和黄土地基,设计采取水泥土搅拌桩复合地基加固;该线部分地段饱和黄土地基中含有呈透镜状分布的砂土.对水泥搅拌砂土在不同的水泥和粉煤灰(以下简称"二灰")掺合比、养护龄期、搅拌均匀程度下进行强度特性试验研究,分析了水泥搅拌砂土无侧限抗压强度的变化规律.试验表明:水泥搅拌砂土无侧限抗压强度随二灰掺量的增加而增加,二灰掺入量从7%增加到20%水泥搅拌砂土的无侧限抗压强度增长了160.1%;随养护龄期的增加而增大,7~28d增长较快,28d以后仍有较大程度的增长,龄期90d抗压强度与28d强度有较好的相关性,可以用28d强度预测90d强度,缩短试验周期;随着搅拌均匀程度的提高,水泥搅拌砂土的无侧限抗压强度显著增大,搅拌非常均匀的试件无侧限抗压强度比搅拌极不均匀的试件增长了238%~263%.  相似文献   
通过对铁道部无锡干部培训基地(以下简称培训基地)的生活污水的生物法处理效果观察,探析兼氧/好氧生物处理系统的脱氮除磷原理并对影响处理效果因素进行分析。  相似文献   
本文通过对十年和十七年龄期混凝土各种检测方法回归方程的比较,强度等级高的混凝土试件碳化深度浅,回弹值和强度具有很好的相关性。强度等级低的混凝土试件,回弹值和强度相关性较差,而碳化对强度的相关性显著。混凝土试件的回弹值和碳化深度值对强度的相关性具有互补性,而混凝土试件的超声声速值与碳化深度值则没有这样的互补性质。通过分析比较,在混凝土强度的现场回弹法检测中,龄期超过十七年的混凝土也可以采用十七年龄期的回归方程。  相似文献   
Millennials, defined in this study as those born between 1979 and 2000, became the largest population segment in the United States in 2015. Compared to recent previous generations, they have been found to travel less, own fewer cars, have lower driver’s licensure rates, and use alternative modes more. But to what extent will these differences in behaviour persist as millennials move through various phases of the lifecycle? To address this question, this paper presents the results of a longitudinal analysis of the 2003–2013 American Time Use Survey data series. In early adulthood, younger millennials (born 1988–1994) are found to spend significantly more time in-home than older millennials (born 1979–1985), which indicates that there are substantial differences in activity-time use patterns across generations in early adulthood. Older millennials are, however, showing activity-time use patterns similar to their prior generation counterparts as they age, although some differences – particularly in time spent as a car driver – persist. Millennials appear to exhibit a lag in adopting the activity patterns of predecessor generations due to delayed lifecycle milestones (e.g. completing their education, getting jobs, marrying, and having children) and lingering effects of the economic recession, suggesting that travel demand will resume growth in the future.  相似文献   
本文对93例智力低下儿童与305例智力正常儿童的体格发育及骨龄进行了对照分析,结果发现,约有半数智力低下儿童体格发育低下。骨龄延迟也多于对照组。智力低下越严重,体格发育低下越多。体格发育低下在环境及经济条件差的地区明显高于条件较好的地区,男性较女性多。另外,年龄越小,骨龄及体格发育低下越多,达青春期,部分可减轻或恢复正常。结合流行病学调查及临床x线检查,认为营养及环境可能是影响智力与体格发育的重要因素。  相似文献   
刘宏泰  缪祖基 《电气化铁道》2011,22(2):45-47,50
阐述了研发额定20kA放电电流直流避雷器技术参数的选择、产品设计选型、选材、型式试验等,该产品已通过了各项型式试验并在深圳地铁现场使用。  相似文献   
介绍了档案工作的现状 ,并提出了知识经济时代的档案管理应注意的几个方面  相似文献   
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