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为解决铜镁接触线连续挤压生产中腔体温度控制难的问题,建立了连续挤压过程的多变量神经网络控制方法,经过多次实验和筛选,选出有效数据,多个模式反复学习,直至网络全局误差函数E小于预先设定的一个极小值.通过网络训练和仿真分析得到较佳的解决方法,该方法应用在铜镁接触线连续挤压生产线上,较好地解决了腔体温度控制难的问题,提高了劳...  相似文献   
作者对陕西省长寿区老人血清中微量元素(锰、铜、锌、铁)及钙、镁进行分析。发现陕西省长寿区老人血清中利于健康长寿的锰的含量极显著地高于对照区(P<0.001);人体必需的铜的含量也极显著地高于对照区(P<0.01);与抗衰老关系密切的钙的含量也极显著地高于对照区(P<0.01);男性老人血清中锰、铜、锌、铁及钙、镁的含量与女性老人均无显著差异;61岁~90岁的老人血清中锰、铜、锌、铁及钙、镁的含量随着年龄的增长也均未有显著差异。结果表明陕西省长寿区老人血清中有较优越的化学元素谱。本文对实验结果中与抗衰老有关问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   
Objective To study the changes and their influence factors involved of zinc, copper, calcium and magnesium in plasma and erythrocytes during cardiopulmonary hypass(CPB). Methods Zinc, copper, calcium and magnesium values in plasma and erythrocytes were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometer during CPB. Results Zinc and copper levels in plasma were significantly elevated above preinduction level before perfusion, hut calcium and magnesium levels did not change significantly; zinc, copper and calcium levels in plasma were significantly below preoperation level during CPB, hut magnesium level in plasma was significantly increased above preoperation; zinc level in plasma was increased to preoperation level after CPB and began to decrease again at 8 hours after CPB,copper level in plasma was increased to preoperation level at 20 hours after CPB, calcium in plasma was increased significantly from beginning to 8 hours after CPB, magnesium level in plasma was decreased to preoperation level at 8 hours afterCPB. Concentration of zinc , copper, calcium and magnesium in erythrocytes did not change significantly. Conclusion During CPB, the changes of zinc, copper, calcium and magnesium had relation to hemodilution, operative wound, carrier protein, stress and component of priming Solution and cardioplegic solution, hut no relation to transferfrom plasma erythrocytes. The results indicate that it is beneficial to patient‘s recovery to supplement zinc, copper, calcium and magnesium properly by different ways during cardiac perioperation.  相似文献   
轻质材料在汽车上的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过正交实验得出影响氨氮和磷酸盐去除率因素的主次顺序为:浓度pHMg∶NP∶N反应时间。通过一次回归正交实验得出残磷量和残氮量的回归方程为:y(残磷量)=-3 041.57-2.76z1+2 307.2z2+3 075.5z3-2 310z2z3(其中z1=pH,z2=Mg∶N,z3=P∶N),y(残氮量)=1 104.84-50.76z1-45.5z2-515.5z3,回归方程高度显著。在氨氮浓度为0.1 mol/L(1 400 mg/L)及磷酸盐为相应浓度时,在兼顾处理出水的含盐量、残磷量和残氮量尽量低的前提下,最佳的实验条件为:pH=9.5,Mg∶N=1.2,P∶N=1.03,反应时间为30 min,搅拌速度为200 r/min。在上述实验条件下PO43--P的去除率为99.73%,处理出水中的PO43--P含量为8.66 mg/L,NH3-N的去除率为98.83%,NH3-N含量为16.45 mg/L。  相似文献   
<正>A high-strength Mg-15.3Gd-l.8Ag-0.3Zr(GQ152K,mass fraction) alloy was prepared by conventional ingot metallurgy process.The solution and aging(denoted as T6) treated alloy exhibits remarkable mechanical properties with ultimate tensile strength of 421 MPa and tensile yield strength of 309MPa.It has higher igniting temperature of 1208 K.Moreover,it can stand against flame at 1203 K for over 6 min in vertical burning tests, and its flammabiUty behavior is very similar to that of 6101A1 alloy.Vertical burning tests appear to be able to directly study the flammability behavior of Mg alloys and it appears to be a good approach to study the flammability behavior of Mg alloys in an aircraft fire accident.  相似文献   
1前言 多年来,中国南车集团铜陵车辆厂对球墨铸铁中的镁元素分析一直沿用高氯酸+硝酸溶样,采用铜试剂二次沉淀,分离铁、铝、锰等干扰元素的分析方法,比较繁琐.改进后的方法采用硫、硝混合酸,无须将镁元素另外溶样,只要在分析硅、锰、磷、镍、钼、铜、稀土的母液中吸取5.0 ml,采用铜试剂一次性分离干扰元素.方法简单、经济、快捷、可靠.  相似文献   
本文研究了真空热处理对海绵钛氢化动力学的影响。为了清洁和活化样品表面,把样品置于473K,10^-1Pa的低真空状态下,以不同的时间周期对其进行退火处理。经过这一步之后,样品在623K、773K和1073K温度下被氢化。我们发现在773K和1073K时,样品的预处理对Ti的氢化动力学并没有影响,这一过程受到氢在钛中体扩散的控制。另一方面,在623K时,样品的氢化存在一个孕育时间(腔内氢压力不变),接着对应于表面控制过程,压力直线下降,对应氢的体扩散压力呈抛物线状。在623K时吸氢的孕育时间与在473K时的活化时间有关。这种相互关系被解释成认为与清洁阶段的两个机械操作过程有关,一是吸入的气体从Ti的空洞中被释放从而留下了清洁的钛表面,另一种是清洁的表面被氧化。  相似文献   
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