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侯跃峰 《内蒙古公路与运输》2010,(5):33-35
项目投资是高速公路公司的重心和核心,项目投资风险控制的效率直接决定着高速公路公司的生存发展。文章通过分析高速公路项目投资的项目决策、项目招标与合同签订、项目施工、项目结算四个环节的风险特点,以内部控制为突破口和支撑点,构建完备的风险导向型项目投资控制体系。 相似文献
以丹东黄海多用途乘用车及多用途货车为例,解析了GB7258—2012对标牌型式、位置、固定、内容、字体及字号的要求。 相似文献
The connected vehicle is a rapidly emerging paradigm aimed at deploying and developing a fully connected transportation system that enables data exchange among vehicles, infrastructure, and mobile devices to improve mobility, enhance safety, and reduce the adverse environmental impacts of the transportation systems. This study focuses on micromodeling and quantitatively assessing the potential impacts of the connected vehicle (CV) on mobility, safety, and the environment. To assess the benefits of CVs, a modeling framework is developed based on traffic microsimulation for a real network located in the city of Toronto, Canada, to mimic communication between enabled vehicles. In this study, we examine the effects of providing real-time routing guidance and advisory warning messages to CVs. In addition, to take into account the rerouting in nonconnected vehicles (non-CVs) in response to varying sources of information such as apps, global positioning systems (GPS), variable message signs (VMS), or simply seeing the traffic back up, the impact of fraction of non-CV vehicles was also considered and evaluated. Therefore, vehicles in this model are divided into; uninformed/unfamiliar not connected (non-CV), informed/familiar but not connected (non-CV) that get updates infrequently every 5 minutes or so (non-CV), and connected vehicles that receive information more frequently (CV). The results demonstrate the potential of connected vehicles to improve mobility, enhance safety, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) at the network-wide level. The results also show quantitatively how the market penetration of connected vehicles proportionally affects the performance of the traffic network. While the presented results are pertinent to the specifics of the road network modeled and cannot be generalized, the quantitative figures provide researchers and practitioners with ideas of what to expect from vehicle connectivity concerning mobility, safety, and environmental improvements. 相似文献
介绍东风雪铁龙C2轿车的基本车型和特点,讲述其搭载的1.4LTU3AF发动机控制电路的组成、元件的作用和工作原理,列出电路中各元件的型号与生产厂家。 相似文献
张铁军 《内蒙古公路与运输》2008,(6):24-26
水泥稳定碎石基层裂缝是当前施工中不易克服的问题,也是造成路面损坏的一个重要因素。根据水泥稳定碎石基层裂缝产生的机理,结合工程实践,提出了降低水泥用量、控制细集料含量、适时掌握切缝时间以及采用大厚体积水泥稳定碎石和设置柔性基层等方法,降低或延缓基层裂缝的产生,从而提高沥青路面使用性能。 相似文献
Recently,alargenumberofresearchesindicatedthatoccurenceanddevelopmentofbreastcarcinomaswerecorrelatedwithhighexpressionofblockingapoptosisoncogene,mutationofantioncogeneandexpressionofcontrollingcellproliferativeoncogene.Therewerefewreportsondocumentsofquantitativestudyofexpressionaboutblockingapoptosisoncogene--hcf--2(Bcellleukaemia/lymphomagene),productofP53proteinandproliferatingcellnuclearantigen(PCNA)inbreastcarcinoma.Ourpurposewastoinvestigatequantitativeindexinrelationtoclinicalpathol… 相似文献
采用80C196微处理器研制的新型列车超速防护系统测试仪不仅可用于列车运行控制系统的研制和生产过程中,而且也可用于现场维护,可模拟列车各种运行环境及可能出现的故障,可手动测试也可自动测试,随时给出被测系统的工作状况。作者主要介绍这种测试仪的功能,系统结构和实现方式。 相似文献