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Haitao Yu 《运输评论》2018,38(5):654-677
Understanding the role of transportation in urban and regional economy is a persistent analytical topic within the transportation research community. Multi-sectoral input–output (IO) modelling, as a standard economic analysis tool, has great advantages in reflecting industrial interdependencies in an economy. The simplicity of IO and the well-known concept of multiplier effect also make it broadly used in both academia and practice. This paper provides an introduction of IO models and reviews the past IO studies from 2000 onward on modelling transportation–economic linkages. The following types of models are included: single-region, multi-region and random utility-based multi-region IO models, with central methodological features described. An evaluation of modelling issues brought to light by reviewing the literature is then presented. For future research, more critical attention should be directed towards IO’s modelling assumptions, spatial linkages and the static representation of the economy. In addition, there are needs for more attention in the following areas: sectoral aggregation, specification of household sector and the integration with transportation forecasting models. The paper concludes with brief recommendations on future IO applications.  相似文献   
以输入假说为基础,通过对当前航海类专业英语教学的现状分析,提出弊端,并从其教材的选用、教学方法的改进等方面,探讨了该理论对航海类专业英语教学的启示,以此提高教学效果  相似文献   
In this paper, a set of longitudinal velocity and distance controllers with switching logic is proposed for an active driver safety system, and validation via hardware-in-the-loop simulation (HILS) is presented. Since the desired velocity and distance are given discretely and arbitrarily by a driver, there are usually discontinuities or discrete jumps between the desired and current vehicle state immediately after the switching. To minimize performance degradation resulting from this discrete jump, dynamic surface control (DSC) with an input-shaping filter is applied for both velocity and distance control. Furthermore, while much cost and effort are usually necessary for the experimental validation of a longitudinal controller, the validation of the longitudinal controller via HILS is performed with a minimum of effort. In the HILS, the various switching scenarios and desired discrete inputs in terms of velocity and distance are considered and the corresponding performance of the controller is shown in the end.  相似文献   
The econometric estimation of cost functions has been proposed in the literature as a suitable approach in order to obtain estimations of marginal costs, efficiency levels and scale elasticities for transport industries. However, regarding the airport industry, no significant attention has been paid in developing an airport-specific estimation methodology rather than adapting the procedures applied to other industries. The lack of comparable airport data is one of the causes which could explain the scarcity of this literature in the past, as well as the use of very limited approaches to explain airport technology. This paper tries to overcome these limitations by developing an airport-specific methodology to estimate a multi-output long-run cost function using an unbalanced pooled database on 161 airports worldwide. The specification of hedonically-adjusted aircraft operations, domestic and international passengers, cargo and commercial revenues in the output vector, as well as the calculation of input prices are discussed. Both technical and allocative inefficiencies are specified in the model using a Stochastic Frontier method that has been estimated through Bayesian Inference and Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods.  相似文献   
严寒地区铁路隧道防寒措施的合理设置直接关系到铁路运营安全。通过对已建成严寒地区隧道排水通道局部结冰情况和太阳辐射对应关系进行分析,隧道洞口的太阳辐射大小是影响隧道排水通道局部结冰的关键因素。为降低隧道冻害在铁路安全运营中产生的危害,量化计算严寒地区铁路隧道中心深埋水沟的设置长度,建立了隧道洞口太阳辐射评价标准,并基于已建成的位于严寒地区铁路隧道优化后的中心深埋水沟设置长度,结合太阳辐射指标、最冷月平均气温,采用麦夸特法(Levenberg-Marquardt)非线性回归计算出公式待定参数,得到了严寒地区隧道中心深埋水沟设置长度计算公式。  相似文献   
基于响应面方法的车钩缓冲器特性曲线优化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了更加真实地反映车钩缓冲器实际工作状态和进行缓冲器特性曲线优化,提出采用列车纵向动力学系统对缓冲器的特性曲线进行分析。在优化方面,从响应面方法的基本原理出发,建立响应面的子区域构造方法,运用凝聚函数和惩罚技术处理约束的遗传算法求解加约束条件的二次响应面最优解。以大秦线实际线路、列车编组以及列车纵向动力学性能为优化计算的条件,结合缓冲器数值模型建立缓冲器特性曲线的优化模型,运用所提出基于遗传算法的响应面方法对重载列车缓冲器特性曲线进行优化求解。结果说明所提方法对求解缓冲器特性曲线的优化问题非常有效。  相似文献   
针对车辆行驶过程中车速估计问题,论文基于中心差分卡尔曼滤波理论设计了车速的估计算法。建立了非线性三自由度车辆估算模型,根据纵向加速度、侧向加速度和方向盘转角低成本传感器信号的信息融合,实现对车速的准确估计,应用CarSim与Matl ab/Simulink联合仿真实验对算法进行验证。结果表明:估计算法能够准确估计车辆行驶过程中的纵向车速、侧向车速和质心侧偏角。  相似文献   
文章针对邵怀高速公路雪峰山特长深埋隧道排水设计及施工现状,通过众多方法比较分析,优选采用灰色理论来预测隧道开挖距离与涌水量问的关系,以预测隧道开挖后总的涌水量,为中心水沟管径大小设计提供依据,对指导隧道施工具有现实意义。  相似文献   
Excellent public transport which makes the private car a minority mode of central-city travel is a necessary condition for a political process towards the introduction of congestion charges. However, the charging system costs in London and Stockholm have proved to be unexpectedly high. Therefore, before these costs come down to an affordable level, zero-fares for central-city travel and stricter parking policy would be a first-best combination in many cities, always provided that the public transport is really competitive. A bold venture in public transport development is consequently the top priority irrespective of the transport pricing policy direction.  相似文献   
根据半挂牵引车的特点,引入并修改了国外广泛应用的中间位置转向操纵稳定性试验方法,介绍了对试验结果的评价方法,并结合某国产牵引车和Scania360型牵引车进行了试验验证。通过试验发现,国产牵引车在路感、转向响应等方面都需进行改进;该试验方法在半挂牵引车操纵稳定性试验中应用是可行的。  相似文献   
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