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从轨道交通车站项目设计、技术要求、检测参数、检测方法及结果判定的角度,文章阐述了轨道交通车站系统节能检测的主要内容和检测方法。为了快速方便地判定检测结果,提出了检测结果坐标系的二维可视化评判方法,并给出了合格判定的点集数学表达式。以某车站系统节能性能检测项目为案例,运用检测结果判定坐标系法对主要参数包括室内温度、风系统总风量与风口风量、水系统水流量、平均照度与照明功率密度等进行了检测结果分析,实现了节能检测结果的快速和二维可视化判定。  相似文献   
[目的]为了研究潜艇水下掉深时的挽回策略和控制方法,建立某X舵潜艇六自由度运动模型。[方法]首先,分析X舵的控制规律和潜艇的排水能力,采用多目标模糊控制方法,设计掉深挽回控制系统;其次,对潜艇在大深度航行时遭遇的不同程度掉深险情进行挽回操作仿真,并在控制器和挽回策略这2个方面对挽回控制进行改进;最后,对不同航速条件下的挽回能力进行比较。[结果]结果显示,在控制器方面,引入智能模糊积分环节可提高挽回效率;在挽回策略方面,采用纵倾辅助及提高航速的挽回策略可增强挽回能力。[结论]研究表明,X舵模糊控制系统配合提高航速及纵倾辅助的策略具有较好的掉深挽回效果。  相似文献   
Currently there is a true dichotomy in the pavement maintenance and rehabilitation (M&R) literature. On the one hand, there are integer programming-based models that assume that parameters are deterministically known. On the other extreme, there are stochastic models, with the most popular class being based on the theory of Markov decision processes that are able to account for various sources of uncertainties observed in the real-world. In this paper, we present an integer programming-based alternative to account for these uncertainties. A critical feature of the proposed models is that they provide – a priori – probabilistic guarantees that the prescribed M&R decisions would result in pavement condition scores that are above their critical service levels, using minimal assumptions regarding the sources of uncertainty. By construction of the models, we can easily determine the additional budget requirements when additional sources of uncertainty are considered, starting from a fully deterministic model. We have coined this additional budget requirement the price of uncertainty to distinguish from previous related work where additional budget requirements were studied due to parameter uncertainties in stochastic models. A numerical case study presents valuable insights into the price of uncertainty and shows that it can be large.  相似文献   
This paper concerns the development of a new decision support framework for the appraisal of transport infrastructure projects. In such appraisals there will often be a need for including both conventional transport impacts as well as criteria of a more strategic and/or sustainable character. The proposed framework is based on the use of cost-benefit analysis featuring feasibility risk assessment in combination with multi-criteria decision analysis and is supported by the concept of decision conferencing. The framework is applied for a transport related case study dealing with the complex decision problem of determining the most attractive alternative for a new fixed link between Denmark and Sweden – the so-called HH-connection. Applying the framework to the case study made it possible to address the decision problem from an economic, a strategic, and a sustainable point of view simultaneously. The outcome of the case study demonstrates the decision making framework as a valuable decision support system (DSS), and it is concluded that appraisals of transport projects can be effectively supported by the use of the DSS. Finally, perspectives of the future modelling work are given.  相似文献   
基于灰色评价理论的自适应最优路径选择   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
充分考虑了驾驶员在路径选择中的不同要求,依据层次分析法和灰色评价理论建立了一种根据驾驶员的偏好自适应选择最优路径的方法,并设计了相应的决策支持系统,为智能交通流诱导系统的进一步发展铺平了道路。  相似文献   
为更好地反映不同决策者对电子收费系统(ETC)评价的偏好,从政府、运营者和付费者三个主要利益主体的角度对ETC系统的评价指标及评价方法进行了研究。根据评价指标体系筛选原则,确定了基于决策偏好的ETC系统评价指标体系;通过综合分析成本-效益法(CBA)和数据包络分析法(DEA)的各自特点,依据基于决策偏好所确定的评价指标,同时引入当前一些比较好的算法来优化CBA,DEA和AHP法,建立数学模型,从而确立了基于决策偏好的综合评价方法。该方法较为全面地对ETC系统社会经济影响进行评价,所建立的指标体系和方法能更直观、更可靠地反映出决策者的决策偏好。  相似文献   
针对具有模糊因数的多目标交通问题,提出了一种优先模糊目标规划方法。本文首先建立了模糊目标的隶属度函数,其次,将隶属度函数的最高度作为期望水平并引入了偏差变量,从而将隶属度函数转化为隶属度目标。通过最小化负偏差变量得到最满意解。对模糊目标不同优先级结构下的解进行了敏感性分析,并用欧氏距离函数确定了最佳的目标优先级结构,通过最小化后悔值达到决策区域理想点决策值,得到决策单元最满意解。最后,应用实例对本文方法进行分析验证。  相似文献   
在决策树理论的指导下,通过信息增益的应用和公式的构造获取属性重要程度评价值,结合决策树的C5.0算法得到建筑企业的信用评价模型。经过对该模型进行测试和评价,取得了较好的预测效果。  相似文献   
基于粗糙集的最小规则生成算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
讨论了可辩识矩阵的内容的深层次含义,分析了它与属性值约简的关系,并提出了一种利用可辩识矩阵实现属性值约简的方法,分析了利用可辩识矩阵实现属性约简和属性值约简的方法,设计了基于可辩识矩阵的最佳约简的算法,使得属性约简和属性值约简得以一致计算,使知识推理过程变得统一且相对简单.  相似文献   
与集装箱海运相比内河集装箱班轮运输具有其独特性,同时对于内贸箱而言,货主订舱时箱重信息的不确定性导致其航线配载决策变得更加复杂.本文考虑不确定箱重影响,以最小化航线班轮堆栈占用数量为目标,构建内河集装箱班轮航线配载决策的随机规划模型.为实现求解,基于随机规划理论,采用机会约束描述随机约束,将随机规划模型转化为随机机会约束规划模型,并设计混合邻域搜索算法求解.算法由蒙特卡罗随机模拟、神经元网络训练及邻域搜索启发式3个部分组成.算例研究表明,混合邻域搜索算法的鲁棒性较好,可实现配载计划对不确定因素的有效吸收.  相似文献   
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