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多级物流配送中心选址模型及计算机求解   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了构建多级物流配送中心选址模型的方法以及如何运用Excel中的规划求解工具对模型进行求解。  相似文献   
This paper investigates the performance of a policy decision tool proposed for multi-objective decision under different policy interventions. This tool deals with the trade-off between mobility and equity maximization under environmental capacity constraints. Two system objectives, maximization of mobility and equity, are formulated in terms of the sum of total car ownership and number of trips, and the differences in accessibility between zones. Environmental capacities are based on production efficiency theory in which the frontier emission under maximum system efficiency is taken as environmental capacity. To examine the performance of the proposed model, three types of hypothetical policies (network improvement, population increase and urban sprawl) are formulated. Effects are simulated using data pertaining to Dalian City, China. Results show that the proposed model is capable of representing the trade-offs between mobility and equity based on different policy interventions. Compared with two extreme cases with the single objective of mobility maximization or equity maximization, the Pareto-optimal solutions provide more interesting practical options for decision makers. Taking the solution based on the maximum equity as an example, the policy of urban sprawl yields the most significant improvement in both emission and accessibility of the three scenarios.  相似文献   
The degree of centralization of the logistics network is one of the important strategic decisions to take. This issue has often been studied but mainly from a cost minimization focus. This research studies the influence of incorporating the environmental impact in logistics network design models, comparing the results with those obtained considering cost minimization only. A fuzzy biobjective optimization model is used to carry out a number of experiments. By weighting the relative importance of the two objectives, the differences with respect to the base cost minimization solution can be ascertained. Our results show that in general more material is moved through warehouses when the environmental impact is considered and more decentralized facilities are opened.  相似文献   
简要分析了铁通城域网现状,提出城域网动力环监系统的建设原则,并针对采集、传输与组网技术以及后期的运用问题进行了分析与思考。  相似文献   
随着我国电气化铁路的发展,在既有电气化铁路的基础上,增建二线电气化铁路的项目愈来愈多,而现行定额尚属空白.此文对该类项目的施工组织、方法、工艺、行车干扰以及人工和机械的消耗等方面的特殊之处,进行了具体分析,并提出了定额编制的建议.  相似文献   
关于优化件杂货装卸工艺降低装卸成本的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试图通过对装卸工艺成本的调查、分析 ,以量的形式来衡量装卸工艺的合理性 ,并通过计算来选择工艺成本较低的作业方案 ,从而实现对装卸工艺成本的有效管理 ,提高企业的决策能力。  相似文献   
为了克服二元决策图方法分析故障树所存在的不足,提出了基于二元决策图的模块方法分析系统可靠性。采用线性时间算法将故障树分解成相互独立的子故障树,然后用二元决策图方法对子故障树进行分析,递归综合相互独立子故障树的求解结果,得出整个系统的可靠性。基于二元决策图的模块分析方法克服了故障树分析与二元决策图方法存在的不足,适用于大型、复杂系统的可靠性分析。  相似文献   
Introduction  In the areas of every level of probabilistic riskassessment and management in nuclear powerplants,the application of subjective expert' s judg-ments is broadly in demand.The behind reason isprobably thatthe assessmentis usually performed,based on the limited data due to the scarcity of op-erating experience and/or on the incompleteknowledge due to the complexity of phenomenaembedded in severe accidents[1] .In the literature,subjective expert' s judgment is also called expertjud…  相似文献   
预防性养护是一种在路面状况尚处于良好情况下采取的对现有道路系统进行有计划的、基于费用效益的养护策略.养护措施的选择应针对不同路况采取不同的策略.以唐山市某国道工程为实例,介绍采用AHP -模糊综合评价法得到路面预防性养护的最佳措施.  相似文献   
列车编组计划决策支持系统的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
列车编组计划方案的优化问题,是一个很重要而又复杂的决策问题。由于系统的庞大,涉及的因素众多,而且其中的许多是不确定的因素,因此需要使模型运算,人机交互,数据调用达到有机的统一,从而解决这一难题,为决策者提供有效的数据上的支持,满足铁路运输现代化建设的需要。本文从列车编组计划的系统要求分析出发,阐述了列车编组计划DSS计算机系统的总体结构和基本功能。  相似文献   
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