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Segmental linings in shield tunnelling are composed of segments and joints. Mechanical behaviors of the joints govern overall behaviors of tunnel linings. Two new types of joints are adopted in Shanghai Metro Line 18, including the fast-insertion joints for adjacent rings, and the fast-slide joints for adjacent segments. In order to explore the overall behavior of segmental linings with these new types of joints, the full-scale tests are carried out for new lining structure with aligned and staggered longitudinal joints. The mechanical behaviors of the tunnel linings under different loading conditions are obtained. Furthermore, the calculation models of the tunnel linings are discussed, and regarding the modified routine method, the structural design parameters under different loading conditions are calculated, which provides a reference for the design and the comparison of the assembly method of the tunnel linings with new types of joints. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
Zhu Y.  Zhang Y.  Xiayang Y.  Dong Z.  Liu X. 《现代隧道技术》2018,(6):152-162and169
Aiming at the serious effect of soil and water loss on tunnel operation and safety, full-scale quasi-static loading tests were conducted regarding the ultimate bearing capacity of staggered erected tunnel linings in unload- ing situation. The design of tested lining and loading schemes were introduced. The test results, including the evolu- tion of deformation, segment crack, joint opening and bolt stress, were presented. The bearing capacity and failure mechanism of tested linings were discussed and analyzed. It shows load-displacement curve is of elastic-plastic form and the tendency of load-displacement curve is linearly rising; strength failure of circumferential joint occurs and the interaction between segments decreases, leading to decrease of integral rigidity; shearing failure of concaveconvex connector of circumferential segment joint, compression induced concrete failure of longitudinal joint and bending failure of the segment finally cause stability loss of the tunnel structure. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
The district modified stiffness method (DMSM) considers the effect of joints and hand holes on the stiff-ness of the lining ring, assuming the stiffness around the joint and hand hole is to be reduced and the stiffness else-where is not changed. Considering the stiffness reduction of the lining ring caused by the segment’s circumferential joint, the internal force of the lining structure, the ground surface settlement and the displacement response of the surrounding soil body induced by shield driving are analyzed by an HS small strain constitutive model, and a 3D FEM model is established to analyze the interactions among the tunnel, soil body and building to apply to the dou-ble-line running tunnel of Shanghai Metro Line 11, which crosses under a historic building. In contrast, a 3D numeri-cal model based on the routine method (RMM) is set up and a comparison with the site measured data is conducted,with results indicating that they agree very well. The simulation results show that the existing building not only changes the surface settlement trough but also largely reduces horizontal displacement at the corresponding measuring points of the settlement trough; the distortion values of the existing building are related to the positions of the tunnel face and the location of the building; and the final distortion doesn’t decrease after completion of tunnel construction, but major residual distortion remains. This simulation method provides a reference for the control of disturbances during shield construction in soft rock. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
The shield tunnel is an ultra-long linear space. It will cause a lot of dust during the tunnel maintenance and overhaul operation, which is extremely unfavorable to the physical and mental health of the construction personnel and the environment outside the tunnel. It is difficult to guarantee the ventilation effect of the linear space using the conventional dust removal technology, which directly affects the construction safety and overhaul period. Therefore, based on the overhaul of a cross-river tunnel in Shanghai, combined with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation, device optimization and process combination, a three-stage dust reduction standardization process for tunnel overhaul construction is proposed, namely taking a water sprayer at the working point to control the dust at the source (primary protection); installing electrostatic dust removal and water filtration dust removal equipment in the tunnel(secondary protection); and installing two sets of water curtain spray device at the two tunnel exits to prevent dusts from diffusing into the atmosphere. It explores the actual dust-reducing effects of different dust-removing measures and layout combinations, laying a technical foundation for green and efficient dust reduction. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
Zhang M.  Zhang Z.  Chen F. 《现代隧道技术》2018,(6):197-203and209
A variety of construction problems, such as bad cutting effects of cutters, unreasonable boring parame- ters and blowout, are often encountered during shield tunnelling under unfavorable geological conditions. Aimed at these construction difficulties of high pressure, abundant underground water, fractured rock stratum, long distance and small-radius curves of Fuzhou metro, the mechanical behaviors of cutting tools were analyzed through theoreti- cal calculations of cutter cutting force, then the reasonable cutter configuration, tunneling parameters and the proper time for cutter replacement were presented. Some measures, such as screw conveyor renovation, mucking control and lowering of groundwater, were adopted for controlling blowout based on practice. The stability of excavation face was analyzed by numerical simulation, and the measures for shield boring and posture control in the long distance and small radius curved tunnels were summarized. The conclusions are as follows: 1) when shield machine is driven in fractured stratum, the effect of lateral impact force produced by spalling rock on cutter will be very large and rein- forcement is needed for cutter; 2) cutter replacement should be taken at proper time based on muck samples in con- ditions of increasing of total shield thrust by 4 000-7 000 kN, cutter torque by 1 000-1 500 kN•m and driving speed smaller than 10 mm/min; 3) adopting screw conveyor device with innovative anti-blowout devices and control measures for ground precipitation and mucking, it controls blowout effectively; 4) the maximum axis offset and the height offset of segment meet the requirements of shield construction specifications during shield construction of long distance small-radius curved tunnel. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
A scheme for stopping water by freezing liquid nitrogen and replacing the tail brush is presented in light of the situation encountered at the Nanjing Weisanlu river-crossing tunnel, a long-distance shield driving tunnel characterized by serious water leakage, sand gushing and water inflow at the shield tail brush. The law of the tempera-ture change of the master outlet circuits and each branch circuit when using liquid nitrogen freezing to stop water un-der high water pressures and the temperature change law for the soil body at different depths are analyzed. The re-sults show that: the temperature difference of the liquid nitrogen is large at the inlet and outlet of the freezing pipe,and it reaches around 35℃ after 6 days; the temperature drops fastest in the pebble layer, and the second fastest in the gravel sand layer, with the temperature cooling slowest in the silty fine sand layer; the average velocities at the frontal surface of the frozen soil in the pebble layer, gravel sand layer and silty fine sand layer are 15.5 cm/d, 12.5 cm/d and 8.3 cm/d, respectively, within the range 600 mm away from the frozen pipe; and affected by heat and air convection in the tunnel, the temperature at the junction of the segment and soil is higher than that in the soil layer.A complete frozen wall takes shape after 13 days of liquid nitrogen freezing, and tail brush replacement takes 22 days from freezing. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
邹今检 《隧道建设》2019,39(7):1104-1109
盾构密封舱的土压平衡作为地表沉降控制的关键因素对盾构安全施工具有重要保障。为映射影响土压平衡掘进参数之间的非线性耦合关系,增强非线性控制模型的动态性能,提高土压平衡的控制精度,根据盾构施工中影响密封舱内土压平衡的掘进参数调控的难易程度,依托现场监测数据建立基于动态神经网络逆控制前馈作用下的螺旋输送机转速控制模型。对控制模型的性能与效果进行分析验证,结果表明: 动态神经网络输出的前馈螺旋输送机转速能够对推进速度、刀盘转矩的变化响应灵敏; 在给定掘进条件下与通过人工调节螺旋输送机转速控制土舱压力的方法相比,动态神经网络逆控制前馈作用下密封舱土压的最大波动误差由9.8%降为5.3%。  相似文献   
江玉生  孙正阳  杨志勇 《隧道建设》2019,39(7):1083-1089
为提高土压平衡盾构施工过程中的风险管控力度,增加盾构施工参数控制的精细化程度,做到盾构施工参数异常自动预警,设计并研发一种基于B/S构架的盾构施工风险监控系统。首先,对土压平衡盾构施工过程中的安全风险管控需求进行总结,建立系统的基本构架,确定系统的基本功能;其次,对盾构施工参数自动预警进行研究,提出参数预警的判断准则及判断方法,并将参数预警整合于盾构风险监控系统中,实现施工参数的自动预警;最后,通过缜密的算法及合理的界面设计完成风险监控系统的研发。系统的主要功能包括: 盾构参数监控、参数分析、参数预警、风险管控、施工管理等。  相似文献   
为确保盾构在无端头加固条件下的富水砂层中安全接收,依托以色列特拉维夫红线轻轨工程,对采用竖井填水方法进行盾构水中接收的施工关键技术进行研究。主要研究与结论如下: 1)通过设置混凝土导台、洞门密封、螺旋密封、盾尾密封、盾构掘进参数控制、注浆控制等各项措施,保证了盾构在竖井中安全接收,提高了施工效率,节省了施工费用; 2)通过理论计算和实际验证,在竖井中注入高于地层水位约1 m的水,可防止地层中的砂被水从开挖间隙中带出; 3)合理的盾构密封控制可以防止涌水涌砂事故; 4)在竖井中设置双层混凝土导台,有利于调整盾构姿态以准确推上钢托架; 5)经过严密的施工组织设计,2台土压平衡盾构成功完成水下接收,竖井内无涌砂,地表沉降控制在规定值以内。  相似文献   
在沈阳已建成的地铁一号线和正在建设的地铁二号线工程中,盾构法施工的隧道里程占总里程的60%以上,其高效性、安全性、经济性在沈阳地铁建设中得到了较好的体现。总结了沈阳地铁盾构隧道设计的成功经验,针对盾构法隧道管片设计、管片拼装、曲线段管片排版与线路拟合等关键问题提出了合理的设计方法与理念,对今后沈阳地铁的类似工程有一定指导意义。  相似文献   
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