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杨水生 《交通标准化》2013,(16):146-147
在分析塌方沉陷发生发展规律的基础上,提出路基塌方、沉陷快速修复技术。研究表明,提高路基修复应急处理的主动性和科学性,可缩短由于塌方沉陷对交通造成的影响,减少由此带来的经济损失和社会影响,提高我国公路养护管理水平。  相似文献   
As offshore hydrocarbon production moves towards ultra-deep water, flexible risers have to withstand the huge hydro-static pressure without collapse. They are designed with strong collapse capacities, allowing them to operate under the condition where their annuli are flooded by the seawater. However, initial imperfections can weaken the collapse capacity under such a flooded condition, triggering the so-called “wet collapse”. Two common initial imperfections, the carcass ovality and the radial gap between the carcass and pressure armor, would reduce the collapse strength of flexible risers significantly. Mostly, collapse analyses are performed through numerical simulations, which are less feasible for the design stage of flexible risers comparing with analytical models. To date, there are few analytical models available in public literature to predict the wet collapse pressure of flexible risers accounting for initial ovality and gap. To meet this demand, an analytical model is established in this paper to address these issues. This model is developed as a spring-supported arch, solving the collapse pressure with stability theories of ring and arched structures. This analytical model is verified by numerical simulations, which gives prediction results that correlate well with the numerical ones.  相似文献   
This paper presents a novel vision-based obstacle avoidance approach for the Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) with a PanTilt-Zoom (PTZ) camera as its only sensing modality. The approach combines the morphological closing operation based on Sobel Edge Detection Operation and the (μ-kσ) thresholding technique to detect obstacles to soften the various lighting and ground floor effects. Both the morphology method and thresholding technique are computationaUy simple. The processing speed of the algorithm is fast enough to avoid some active obstacles. In addition, this approach takes into account the history obstacle effects on the current state. Fuzzy logic is used to control the behaviors of AMR as it navigates in the environment. All behaviors run concurrendy and generate motor response solely based on vision perception. A priority based on subsumption coordinator selects the most appropriate response to direct the AMR away from obstacles. Validation of the proposed approach is done on a Pioneer 1 mobile robot.  相似文献   
广州市地面塌陷特征与防治对策的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:本文在对广州市地质灾害调查与区划成果研究的基础上,进一步分析和探讨地面塌陷形成类型、分布特征、诱发原因,并提出预防措施与对策。其目的为采取主动防治措施,避免和减轻致灾地质作用给人民生命财产造成的损失,维护社会稳定,保障生态环境安全,为国民经济可持续发展提供科学决策依据。研究结论:近30年来广州市地面塌陷呈波浪式上升态势,有较明显的时空分布规律性。人为因素和强降雨是地面塌陷的主要诱发因素,每年集中发生在汛期4~10月份;岩溶塌陷主要分布在广花盆地内的花都区、白云区和从化市等隐伏岩溶区,工程地面塌陷主要分布在广州市主城区;地下工程的挖土和抽排地下水都直接引起地面塌陷,一般与工程量和工程强度成正比。统筹规划、科学选址,结构调整、合理布局是地面塌陷的防治措施与对策。  相似文献   
高边坡塌方综合治理技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合厦蓉高速公路(贵州境)榕江格龙至都匀段YK144+258~YK144+364段右侧边坡塌方治理施工实例,对该段高边坡从变形坍塌至成功治理技术进行介绍。  相似文献   
分析成都地铁工程因高富水、卵石含量高、强度高造成盾构施工困难的情况,通过不断摸索实践,基本解决了富水砂卵石地层长距离快速掘进的难题.论述由于砂卵石地层的自稳特性,地表沉降表现出一定的滞后性,给工程带来安全隐患,对地表坍塌原因进行初步分析,并结合工程实践提出相应的施工对策.  相似文献   
针对目前BIM设计普遍采用"翻模"而导致效率低下的问题,首先对BIM互通设计的要点作了阐述,其次以上浦高速互通段落为工程背景,基于Civil 3D和Revit,对地形曲面、三维道路模型以及桥梁族库的创建三个BIM正向设计的关键步骤做出分析。研究结果表明,得益于BIM设计独有的可视化操作以及动态更新机制,设计人员在设计的精确性以及设计效率上都有极大的提高。  相似文献   
某水下隧道施工突涌水与塌方的风险评价   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
针对某水下过江隧道,采用浅埋暗挖法施工,隧道顶板最小厚度只有14m,且多为强风化泥质砂岩,为国内外隧道施工难度之最.采用的模糊综合层次评估模型对某水下隧道河底超浅埋段进行突水涌水、塌方风险评估,得出此段的突水涌水、塌方风险等级,为隧道的安全施工提供了技术指导.  相似文献   
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