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针对目前内河航运中普遍使用VHF语音通信进行船舶信息交流的缺点,设计了一种基于自组织无线数据通信、GPS定位、嵌入式软硬件设计和电子江图等关键技术实现的内河船舶信息自动报告系统,研制的实验室样机实现了自动感知临近船舶并对距离过近的危险船舶报警、船舶向岸基设备自动发送相关航运信息等功能。该系统具有运营低成本、自动准确报告船舶信息的特点,能够提高内河航运安全技术水平。  相似文献   
针对GMSK基带信号的特点,在未引入编码条件下将Viterbi算法的思想运用于超短波高斯波形的最大似然序列估计中,相比逐符号检测达到最佳检测性能,获得了相应地功率增益,并仿真了不同BT值、定时偏差和抽样点数的波形性能。仿真结果可为超短波通信子网物理层波形设计提供理论基础,有较大的工程参考价值。  相似文献   
提出不同条件下蒸发波导预测方法:基于水文气象条件的海上舰艇蒸发波导预测模型选择方法和基于GPS信号利用贝叶斯正则化BP神经网络反演蒸发波导的方法;结合舰艇微波频段通信模式及电磁波在蒸发波导环境下的传输损耗,研究蒸发波导环境下海上超视距通信,定量估算出最大有效通信距离,仿真结果表明蒸发波导环境下微波频段通信可达视距范围之外;研究超视距通信电磁盲区分布特征及影响因素;建立蒸发波导环境下舰艇超视距通信模型及应用流程.结合实际海上通信需求,提出蒸发波导环境下舰艇海上超视距通信应用.  相似文献   
文章结合对运政管理信息化现状的分析,介绍了广西运政管理信息化建设的系统规划及特点,提出了建设的难点问题,并对广西运政管理信息化建设所取得的效益进行了评述。  相似文献   
In this paper, the location of emergency service (ES) vehicles is studied on fully connected networks. Queuing theory is utilized to obtain the performance metrics of the system. An approximate queuing model the (AQM) is proposed. For the AQM, different service rate formulations are constructed. These formulations are tested with a simulation study for different approximation levels. A mathematical model is proposed to minimize the mean response time of ES systems based on AQM. In the model, multiple vehicles are allowed at a single location. The objective function of the model has no closed form expression. A genetic algorithm is constructed to solve the model. With the help of the genetic algorithm, the effect of assigning multiple vehicles on the mean response time is reported.  相似文献   
我国自然灾害频发,地震、洪水、泥石流等灾害极容易对道路,房屋等建筑造成巨大的损坏,从而对抢险过程直接或间接地增加了难度。为了高效遂行抢险任务和提高抢险能力,就有必要提高处理交通基础设施的能力。而抢险设备的选择和合理的配置能够大大提高抢险任务效率。一方面,对于不同的抢险任务,有着不同的作业内容,其中所需要的抢险器械也各不相同。另一方面,同一种工程机械又有着不同的型号,各自又具有独特的技术性能和适用范围。一种机械可以完成多种作业,而一种作业又可以使用多种工程机械。因此如何对工程机械的选择以及合理的配置是本文的重点。  相似文献   
To improve the efficiency of large-scale evacuations, a network aggregation method and a bi-level optimization control method are proposed in this paper. The network aggregation method indicates the uncertain evacuation demand on the arterial sub-network and balances accuracy and efficiency by refining local road sub-networks. The bi-level optimization control method is developed to reconfigure the aggregated network from both supply and demand sides with contraflow and conflict elimination. The main purpose of this control method is to make the arterial sub-network to be served without congestion and interruption. Then, a corresponding bi-objective network flow model is presented in a static manner for an oversaturated network, and a Genetic Algorithm-based solution method is used to solve the evacuation problem. The numerical results from optimizing a city-scale evacuation network for a super typhoon justify the validity and usefulness of the network aggregation and optimization control methods.  相似文献   
Recently connected vehicle (CV) technology has received significant attention thanks to active pilot deployments supported by the US Department of Transportation (USDOT). At signalized intersections, CVs may serve as mobile sensors, providing opportunities of reducing dependencies on conventional vehicle detectors for signal operation. However, most of the existing studies mainly focus on scenarios that penetration rates of CVs reach certain level, e.g., 25%, which may not be feasible in the near future. How to utilize data from a small number of CVs to improve traffic signal operation remains an open question. In this work, we develop an approach to estimate traffic volume, a key input to many signal optimization algorithms, using GPS trajectory data from CV or navigation devices under low market penetration rates. To estimate traffic volumes, we model vehicle arrivals at signalized intersections as a time-dependent Poisson process, which can account for signal coordination. The estimation problem is formulated as a maximum likelihood problem given multiple observed trajectories from CVs approaching to the intersection. An expectation maximization (EM) procedure is derived to solve the estimation problem. Two case studies were conducted to validate our estimation algorithm. One uses the CV data from the Safety Pilot Model Deployment (SPMD) project, in which around 2800 CVs were deployed in the City of Ann Arbor, MI. The other uses vehicle trajectory data from users of a commercial navigation service in China. Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of the estimation is found to be 9–12%, based on benchmark data manually collected and data from loop detectors. Considering the existing scale of CV deployments, the proposed approach could be of significant help to traffic management agencies for evaluating and operating traffic signals, paving the way of using CVs for detector-free signal operation in the future.  相似文献   
A perspective view of of Japanese R&D activities of Driver Information Systems is given from the standpoint of developing joint projects by public and private sectors. First, a brief history of the R&D activities is illustrated from above mentioned standpoint. Then, two major projects, AMTICS and RACS, and the social backgrounds of these projects are explained. In order to give a clear idea of both projects some technical details are treated.Based on the history and the present status of the developments, the basic design conceptions of Japanese Driver Information Systems are explained and several factors or reasons which have influenced to the design conception are discussed. Then, the promoting systems of the R&D activities are generally explained and present status of the projects and future problems in developing more advanced systems are also handled. A brief discussion on the establishment of international standard is also mentioned as a final comment.  相似文献   
对RS20交换机的配置进行探索研究具有很强的实用性,重点介绍了RS20交换机在轨道交通无线通信系统中的应用,通过不断的实践摸索,初步掌握了一套快速配置RS20交换机的方法,并对这种配置方法进行了探讨.  相似文献   
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