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Maritime trade has been and even continues to account for about a lion's share of India's total cargo volumes. Despite the growth of multimodal transport (by land, water and air), shipping still continues to be the major mode of transport in the bulk carriage of country's overseas trade. In view of this vital role of shipping, in the first four decades of independence, under the initiative of planned development and active government support, India's shipping and port sector saw dramatic growth in their performance to build adequate national fleet, in keeping up with the transport of overseas cargo. However, the onset of economic liberalization in 1991 has given rise to many new dimensions in the development of the shipping and port sector of the country with a significant redefinition of shipping and port services, in response to the new global trend patterns. For instance, it has also established the new era of containerization in the mode of cargo delivery from the dominance of the era of bulk and break-bulk trade during the decade of sixties and seventies. Moreover, as global competition increases, in response to this emerging trade patterns within this country, India's volume of traffic growth also increases manifold. So, India's shipping and port sectors need, significantly, to build up and furnish their capacity by increasing the frequency of this mode of transport i.e. the growth of the national overseas fleet to meet this surging demand. This paper, therefore, have focused on this role of shipping in such rising overseas trade, with a view to examine the shipping performance (the growth of overseas fleet) in response to the growing overseas trade at all ports of India during the period (1999–2000 to 2008–2009), in terms of both a mathematical model and a graphical representation. Finally, it concludes that the absolute overseas trade, being highly import dependent, have led to a more or less stagnant performance in overseas shipping, owing to the lack of the adequate growth of absolute overseas exports during this period.  相似文献   
结合我国近年来道路交通安全管理态势发展特征,重点分析了机动车驾驶人交通安全违法行为累积记分制度在设计构建和实践应用环节存在的问题,着眼于买分卖分、满分降级等社会热点问题,借鉴欧美发达国家违法记分管理的经验做法,研究提出了动态记分周期、安全驾驶记录、车险关联机制等改进对策建议,为我国驾驶人交通违法查处、道路通行秩序保障提供决策参考.  相似文献   
新冠肺炎疫情对交通运输行业的影响及政策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
周健 《交通标准化》2020,6(1):13-18
2019年底开始的新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情对交通运输行业造成了明显冲击。为分析疫情对当前交通运输行业带来的影响,重点从客运、货运、港口生产、交通固定资产投资四方面进行了研究。然后,提出了四方面政策建议,包括加强交通运输疫情防控、积极发挥交通投资稳定器作用、加大高速公路通行服务保障和确保关系国计民生的重点物资基本运输需求,以便为各级交通运输管理部门决策提供参考,争取将疫情对行业的影响降到最低程度。  相似文献   
在经济全球化趋势下,我国加工贸易也随着国际贸易的发展而不断深化、发展。但同时我们也要看到,我国加工贸易发展中还存在很多问题,需要我们高度重视,研究分析并加以解决。文章介绍了我国加工贸易的现状、目前存在的主要问题,并对其发展出路进行了探讨。  相似文献   
阐述水路内贸集装箱运输业务流程分类及水路内贸集装箱运输单证作用,分析整箱货物门到门交货的水路内贸集装箱运输业务流程,提出改进建议。  相似文献   
为引进国外先进技术和设备,提高我国铁路的技术装备水平,几年来利用外资的工程建设项目不断增多.这不仅有效缓解了建设项目的融资难度,而且缩短了建设工期,降低了运营期成本.在竣工后的清理概算阶段,编制外资清理概算是一项非常繁杂的工作.此文通过对外资概算组成的分析,提出外资清理概算编制的要点.并以工程实例,论述外资清理概算的编制方法和对有关问题的处理及建议,为类似工程提供借鉴.  相似文献   
旨在研究陕渝铁水联运通道的建设必要性及架构方案,从铁水联运格局、能源供应及社会经济发展方面论证通道建设的必要性,预测通道煤炭及外贸物资运量,经方案比选,提出通道架构方案,通过径路比较,得出通道经济供应范围,最后从通道内铁路、港口、长江水道三方面分析得出通道能力能够满足运输需求。  相似文献   
排污权交易市场秩序的特征、功能与制度安排   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
排污权交易市场秩序在本质上是一种利益和谐、竞争适度、收益共享的环境资源配置状态和利益关系体系。构建排污权交易市场秩序的关键是对排污权进行立法等必要的法制建设、排污权交易市场的政府管制以及完善排污权交易制度;在此基础上进行利益关系的和谐,以便消除各种经济主体之间、地方政府之间以及政府与各种社会经济主体之间的利益冲突,保障排污权交易市场的有序性,从而实现利益和谐。  相似文献   
贸易自由与贸易保护始终贯穿于国际贸易发展史,但经济全球化下的某些贸易保护主义应该说因其表面的合法性、合理性使之具有隐蔽性、欺骗性,对我国对外贸易尤其货物贸易产生重大影响。在分析的基础上,提出我国应对措施及建议。  相似文献   
饭店餐饮服务质量的好坏决定着餐饮企业的顾客满意度,决定了企业的利润,因此,提升饭店餐饮服务质量刻不容缓.从餐饮企业的角度来说,马斯洛需求层次理论也界定了餐饮服务需求的层次,认真分析饭店餐饮服务需求的不同层次以及不同层次的服务存在的问题,对提升饭店餐饮服务质量有着极其重要的意义.  相似文献   
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