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Integrated land use and transportation forecasting models are used to assist decision-makers in the policy analysis and infrastructure capital improvement selection process. These models are typically given precise, point-estimate inputs that are mathematically linked, through a series of submodels, to forecasted model outputs. These point-estimate inputs represent an unrealistic level of precision and a growing body of research is focusing on statistical techniques to model uncertainty in model inputs and parameters and tracking the effects of this uncertainty through the various submodels to the model outputs. This paper presents an uncertainty analysis of the Large Zone Economic Module (LZEM) of the Simple, Efficient, Elegant, and Effective Model (SE3M) of land use and transportation. Three case-study implementations of the model are used to obtain a reasonably sound approximation of how uncertainty affects LZEM outputs: Guam, Puerto Rico, and Oahu, Hawaii. These case studies were the subject of an early transferability study with SE3M and were selected based on both their insularity and diverse physical, economic, and demographic geographies. The findings of this research demonstrate that LZEM has a robust framework, with the potential to estimate error both in the positive and negative direction under uncertain input/parameter conditions.  相似文献   
The optimal allocation of multiple land uses constitutes a complex multi-objective optimization problem with unknown feasible objective space and optimal planning alternatives. Despite the effectiveness of evolutionary algorithms to capture the underlying Pareto set of optimum maps, land use planners are bound to pursue the best possible spatial allocation of each use within an enormous population of non-dominated solutions. This article presents a novel post-processing methodology enhancing the comparative evaluation of alternative planning approaches without making any assumptions about the (relative) importance of each objective function. The proposed consolidated post-processing module is applied in a land use planning paradigm, revealing: (a) the existence of substantial planning guidelines whose validity is not affected by the relative significance of each criterion and (b) the variable planning component emerging from the (varying) relative importance of objective functions. Such planning feedback could not be extracted by the exhaustive review of non-dominated maps.  相似文献   
通过应用有限元法和流体边界元法对船舶尾板的振动性能作较全面的分析研究,从而了解尾板自身的振动特性及尾板对船体结构振动响应的影响,为尾板的设计提供结构动力性能方面的依据。  相似文献   
微气泡层减阻的边界层模型计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以流体中光滑平板为例,建立微气泡层覆盖平板的气液简单边界层模型,采用平板层流理论,对给定的气泡喷射参数和流体特性参数计算了微气泡层状态下平板的摩擦阻力,结果显示微气泡层对平板有明显减阻效果;最后给出了气体边界层的速度分布和剪切应力分布.  相似文献   
为了研究重型车在国六边界条件相对于常温常压下的排放变化,在海拔环境仓重型车转鼓上用便携式排放测试设备测试了1辆国六阶段的重型车,比较了四种环境条件下的排放。结果表明:对于CO2、CO和PN分析,海拔的增加和温度的降低都造成排放恶劣,但海拔的影响更大,对于CO2,2400米边界条件下相对于常温常压排放因子增加8.7%,比排放增加19.3%,对于CO,2400米边界条件下相对于常温常压排放因子增加199.0%,比排放增加197.9%,对于PN,2400米边界条件下相对于常温常压排放因子增加688.1%,比排放增加665.1%,远超-7℃环境下的排放增长量。对于NOX,温度和海拔边界条件都对NOX都是有恶化影响,温度边界条件相对于海拔边界条件,影响更大,-7℃环境下,相对于常温常压,排放因子增加26.6%,比排放增加22.4%,超过国六a和国六b的海拔边界条件下的增长量。  相似文献   
This paper addresses the relationship between land use, destination selection, and travel mode choice. Specifically, it focuses on intrazonal trips, a sub-category of trip making where both trip origin and trip destination are contained in the same geographic unit of analysis, using data from the 1994 Household Activity and Travel Diary Survey conducted by Portland Metro. Using multinomial logit and binary logistic models to measure travel mode choice and decision to internalize trips, the evidence supports the conclusions that (1) intrazonal trips characteristics suggest mode choice for these trips might be influenced by urban form, which in turn affects regional trip distribution; (2) there is a threshold effect in the ability of economic diversity/mixed use to alter travel behavior; and (3) greater emphasis to destinations within the area where an individual’s home is located needs to be given in trip distribution models.  相似文献   
张建勋 《北方交通》2012,(11):110-111
根据朝阳环城公路项目建设的工作实践,总结了项目前期审批和征地拆迁工作。  相似文献   
从自由湍流噪声、壁面湍流噪声、转子噪声和空腔流动4 个方面对流致噪声机理及预报方法进行综述。对目前工程应用中的3个主要流致噪声预报方法,即Lighthill声比拟理论、Kirchhoff方法和涡声理论的基本原理及适用性进行详细讨论,并对流致噪声数值模拟方法进行总结。其中,Lighthill声比拟理论属噪声源先验理论,虽方便应用但不能描述声流相互作用基础问题;Kirchhoff方法在运用的过程中虽不需要确切获知源的属性,但声源区的计算精度很重要;涡声理论在声流相互作用等领域有着良好的研究前景。自由湍流噪声以四极子雷诺应力源为主,存在如螺旋桨等固壁边界时则会产生偶极子源,在低马赫数流动中是更为有效的声源。  相似文献   
采用基于边界瞬时涡量守恒(IVCBC)的纯拉格朗日涡方法,结合并列双圆柱的结构特点,建立双圆柱绕流数值计算模型。在间隙率T/D=1.1~2.6时,并列双圆柱绕流会出现宽尾流(WW)和窄尾流(NW)现象。利用两圆柱间隙中心点的诱导速度方向与间隙流的偏转方向同步的特性,提出一种区别宽、窄尾流的数值计算方法;比较间隙流的偏转方向与该间隙中点的速度偏转方向,并进行典型的算例分析。结果表明:该方法能准确区别宽尾流和窄尾流,可为数值研究这一特殊区域的流体特征提供重要的数值计算方法。  相似文献   
该文对应用双互易边界元法进行三维声场特征值分析时所用的近似函数进行了研究和讨论.分别以RBF函数、TPS函数和扩展的RBF和TPS函数作为近似函数对一长方体封闭空间声特征值进行了计算.计算结果表明:TPS函数得出的结果与其它函数相比是比较精确的,且收敛速度较快,但高次的TPS函数并没有显示出优势;TPS函数、扩展的TPS函数和RBF函数对于域内点的选取不太敏感.  相似文献   
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