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在国务院扩大交通运输业营业税改征增值税试点范围之际,对上海港航运业增值税改革进行探讨。分析港航业产业与配套产业关联度,阐述上海港航运业增值税改革的效应。在此基础上提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   
ATCA是PICMG组织定义的高级电信计算机架构,它采用了可变的冗余设计手段,体现高可靠性和高可用性特点。首先分析了ATCA的特征,并介绍其作为信号产品之一的CTCS.3级列控系统无线闭塞中心硬件平台的应用成果。  相似文献   
集装箱多式联运是先进的运输组织方式之一,是国际物流活动的主导运输组织形式。通过分析影响铁路集装箱多式联运发展的因素,从密切与政府的统筹协商,加强铁路内部的协调,实现技术装备的改进以及转变经营策略等方面提出建议。  相似文献   
通过分析物流配送的时空特性,指出了区分白天和深夜两套路网的必要性。为了研究的方便,将配送组织问题分解为配货装车问题、送货问题,并分别阐述了这两个问题的求解算法,给出了物流中心配送组织方案的解决流程。  相似文献   
多功能车辆总线(Multifunction Vehicle Bus,MVB)已经广泛应用于轨道交通车辆,而恶劣的工作环境易造成MVB网络通信性能退化,严重时危及行车安全.在对MVB网络常见故障进行分析的基础上,从MVB物理层和数据链路层中提取网络状态特征,提出了一种基于异质Logistic集成学习的MVB网络异常检测方...  相似文献   
公交车内站立乘客面积是影响公共交通乘车阶段乘客满意度的关键指标.将使乘客感受由不满意转变为满意的公交车站立乘客面积的临界值定义为临界站立乘客面积.本文旨在提出临界站立乘客面积的建议值.首先,在呼和浩特市开展了客流调查及问卷调查;然后,基于调查所获数据,采用有序 Logistic回归建立了乘客满意度与站立乘客面积的模型;最后,通过对所建模型的图形化分析,提出临界站立乘客面积(即保证乘客满意的最小站立乘客面积)的建议值为 0.25 m2/人.本文研究成果为公共交通乘车阶段的乘客满意度评价、舒适性评价提供量化依据,为公交车额定载客量的核定提供新思路.  相似文献   
In a no-notice disaster (e.g., nuclear explosion, terrorist attack, or hazardous materials release), an evacuation may start immediately after the disaster strikes. When a no-notice evacuation occurs during the daytime, household members are scattered throughout the regional network, and some family members (e.g., children) may need to be picked up. This household pick-up and gathering behavior was seldom investigated in previous work due to insufficient data; this gap in our understanding about who within families handles child-gathering is addressed here. Three hundred fifteen interviews were conducted in the Chicago metropolitan area to ascertain how respondents planned their response to hypothetical no-notice emergency evacuation orders. This paper presents the influencing factors that affect household pick-up and gathering behavior/expectations and the logistic regression models developed to predict the probability that parents pick up a child in three situations: a normal weekday and two hypothetical emergency scenarios. The results showed that both mothers and fathers were more likely to pick up a child under emergency conditions than they were on a normal weekday. For a normal weekday, increasing the distance between parents and children decreased the probability of parents picking up children; in other words, the farther parents are from their children, the less likely they will pick them up. In an emergency, effects of distance on pick-up behavior were significant for women, but not significant for men; that is, increasing the distance between parents and children decreased the probability that mothers pick up a child, but had a less significant effect on the fathers’ probability. Another significant factor affecting child pick-up behavior/expectations was household income when controlling for distance. The results of this study confirm that parents expect to gather children under emergency conditions, which needs to be accounted for in evacuation planning; failure to do so could cause difficulties in executing the pick-ups, lead to considerable queuing and rerouting, and extend the time citizens are exposed to high levels of risk.  相似文献   
摩托车国Ⅲ工况排放测试和耐久性测试中,摩托车要在底盘测功机上跟踪规定的曲线行驶,风机模拟道路行驶中的自然风冷却车辆,速度满足风速等于车速。由于从风机出口断面到摩托车发动机有一定距离,随着距离的增加,出口风速、风量会发生衰减和扩散,这样,到达发动机的风速必然小于车速,致使冷却效果下降,模拟效果不佳,长时间运行还会对发动机、催化转化器产生损害,影响排放结果。  相似文献   
全过程沉降量是软土路基上路堤工程设计的关键要素之一。文章系统介绍了几种常用的全过程沉降预测方法,评价了其各自特点,并提出了相应的改进措施,最后通过典型事例验证了改进方法的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   
王建平 《水运工程》2005,(12):68-75
介绍上海国际航运中心洋山深水港区一期陆域形成抛、吹填砂、回填开山石工程施工和监理所采取的有效质量控制措施和最终钻孔结果及工程质量验收情况,总结洋山深水港一期陆域形成工程的经验和教训,为洋山港后续陆域形成工程提供宝贵的经验。  相似文献   
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