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软件成本估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成本管理是软件项目管理的主要内容之一,软件成本估算是项目成本管理的一个非常重要的部分。概述了常用的软件成本估算方法并比较了其优缺点,详细介绍了目前国际上广泛应用的由美国南加州大学软件工程研究中心提出的COCOMOⅡ成本估算模型。  相似文献   
高强钢筋混凝土非线性力学模型研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对高强钢筋混凝土非线性分析,对非线性分析中裂缝的模拟、钢筋混凝土材料本构关系及其非线性问题求解方法的改进进行研究,提出了适用于高强混凝土的本构曲线,并将混合法用于非线性问题,为高强钢筋混凝土梁非线性分析提供了理论基础。  相似文献   
Many access channels and harbours suffer from sedimentation and formation of mud layers. To keep navigation safe and economic, extensive maintenance dredging is needed. Until now, the required level of dredging has always been determined by making use of the physical characteristics of the mud layer, which does not necessarily result in efficient dredging. Ship behaviour also matters, and knowledge of ship manoeuvrability can help to redefine the level of dredging required. A mathematical model of manoeuvring for simulation purposes, based on a comprehensive series of captive model tests, is presented, along with a selection of results.  相似文献   
This paper examines the linkages between the space-distribution of grain sizes and the relative percentage of the amount of mineral species that result from the mixing process of siliciclastic and carbonate sediments at the Ria de Vigo (NW of Spain).The space-distribution of minerals was initially determined, starting from a detailed mineralogical study based on XRD-Rietveld analysis of the superficial sediments. Correlations between the maps obtained for grain sizes, average fractions of either siliciclastic or carbonates, as well as for individual-minerals, were further stabilised. From this analysis, spatially organized patterns were found between carbonates and several minerals involved in the siliciclastic fraction. In particular, a coupled behaviour is observed between plagioclases and carbonates, in terms of their relative percentage amounts and the grain size distribution.In order to explain these results a conceptual model is proposed, based on the interplay between chemical processes at the seawater–sediment interface and hydrodynamical factors. This model suggests the existence of chemical control mechanisms that, by selective processes of dissolution-crystallization, constrain the mixed environment's long-term evolution, inducing the formation of self-organized sedimentary patterns.  相似文献   
高腾  许焕敏 《水运工程》2020,(4):175-179
针对绞吸式挖泥船产量预测困难的问题,对挖泥船作业实时反馈的数据进行研究。利用Relief权重算法提取出影响挖泥船产量的主要工艺参量,并在此基础上采用偏最小二乘回归,建立主要工艺参量与产量之间的数学模型,实现对挖泥船产量的预测。结果表明,利用偏最小二乘回归建立的数学模型能够很好地对挖泥船的产量进行预测,可为预测挖泥船的产量提供一种有效的方法。  相似文献   
针对海洋科研平台、科考船等减摇系统的快速响应性工作需求,在螺旋桨推进器基础上开发了一种零航速矢量减摇系统。本文介绍系统机构设计及其工作原理,结合耐波性计算分析获取船舶横摇规律,采用滑台搭载重物往复移动方式,模拟船舶规则横摇以获得规则波实验条件,并通过船模实验验证该减摇装置作用下的船舶横摇减摇效果。零航速规则波模拟实验研究表明,该减摇装置具有可控性强、易改装的特点,能够大幅提高船舶的耐波性,为后续工程试验船舶上安装该减摇系统奠定理论与实验基础。  相似文献   
环形水槽二维数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘要 运用二维数模方法,得到了环形水槽任一断面上的流场、压力场.通过分析认为,环形水槽可以用来模拟长直水槽.  相似文献   
本文利用Patanker求解紊动输运方程标准的SIMPLEC计算程式,对小尺度丁坝绕流进行了模拟计算,取得了与水槽试验一致的流速分布结果。为了探讨大尺度水域紊动量K、ε壁面边界条件的给定,本文将水槽看成是一种比尺模型,将水槽试验流速分布按重力相似和阻力相似准则延伸到大尺度水域,并以此研究k—ε模型模拟大尺度回流的置信水平。计算结果表明通过选择合适的紊动量壁面边界条件,该模型对大尺度回流计算也能取得较好的结果。  相似文献   
江淮气旋大风预报研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江淮气旋大风预报研究的结果表明:气旋大风的预报实际上就是冷空气南下造成地面加压与气旋东移造成地面降压,这两个因素所造成气压梯度发展变化地以预报。还介绍用天气学原理建立的大风预报模式,以及用数理统计方法判别有无强风的预报,经过历史拟合和试报,在预报气旋大风中有一定的准确性。  相似文献   
High speed and sport utility vehicles with large joint articulation angle demand lower friction in automotive driveshaft joints to meet noise and vibration comfort levels. Thus a more thorough understanding of internal friction characteristics and mechanisms is required. In this paper, a friction model in automotive driveshaft joints was developed through the use of test data from an instrumented Constant Velocity (CV) joint friction apparatus with actual driveshaft assemblies. Experiments were conducted under different realistic operating conditions of oscillatory speeds, CV joint articulation angles, lubrication, and torque. The experimental data was used to develop a physics-based semi-empirical CV joint internal friction model as a function of different CV joint operating parameters. It was found that the proposed friction model captures the experimental results well. Also the friction model estimates the generated axial force (GAF) in tripod CV joints well, which is the main source of force that causes vehicle vibration problems.  相似文献   
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