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该文通过有机玻璃模型试验和MIDAS仿真分析,对京津公路立交桥D匝道桥进行了三种预应力张拉顺序的对比研究,详细分析了预应力对曲线箱梁桥力学性能的影响,结果表明不同的张拉顺序对预应力混凝土曲线梁桥的力学性能影响较大,并给出了较为合理的张拉顺序。  相似文献   
为突破响应时间与控制精度的性能瓶颈,提出一种基于直驱阀的快速响应线控制动系统,通过基于Halbach永磁阵列的电磁直线执行器直接驱动阀芯,实现制动轮缸液压力的迅速调节.建立线控制动系统电磁、机械和液压子系统模型,设计基于逻辑门限的线控制动系统液压力-直驱阀位置切换控制架构.压力环采用滑模变结构控制,使轮缸液压力迅速逼近...  相似文献   
为模拟运营条件下高速铁路道岔转辙器的转换过程,根据高速铁路道岔转辙器的转换特点,在道岔生产车间内建立了客专线18号道岔转辙器转换原型试验平台,采用轴销式称重传感器测量转辙器扳动力,以直、曲尖轨支距实际值与理论值之差为尖轨不足位移;通过转辙器转换试验探索了尖轨预弯、尖轨可动段长度、尖轨固定端扣件支距、滑床板摩擦因数、辊轮高度等因素对尖轨不足位移的影响机制和特征。试验结果表明:现有设计尖轨预弯可使尖轨不足位移下降30%以上;缩短尖轨可动段长度可减小尖轨不足位移,但同时会减小转辙器最小轮缘槽宽,并增大第3牵引点扳动力,尖轨最小轮缘槽宽和最后一个牵引点扳动力是缩短尖轨可动段长度的控制因素;小范围调整固定端所有扣件支距后,尖轨不足位移变化较小,仅减小固定端第1组扣件支距时,尖轨靠近固定端1.2 m范围内不足位移略有降低,其余部分不足位移变化较小;在滑床板上安装辊轮或涂覆润滑剂等减小尖轨与滑床板摩擦因数的措施可有效降低尖轨扳动力和不足位移,实施减摩措施后,扳动力减幅约为30%,不足位移减幅超过20%;改变辊轮高度对尖轨不足位移的影响并不明显,但辊轮高度不宜过低,以防转换过程中辊轮失效导致扳动力和不足位移激增。研究结果可为高速铁路道岔转辙器结构优化和新一代400 km·h-1高速铁路道岔的研发提供参考。  相似文献   
混凝土损伤模型的研究,实际上是研究混凝土材料的本构行为。在外界因素作用下,材料的累积变形引起结构内部损伤发展,最终的损伤将产生宏观裂缝直至整个结构破坏。根据Najar损伤理论,提出了新的分段曲线混凝土受压损伤变量模型和混凝土受拉软化段损伤变量模型,给出了不同强度混凝土损伤变量方程和损伤演化方程。通过计算对比分析认为,建议的损伤模型与已有的混凝土本构模型较吻合。该方法的优点是参数少,不同的混凝土强度有确定的损伤演变方程,可以动态分析混凝土的累积损伤程度。在此基础上,根据已有混凝土反复荷载作用下的滞回规则,建立了在某一循环荷载下的加载、再加载、卸载路径下的损伤本构模型,该模型考虑了混凝土在反复荷载作用下的应力跌落、裂面效应、强度下降、刚度退化等力学性能。应用本文建议的模型进行反复荷载下的截面损伤计算,试验结果与文献计算结果较吻合。  相似文献   
This paper presents a study of customer preferences and opinions about alternative fuel vehicles. Nowadays the studies of green technologies, especially in the area of green transport, are interesting for policy makers, vehicle producers, customers and energy suppliers. Many stakeholders from public and private sector are investing a lot of effort to identify consumer behaviour for future improvements in development of their green products and strategies. This study is a modification of previously conducted research on customer behaviour on the same topic in Scotland. The survey includes almost 700 participants to identify the most important parameters of consumer behaviour related to purchase of alternative fuel vehicle. Therefore the questionnaire includes different factors, combining financial and technical aspects, environmental performance and vehicle design. Results have revealed that the most relevant factor for purchasing low emission vehicle is total vehicle price, and that the segment of potential alternative fuel vehicles buyers is much larger than we initially anticipated. Such vehicles are, surprisingly, also more attractive for the older population, according to our results.  相似文献   
本文探讨了汽车夜间行驶中对向会车时,大灯远光产生的灯光对驾驶员视线的影响,并且基于该问题研究了大灯远近光自动切换的方案。  相似文献   
通过分析曲线线路上影响承力索张力变化的因素,得出了张力差公式,进而对吊弦计算中承力索张力值进行控制,以提高吊弦计算精确度。  相似文献   
马广文 《上海公路》2012,(3):57-59,14
LY温拌剂是一种使用多种废旧材料复合而成的温拌添加剂。通过对LY温拌沥青混合料和热拌沥青混合料的性能测试及比较,结果表明:添加该温拌剂对沥青混合料的性能提升效果明显,优于对应热拌沥青混合料。  相似文献   
本文给出了软铝颗粒连续挤压过程恒张力卷绕的电气控制系统,探讨了①活套长度检测环节的非线性问题及其近似等效方法;②产品挤出速度变化对张力的扰动及其补偿控制方法;③动态张力问题及系统的软起动方法.采用这些方法提高了系统的性能,满足了工艺要求.  相似文献   
The mathematical modeling group (MMG) model is well known and is widely used in the field of ship maneuverability. However, the MMG model can be applied only after determination of the hydrodynamic coefficients either from comprehensive captive model tests or from general empirical data. Around the cruising speed, when a ship's drift angle is relatively small, several methods have been developed to predict hydrodynamic coefficients from the ship's principal particulars, e.g., Kijima's method. Kijima's method is efficient in predicting the ship's maneuverability at the initial design stage and is even able to assess the effect of changes in stern design. Similarly, for the low speed range when a ship's drift angle is relatively large, several methods for predicting the ship's hydrodynamic coefficients have been proposed, based on captive model tests, such as those by Kose, Kobayashi, and Yumuro. However, most of the methods developed for low speeds cannot be applied to general ship types without additional experiments being performed. In contrast, Karasuno's method uses theoretical and empirical approaches to predict the hydrodynamic forces, even for large drift motions. Although Karasuno's model utilizes the ship's principal particulars and is applicable to a general vessel, it has not been widely used. This is because the form of Karasuno's model is relatively complicated and its accuracy around the cruising speed is less than that for other methods that have been specifically developed for the cruising speed range. A practical method for predicting hydrodynamic forces for the entire operating speed range of blunt-body ships is proposed in this article. It is based on the MMG model and predicts hydrodynamic coefficients based on a ship's principal particulars. A regression model for the proposed method has also been proposed by analyzing 21 different blunt-body ships. Finally, simulations of a very large 4-m crude carrier (VLCC) model using the proposed method were carried out and the results compared with free-running experiments (both at the cruising speed and at low speeds) to validate the efficacy of the model.  相似文献   
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